
918 Pins
The Best Homemade Beefaroni
This beefaroni is comforting, hearty, and only takes 35 minutes to make. It's packed with ground beef, tomato sauce, and garlic.
My hubby can never get enough of this sauce! He says it's his fave!
My hubby can never get enough of this sauce! He says it's his fave!
Cozy Old Fashioned Goulash Recipe: Perfect for Family Dinners!
Want to create a classic dish that’s both filling and delicious? This Old Fashioned Goulash Recipe uses simple ingredients like ground beef and macaroni to deliver comfort in every bite. Remember to save it for your go-to list of Ground Beef Recipes for busy nights!
✨ Pão de Batata Recheado: A combinação perfeita entre maciez e sabor! 🥔🥖 Ingredientes: Massa: 3 batatas médias cozidas e amassadas 500g de farinha de trigo (aproximadamente) 2 colheres de sopa de manteiga 1/2 xícara de leite morno 1 colher de sopa de açúcar 1/2 colher de chá de sal 10g de fermento biológico seco (1 sachê) 1 ovo Recheio de carne: 300g de carne moída (patinho ou acém) 1 cebola picada 2 dentes de alho picados 1 tomate picado (sem sementes) Sal e pimenta a gosto Cheiro-verde pic...
Old Fashioned Sloppy Joes Recipe
This classic and easy Old Fashioned Sloppy Joes Recipe (my Great Grandma's!) goes back generations in my family, and it’s as easy as it is delicious. The epitome of wham-bam weekday meals, this old school favorite is on the table in under 20 minutes. The easy homemade sloppy joe sauce makes it!