Hiding Spots

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Convierte tu habitación en un lugar lleno de secretos
secret hiding places14
3D PCP Challenge: a ribbon spool with a secret compartment! (tutorial & printables)
PCP 3Dround challenge - faux ribbon spool with hidden compartment - mel stampz copy
Как правильно спрятать свои сокровища
Как правильно спрятать свои сокровища: kak_eto_sdelano — ЖЖ
15 Secret Hiding Places That Will Fool Even the Smartest Burglar
Make Your Own Hide-A-Key - 15 Secret Hiding Places That Will Fool Even the Smartest Burglar
Dan Brassil - Top Producing Saint Louis Real Estate Agent / Realtor
hidden door for small storage space in a tiny home.
Spray Paint Secret Safe
This is a homemade diversion safe you can make in about an hour.
12 Secret Hiding Places That Will Deceive Thieves
12 Secret Hiding Places in Your Home
Secret Hiding Places You’ve Never Thought Of
The Appliance Caper - Fridges and dishwashers have a snap-off grille in the front. Well, there's a lot of secret storage space under there. Ask yourself this: How many burglars will be thinking about cleaning your refrigerator coils? But before you stuff treasures under a fridge, take a peek to see where the coils are. On some models, a stack of cash might block the airflow. That will make the fridge work harder and could even damage it.