Papers by Ignacio Gómez García
Viralizar la educación. Red de experiancias educativas en torno al meme de Internet, 2019
Internet memes have become ubiquitous on social media. Generally they contain a humorous overtone... more Internet memes have become ubiquitous on social media. Generally they contain a humorous overtone, however their purpose is not always playful, especially when they draw upon satire and sarcasm to denounce or make certain situations evident to provoke debate. From the perspective of Sistemic Functional Linguistics memes represent a very interesting object of study, because of their multimodal nature in which visual elements are as important as the textual ones in sense making. This article aims to highlight the semiotic potential of memes, thus making them a valuable resource for education and socialization.
El pasado 23 de junio se llevó a cabo un referéndum en el Reino Unido para definir el estatus de ... more El pasado 23 de junio se llevó a cabo un referéndum en el Reino Unido para definir el estatus de esa nación en el contexto de la Unión Europea. Existían dos alternativas: salida o permanencia, las que, con una finalidad de economía del lenguaje, se denominaron BREXIT (contracción de British Exit) y BREMAIN (contracción de British Remain), respectivamente. El resultado de la votación es de sobra conocido: BREXIT ganó por un estrecho margen, lo cual provocó el descontento de las generaciones más jóvenes pues, entre otras cuestiones, consideran que fueron despojados de la posibilidad de vivir y trabajar en los países que conforman el espacio Schengen. Los adultos mayores, quienes en su mayoría se decantaron por abandonar el bloque europeo, justifican su decisión escudándose en temas como la soberanía nacional, el control migratorio y la fuga de recursos de nación británica hacia Bruselas. La prensa desempeñó un papel protagónico en el triunfo del BREXIT, pues circularon una gran cantidad de mitos e historias que reforzaron los temores presentes entre amplios sectores de la población, logrando inclinar la balanza de manera definitiva.
Resumen El advenimiento de Internet ha impactado en todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana, y el... more Resumen El advenimiento de Internet ha impactado en todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana, y el ámbito empresarial no podía ser la excepción. Modelos de negocio que habían funcionado durante siglos están siendo desplazados, incluso reemplazados, por nuevas y revolucionarias propuestas basadas en las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC). El e-marketing es una herramienta que permite realizar campañas publicitarias y de promoción más efectivas y a costos más accesibles que los medios tradicionales, además de tener la ventaja de tener un alcance global, lo cual –debidamente capitalizado-permite la entrada a mercados internacionales. En México, las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas (PYMES) incursionan en la era digital, sin embargo la falta de preparación y estrategias con relación al uso de las TIC es un factor que impide el pleno aprovechamiento de estos recursos.
Universal access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a primordial necessity in... more Universal access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is a primordial necessity in contemporary societies, hence the importance conferred by the governments of nations worldwide that elaborate policies oriented toward the reduction of the digital divide. Nevertheless, most of these policies center on the infrastructural side of the matter, leaving aside aspects related with digital literacy. ICT’s are not an end by their selves, but instruments that help in the construction of a more equalitarian society, with more transparency and with a stronger participatory culture, but to reach that stage requires more focus on the cognitive aspects related to the use of ICT’s. This paper centers on the use of social media as a source of information by undergrad students of private universities in the city of León, Guanajuato, México.
El uso de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en las empresas ha sido abordado de ma... more El uso de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) en las empresas ha sido abordado de manera extensa en la literatura académica de países altamente industrializados, sin embargo en México la producción de artículos científicos es reducida, y la mayoría aborda el tema desde la perspectiva de las grandes empresas. Lo anterior es un tanto paradójico, sobre todo considerando que las PyMEs representan el 99.8% de las empresas, generan 52% del Producto Interno Bruto (PIB) y 72% del empleo en el país, de acuerdo con datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía. En el presente trabajo se lleva a cabo una revisión de estudios realizados en diversas regiones de México con la intención de contrastar abordajes teórico-metodológicos para encontrar puntos en común y divergencias en temas relacionados con la adopción de TIC en las PYMES, el desarrollo de Capacidades Tecnológicas e instrumentos que permitan su medición.
‘Gamification’ might be a neologism but, from a sociological perspective, it is possible to trace... more ‘Gamification’ might be a neologism but, from a sociological perspective, it is possible to trace elements of its application as far back as the dawn of the Soviet Union, as a strategy to achieve the production goals that were set in the First Five-Year Plan. This article is an
exercise aimed to explore the relation between gamification and social communication engineering, and to highlight its potential as a useful resource in the second stage of the
methodology proposed by Luis Jesús Galindo Cáceres. The first segment focuses on the
importance of games from a socio-cultural point of view, as we review the works of key authors such as Roger Huizinga and Roger Caillois. On second term we move toward defining gamification as well as its characteristics. The next station on this tour takes us to
the past, for a revision of experiences considered as historical precedents of gamification. Moving on, we go over some basic notions of social engineering and, to conclude, a review of successful application cases is made, in order to stablish the usefulness of this technique for social communication engineering.
Internet and some resources typical of Web 2.0 allow the empowerment of audiences by providing th... more Internet and some resources typical of Web 2.0 allow the empowerment of audiences by providing the means to create and circulate contents transforming the min to prosumers.
