Plantas Nativas Brasileiras

Goeppertia orbifolia (2 plants with glazed pots - light brown)
Position: bright, indirect light Soil: peat free, general purpose compost Rate of growth: average Hardiness: frost tender Impressive, orb-shaped foliage with very attractive broad, silvery-striped green leaves. Native to Bolivia in South America, this unusual calathea would be the perfect foil for the architectural kentia palm. We’re proud to support our British growers, and having been raised by one of our trusted UK nurseries, this indoor plant has a low carbon footprint, which make
Tipos de marantas/calatheas
O nosso vídeo sobre os tipos de marantas ou calatheas fez tanto sucesso e nós resolvemos mostrar muito mais! 🍃 Assista o vídeo e conheça as variedades Burle Marx, Rufibarba, White Fusion, Cascavel e Orbilofia. #marantas #calatheas #plantastropicais #paisagismo #ornamental
Velvet Leaf Calathea
Discover the beauty and care of Calathea rufibarba, a striking tropical perennial with its unique fuzzy, feather-shaped leaves, earning it the affectionate nicknames Velvet Calathea and Furry Feather Calathea. Perfect for indoor plant enthusiasts looking to add a splash of exotic texture to their collection. Photo Credit: Instagram @another_plant_mom
Care And Guide For Calathea Makoyana Plant | Plantly
Calathea Makoyana Plant Care | Plantly
Calathea Makoyana Care Guide and Profile
Calathea Makoyana Peacock plant has gorgeous dramatic foliage with ruffled leaves. It grows in an upright bushy form to about 24 inches tall. Calathea Makoyana care is not difficult but needs to be correct.
Goeppertia zebrina - maranta zebra | Biologia da Paisagem
Maranta zebra (Calathea zebrina)
Growing Calathea Zebrina The Zebra Calathea Plant
Calathea zebrina has deep velvet-green leaves with broad parallel bars or stripes in a zebra-like configuration. The stripes extend alongside the veins and from the midvein to the leaf margins.
Trapoeraba Azul (Commelina Erecta)
Eu amo essa florzinha azul linda da trapoeraba💙. Uma PANC que nasce espontaneamente por aí. Qualquer ramo enraíza fácil na água após alguns dias, depois é só plantar no substrato. 😊 #saberesdojardim #sementesdojardim #lojadesementes #jardimcomestível #jardimdecomer #horta #hortaemvasos #hortaemapartamento #hortanavaranda #minhahorta #amorpelanatureza #vegetablegarden #balconygarden #balconyplants #panc #pancs #trapoeraba #trapoerabaazul
Chá de Trapoeraba serve para quê?
Surpreenda-se com os benefícios dessa planta, considerada mato na maioria dos Estados brasileiros. A Trapoeraba não é mato. . . . . . . . . . . #chaesabedoria #chadetrapoeraba #trapoeraba #tratamentocaseiro #remediocaseiro