Type A Mommy

Working moms unite! This board seeks to help busy moms who may tend to be a bit Type A. See also our other blog just for working mothers: CorporetteMoms.com.
4,653 Pins
Week in the Life of a Working Mom: Communications Manager in Arizona - CorporetteMoms
Huge thanks to this working mom for sharing her work-life balance with us! She's a communications manager and mother of one in Phoenix, and she shared all her best tips including for pumping breastmilk at work -- as well as keeping up with meal planning and times with friends even with an infant at home.
Easy School Lunch Ideas for Working Moms
Hunting for easy school lunch ideas that are healthyish and don't require hours of prep work? One working mom rounds up her favorite easy school lunch ideas -- and other working moms share theirs.
How to Level Up Your Childcare When Money is No Object
how to level up your childcare -- what the options are if money is no object for a working mom
Week in the Life of a Working Mom: General Counsel in San Francisco - CorporetteMoms
Curious about the work-life balance of a general counsel? A lawyer mom of 2 teens -- and GC in San Francisco -- shares a week in her life, including 2:00 a.m. emails with the boss, extra grocery runs and weekend meal prep for hungry teenagers, and evening Netflix binges.
Pumping at Work 101: Tips and Tricks for New Working Moms
How do you get used to pumping at work? What are the best practices? One working mom shares her tips for gracefully and successfully pumping at work.
Week in the Life of a Working Mom: Trial Lawyer in Georgia
Curious about a trial lawyer's work-life balance? A working mom in Georgia shares her work-life balance as a trial lawyer who's raising four kids with her husband, a stay-at-home-dad. Week in the Life of a Working Mom: Trial Lawyer in Georgia
Work-Life Balance in IT: A Government IT Specialist Shares Her Week
Curious about the work-life balance in IT? A working mom and supervisory IT specialist for the government shares a week in her life, including regular workouts, help at home from Grandma, and attempts to get a good night's sleep while pregnant.
Types of Flexible Work Arrangements - CorporetteMoms
A lot of working moms benefit from flexible work arrangements -- but there are a TON of them out there, so you should know what all of the options are! Here are some of the biggest ones readers have discussed...
Weighted Blankets, Overactive Four-Year-Olds, and Sleep (Sweet, Elusive Sleep) - CorporetteMoms
one mom's weighted blanket review
What Crazy Things Have You Done to Get Your Kids to Sleep? - CorporetteMoms
Both of Kat's kids have gone through phases where sleep was elusive -- so she's read every sleep hack out there, from weighted blankets to melatonin to white noise to better sleep hygiene. What crazy things have YOU done to get your kids to sleep?
Screen Time Rules that Work - CorporetteMoms
Working moms talk about screen time rules that work -- including how they set up screen time limits and how they share policing/enforcement duties with other caregivers like dads, nannies, grandparents, and more. After all, how DO you handle it if grandma lets the kids play Minecraft for hours after school -- and then wants more screen time at your house?
A BigLaw Mom in Chicago: A Week in the Life of This Working Mom
A BigLaw mom in Chicago (with a work-at-home dad) shares a week in her family's life with their 16-month-old daughter.
The Work-Life Balance of a Manager at an Oil Company in TX (Mom to 1!)
Curious about the work-life balance of a manger at an oil company in Texas? A working mom and expat shares a week in her family's life, including how she deals with a husband who travels frequently for work, and her thoughts on the 3-day potty training weekend!