Imemes represent an excellent example of this phenomenon because they are produced by users and viralized by using social media platforms. The relationship between the creation of imemes based on political events and collective creation are explored in this work. The decision to focus on the specific incident that involved legislators of Partido Acción Nacional, and their assistance and behavior at a party with lap dancers, is based on the reach and impact of the political actors involved. We aim to demonstrate that even if the creation of imemes is ludic in nature, it also constitutes a legitimate criticism and lead to a reinforcement of beliefs and perceptions, about the Mexican political system, rooted in popular culture.
Contexturas, Apr 1, 2004
Artículo que señala algunos aspectos que hacen de la cantina de barrio mexicana un objeto de estu... more Artículo que señala algunos aspectos que hacen de la cantina de barrio mexicana un objeto de estudio pertinente y relevante.
Entretextos, Apr 1, 2015
This article is the result of a survey amongst students of private
universities in the city of L... more This article is the result of a survey amongst students of private
universities in the city of León, Guanajuato, México. The main focus was on learning about the use of social networking sites –specifically Facebook and Twitter-, as information sources for news events and the perceived reliability of those sources. Finally we wanted to know what kinds of news are preferred by these users depending on the platform.
Para poder comprender el impacto que las redes sociales tienen sobre la educación, primero debemo... more Para poder comprender el impacto que las redes sociales tienen sobre la educación, primero debemos comprender cómo es que el uso y convivencia con las TICs ha impactado y dado forma a estudiantes con un nuevo perfil, con características y necesidades radicalmente distintas a las de cualquier otra generación. Sus formas de comunicación y entretenimiento han cambiado al igual que su concepto de aprendizaje. Ante ello, hay que reconocer la oportunidad que representan los servicios de redes sociales para el ejercicio docente.
Entretextos, Dec 1, 2013
Los memes no son solamente viñetas con tintes humorísticos, se trata de una nueva forma de comuni... more Los memes no son solamente viñetas con tintes humorísticos, se trata de una nueva forma de comunicación. El estudio de los memes es crucial para comprender la cultura digital, pues se trata de auténticos dispositivos culturales que continuamente adoptan nuevas funciones y significados.
El presente trabajo es una aproximación al tema y se hará un pequeño recorrido por la historia y evolución del concepto ‘meme’, su llegada al mundo digital y algunos ejemplos que muestran su impacto más allá de la vida online.
Papers by Ignacio Gómez García
exercise aimed to explore the relation between gamification and social communication engineering, and to highlight its potential as a useful resource in the second stage of the
methodology proposed by Luis Jesús Galindo Cáceres. The first segment focuses on the
importance of games from a socio-cultural point of view, as we review the works of key authors such as Roger Huizinga and Roger Caillois. On second term we move toward defining gamification as well as its characteristics. The next station on this tour takes us to
the past, for a revision of experiences considered as historical precedents of gamification. Moving on, we go over some basic notions of social engineering and, to conclude, a review of successful application cases is made, in order to stablish the usefulness of this technique for social communication engineering.
Imemes represent an excellent example of this phenomenon because they are produced by users and viralized by using social media platforms. The relationship between the creation of imemes based on political events and collective creation are explored in this work. The decision to focus on the specific incident that involved legislators of Partido Acción Nacional, and their assistance and behavior at a party with lap dancers, is based on the reach and impact of the political actors involved. We aim to demonstrate that even if the creation of imemes is ludic in nature, it also constitutes a legitimate criticism and lead to a reinforcement of beliefs and perceptions, about the Mexican political system, rooted in popular culture.
universities in the city of León, Guanajuato, México. The main focus was on learning about the use of social networking sites –specifically Facebook and Twitter-, as information sources for news events and the perceived reliability of those sources. Finally we wanted to know what kinds of news are preferred by these users depending on the platform.
El presente trabajo es una aproximación al tema y se hará un pequeño recorrido por la historia y evolución del concepto ‘meme’, su llegada al mundo digital y algunos ejemplos que muestran su impacto más allá de la vida online.
exercise aimed to explore the relation between gamification and social communication engineering, and to highlight its potential as a useful resource in the second stage of the
methodology proposed by Luis Jesús Galindo Cáceres. The first segment focuses on the
importance of games from a socio-cultural point of view, as we review the works of key authors such as Roger Huizinga and Roger Caillois. On second term we move toward defining gamification as well as its characteristics. The next station on this tour takes us to
the past, for a revision of experiences considered as historical precedents of gamification. Moving on, we go over some basic notions of social engineering and, to conclude, a review of successful application cases is made, in order to stablish the usefulness of this technique for social communication engineering.
Imemes represent an excellent example of this phenomenon because they are produced by users and viralized by using social media platforms. The relationship between the creation of imemes based on political events and collective creation are explored in this work. The decision to focus on the specific incident that involved legislators of Partido Acción Nacional, and their assistance and behavior at a party with lap dancers, is based on the reach and impact of the political actors involved. We aim to demonstrate that even if the creation of imemes is ludic in nature, it also constitutes a legitimate criticism and lead to a reinforcement of beliefs and perceptions, about the Mexican political system, rooted in popular culture.
universities in the city of León, Guanajuato, México. The main focus was on learning about the use of social networking sites –specifically Facebook and Twitter-, as information sources for news events and the perceived reliability of those sources. Finally we wanted to know what kinds of news are preferred by these users depending on the platform.
El presente trabajo es una aproximación al tema y se hará un pequeño recorrido por la historia y evolución del concepto ‘meme’, su llegada al mundo digital y algunos ejemplos que muestran su impacto más allá de la vida online.