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Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, For His mercy is everlasting. - Psalm 107:1
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, For His mercy is everlasting. - Psalm 107:1
Amidst the hustle of life’s demands, it’s easy to get caught up in what we lack. Yet, when we pause to reflect, we realize there’s an abundance surrounding us—moments of kindness, achievements, and 💕 love. This circle ⭕️ of giving and receiving is ever-present. Today, let’s shift our focus to 🙏🏼 gratitude. For the air we breathe, the connections we cherish, and the simple joys between the sunrise 🌄 and sunset 🌅. Each breath, each person, each day is a gift 🎁 gift. As we embrace gratitude, we ...
My Thoughts: Embracing Gratitude and Finding Strength 💭
Embrace gratitude, manifest positivity, and romanticize life's simple joys. 💖 #ManifestationQuotes #ManifestationAesthetic #ManifestationLawOfAttraction #ManifestationAffirmation #GratefulQuotes #Gratitude #GratitudeJournal #Grateful #GratitudeAesthetic #GratefulThankfulBlessedQuotes #MotivationalQuotesPositiveInspirational #PositiveQuotesAesthetic #MotivationalQuotesPositive #PositivityQuotes #SelfLove #SelfLoveQuote #SelfHealingQuotes
🙋🏻 Ever notice how it’s SO easy to see the negative…and SO hard to see the positive? ⚖️ A steady gratitude practice helps to create a healthier balance in our attention. Build a gratitude practice for real life with our new Gratitude Affirmations deck—20% off during our pre-sale >>> https://shop.mindful.org/products/gratitude-cards?utm_source=morg-socials-pinterest&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=mindfulgratitudecardspresale-2024&utm_content=image-post2
Gratitude - Peace & Clarity
Start today by appreciating the little things! 🌿💫🙏 . . #gratitude #thankfulheart #gratefulmindset #innerpeace #dailygratitude #positivemind #selfreflection #mentalwellness #mindfulnessjourney #innercalm #appreciationpost #usa #appreciation
15 Amazing Buddhism Gratitude Quotes 71
Discover the power of thankfulness with our collection of Amazing Buddhism Gratitude Quotes. Find peace and inspiration in ancient wisdom.
50 Powerful Gratitude Quotes and Sayings
Gratitude is all about the small things! It’s not always easy to feel grateful, but it just takes a little bit of thought. Gratitude quotes are a great way to remind us how blessed we really are and make us appreciate everything we have! Today I’ll share some of my favorite gratitude quotes to make your heart smile.