Heels:Approx 3 cmPlatform:Approx - cmShaft:Approx 38 cmRound:Approx 36 cmColor:Black, Yellow, BrownSize:US 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15(All Measurement In Cm And Please Note 1cm=0.39inch) Note:Use Size Us 5 As Measurement Standard, Error:0.5cm.(When Plus/Minus A Size,The Round And Shaft Height Will Plus/Minus 0.5CM Accordingly.Error:0.5cm) Note: The size you choose is US Size and 1CM=0.39inch. Size Guide: US 3=EU34=22CM,US 4=EU35=22.5CM,US 5=EU36=23CM, US 6=EU37=23.5CM,US 7=EU38=2 Winter Boots Women Fashion, Boots Elegant, Women Knee High Boots, Autumn Boots, High Boots Outfit, Wedges Shoes, Boots Women Fashion, Black Women Fashion, Snow Shoes

Artificial Suede Women Knee High Boots Wedges Shoes Woman 2016 3388 - 4 / Brown

Heels:Approx 3 cmPlatform:Approx - cmShaft:Approx 38 cmRound:Approx 36 cmColor:Black, Yellow, BrownSize:US 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15(All Measurement In Cm And Please Note 1cm=0.39inch) Note:Use Size Us 5 As Measurement Standard, Error:0.5cm.(When Plus/Minus A Size,The Round And Shaft Height Will Plus/Minus 0.5CM Accordingly.Error:0.5cm) Note: The size you choose is US Size and 1CM=0.39inch. Size Guide: US 3=EU34=22CM,US 4=EU35=22.5CM,US 5=EU36=23CM, US 6=EU37=23.5CM,US…


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