Luscious shades of purple fuchsia lilac and pink bring bold elegance to a shoulder bag adorned with black concentric diamonds. From Yama Aj Chixot Artisan Group the bag is sewn together by one team with a cotton fabric woven by another team of experts on the pedal loom. The shoulder bag has a pocket in the lined interior. The fabric for this bag is cut from a larger piece woven on a pedal loom therefore the order of colors and the positioning of the patterns my vary slightly resulting in a uniqu Purple Square Bag With Adjustable Strap, Purple Satchel Shoulder Bag With Adjustable Strap, Purple Square Satchel For Travel, Purple Rectangular Hobo Bag With Adjustable Strap, Purple Hobo Tote Bag With Adjustable Strap, Purple Adjustable Strap Hobo Tote Bag, Purple Square Shoulder Bag For Everyday Use, Purple Rectangular Hobo Bag For Travel, Purple Tote Shoulder Bag With Adjustable Strap