paint on fabric

58 Pins
Block Printing with Acrylic Paint
Block printing with acrylic paint is a method of printing on fabric or paper using a block of linoleum or rubber with a design carved into the surface.
Mushroom Block Printing with Styrofoam
Mushroom print on a table made with styrofoam sheets and printing ink.
Vegetable Printmaking
Create your own print on cards and tea towels. If you didn’t think it possible, come learn how to make use of vegetables like celery, lettuce and potatoes to create your own beautiful artwork on an everyday object. Bring your own kitchen knife and cutting board. And bring some vegetables if you like, but many will be provided. Good ones are artichokes and cabbage. $15.00 CLASS $15.00 MATERIAL FEE
How to make Brilliant DIY Fabric Paint at Home • Craft Invaders
How to make Brilliant DIY Fabric Paint at Home • Craft Invaders