Caos & Cosmos: hermoso y siempre sorprendente

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NGC 2841 is a very delicate spiral galaxy with tightly wound arms. This galaxy is estimated to be 130.000 light years across and around 31 million light years away - Ursa Major Constellation (AOP)
Wide-field view of the star Betelgeuse - Distance 650 light years - Orion Constellation (DSS2)
Wide-field view of the sky around Messier 33 - Distance 3 million light years - Triangulum Constellation (DSS2)
Infraeed view of The Orion A Molecular Cloud - Distance 1.400 light years - Orion Constellation (VISTA infrared survey telescope)
NGC 2685 is a polar ring galaxy in the constellation Ursa Major. It is also called the Helix Galaxy or the Pancake Galaxy (Kitt Peak National Observatory)
NGC 2183 & NGC 2185 - This cloud of dust resides on the edge of the outer spiral arm of our galaxy - Monoceros Constellation (AOP)
Haloes around distant galaxies - Early Universe - Fornax Constellation (MUSE instrument)
Wide-field view of the star Fomalhaut - Distance 25 light years - Piscis Austrinus Constellation (DSS2)
Countless galaxies vie for attention in this dazzling image of the Fornax Cluster, some appearing only as pinpricks of light while others dominate the foreground - Fornax Constellation
Galaxy Cluster RCS2 032727-132623 (uncropped) - Early Univerese - Eridanus Constellation
Wide-field view of the sky around the binary star system AR Scorpii - Scorpius Constellation
Wide-field view of the star cluster NGC 6604 - Distance 5.500 light years - Serpens Cauda Constellation (DSS2)
Wide-field view of the star formation region Gum 15 - Distance 3.000 light-years - Vela Constellation (DSS2)
Wide-field view of the red giant star L2 Puppis - Puppis Constellation
Dwarf Irregular Galaxy UGC 8091 - Lies around seven million light-years from Earth in the constellation Virgo (Wide Field Camera 3)