glow up tips

192 Pins
guys, don't come for me, I didn't make this this is just a repost😭
but, 1, shower everyday! personal hygiene is always important! 2, BEAUTY SUBLIMINALS REALLYT DO WORK. i had the biggest glow up this year by listening to diff beauty subliminals this summer. i reccomend "cutie meditations", "Lisa Alexandra", "and appearently "KOTTIE" is another good one but ive never listened to that one. and there was another one but i forgot. guys, i swear by subliminals like, trust the process guys<3 and 3, you dont hhave to drink 8 glasses a day, i just do a gallon or more and call it a day. its helpfull to get one of those gallon water bottles<3 ily guys, have a good day<3
how to actually glow up !! #preppyasthetic #preppy #tips #glowup
how to actually glow up !! #preppyasthetic #preppy #tips #glowup