
96 Pins
Why Revenge Is Such A Brilliant Plot For Beginner Writers
Why Revenge Is Such A Brilliant Plot For Beginner Writers - Writers Write
How to Write a Thriller in 7 Heart-Stopping Steps
How to Write a Thriller in 7 Heart-Stopping Steps
Get Paid to Write: 64 Sites That Pay Up to $2000 per Post
Top websites where you get paid to write. Learn more about freelance writing websites that more up to $2000 per article. #getpaidtowrite
8 Tips From Literary Agents About How to Get Published
If you follow a lot of writing blogs, you have probably heard a lot of the same tips about the finding-an-agent process. Here is some advice that you might not have heard before.
Your Ultimate First Chapter Checklist, Pt. 1: Hooking Readers
Your Ultimate First Chapter Checklist
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I see tons of articles about creating a fictional fantasy world, but not too many about creating a fictional world within our own. Luckily, this is something I have experience with! So, I thought I'd share some tips that helped me create a full, real, fictional world that operates within our own. #writing #writinglife #novelwriting #writingtips #worldbuilding #awelltoldstory
5 Tips on Writing a Trauma Backstory | Writers In The Storm
5 Tips on Writing a Trauma Backstory | Writers In The Storm
5 Tips for Creating a Believable and Captivating Psychological Thriller
5 Tips for Creating a Believable and Captivating Psychological Thriller | Writer's Digest
Why You Need To Write Your Memoir Like Fiction
Why You Need To Write Your Memoir Like Fiction - Writers Write
20 Fun Ways To Find Ideas For A Plot
20 Fun Ways To Find An Idea For A Plot - Writers Write