
34 Pins
Detox bath for autism in kids
Heavy metal detoxes are needed for all kids not just with autism, Nature heals everything, this will help their systems to regulate better. Heavy metals are in over run soil, beauty products. The key to never getting sick is to detox weekly. Help eachother
Learn how to avoid Heavy Metals in your life, detox and live better! -
Learn how to avoid Heavy Metals in your life, detox and live better! - Studio Botanica
Make a heavy metal detox smoothie with me 🍌🫐🌿 #medicalmedium #heavymetaldetoxsmoothie #smoothie | Kelsey Life
Make a heavy metal detox smoothie with me 🍌🫐🌿 #medicalmedium #heavymetaldetoxsmoothie #smoothie | Kelsey Life
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie | 5 Super Yummy Recipes | LOOV
Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie | 5 Super Yummy Recipes | LOOV
Anatomy Of A Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie
10min · 1 serving Breaking down the ingredients and benefits of a heavy metal detox smoothie. This smoothie is designed to flush toxic heavy metals out of the body and promote healing. Ingredients • 1 cup Orange juice • 1 cup Cilantro (coriander) • 2 Bananas (fresh or frozen) • 2 cups Wild blueberries (frozen or wild blueberry powder) • 1 handful of Atlantic dulse • 1 tsp Spirulina • 1 tsp Barley grass juice powder
Chlorella & Cilantro Detox Smoothie to Cleanse the Body From Heavy Metals
This liver cleansing and yummy chlorella smoothie with cilantro is great to cleanse the body from heavy metals. The chlorella and cilantro detox smoothie is made with chlorella powder, cilantro, mango, banana, hemp seeds and coconut water.
Heavy Metal Detox Juice Recipe
You may have heard of the popular Medical Medium heavy metal detox smoothie recipe, but this juice recipe is one of the best heavy metal detox recipes we have come across, and includes nano-zeolite as one of its major ingredients!
🧬 Heavy Metals 101: Protect Your Health! 🧬 Did you know that even small amounts of heavy metals like lead, arsenic, mercury, and aluminum can seriously impact your health? These metals can cause nutrient deficiencies, disrupt your gut, decrease bone density, and even contribute to serious conditions like cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. Our Holhealth Trilogy Vitamin Pack is designed to support your body’s natural detoxification processes, promoting a healthy mineral balance whi...