
386 Pins
How To Make Dough For Handmade Jewelry & Crafts Making
How To Make Dough For Handmade Jewelry & Crafts Making
Remove Odors in Your House for Good! | House cleaning tips, Old house smells, Cleaning hacks
Remove Odors in Your House for Good! | House cleaning tips, Old house smells, Cleaning hacks
30 Things Everyone Should Be Hoarding
What are some items you should start hoarding for a major disaster? Water? Absolutely. Food? Also absolutely. First aid supplies? Definitely. The list goes on. All of those things are incredibly valuable items to hoard for survival, and you can probably think of 10 or 20 other types of survival supplies as well. That being said, there are also many ordinary items that can be used for survival. The wisest among us are already stockpiling them.