Parental Alienation Guide for Stepparents & Blended Families
Parental alienation is an insidious problem that occurs in more blended families than anyone probably realizes. Yet, for all its devastating impact, overwhelming challenges, and indescribable heartbreak, the conversation about how parental alienation affects stepparents and impacts the process of blending your family is practically nonexistent.
The 3 phases (& 7 stages) of blending your family
Because the more you know how messy blending looks IRL, the less freaked you’ll feel that you’re doing it wrong.For most stepfamilies, the process of becoming blended is not an easy one. At the very least, the experience of blending a family is typically much different from what any of us expected — parent, stepparent, and stepkid alike.#stepparenting #parenting #stepmom #stepdad #blendedfamilies #blendedfamilyfrappe #coparenting
How to Co-Parent with a Toxic Ex and Not Go Crazy
Co-parenting with san ex who is a narcissist, emotionally abusive is not easy. You don't need to be friends with your ex-husband or ex-boyfriend, but you do need to be able to communicate if you have kids together unless there is a no contact order. Get these tips to make life easier. #coparenting,
Real Life Tips for Easier Co-Parenting
Whether you’re new to it or have been doing it for years, I can only imagine how tricky co-parenting can be. If you or someone you know is struggling with co-parenting, I hope these real-life co-parenting tips can help!
Creating a Parallel Parenting Plan - Motherhood + Mayhem
Discover the art of #ParallelParenting – a path to co-parenting harmony in high-conflict situations. Learn how to prioritize children's well-being while managing challenges. #CoParentingTips #ParentingAfterDivorce #ChildCentricParenting
How to Set Boundaries When Parenting With a Toxic Ex - Motherhood + Mayhem
Co-parenting involves respect and communication, which are two things toxic people usually lack, so they will not have any respect for boundaries. When this is the case, how can you establish boundaries while parenting with a toxic ex?
The 10 Commandments of High-Conflict Co-Parenting
In a high-conflict custody situation, we try everything to keep our kids/stepkids out of the middle. For most of us, this means making co-parenting compromises far beyond what's reasonable… and certainly beyond what's reciprocated. Following these 10 Commandments for co-parenting with a toxic ex can help you move away from making fear-based decisions around your parenting and stepparenting choices while protecting your stepfamily from high conflict. #blendedfamilyfrappe #stepparenting
8 Books About Parallel Parenting You Need to Read | Motherhood + Mayhem
Check out these amazing books that will help you figure out parallel parenting and use it in a way that is effective.
Learn how to co-parent successfully with your ex for the sake of your kids
29 amazing co-parenting tips for parents. Divorce advice | shared custody | divorce tips | single mom parenting tips | parenting tips via @johnsonemma
Stepparenting a stepkid with childhood trauma
Trauma, PTSD, emotional abuse — we've all heard of them. We all understand that they affect their victims in certain ways, that the damage lingers. We just don't necessarily connect these concepts to our own partners or stepkids. We might not connect our troubled stepkids' behavior with the effects of childhood abuse. We also don’t realize we can develop PTSD as stepparents ourselves if the conflict between houses gets bad enough and we’re caught in the crossfire. #blendedfamilyfrappe