
Everything you need to know about Hyperthyroidism including hyperthyroidism treatment, how to lose weight if you have hyperthyroidism and natural treatment for hyperthyroid patients.
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How To Get 100% Accurate Thyroid Lab Test Results
Thyroid lab testing is important ff you have hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's, or if your thyroid has been removed. You should also understand that there are many wrong ways to test your thyroid and only one right way to do it. By doing it the right way it will allow you to get 100% accurate thyroid lab tests. Learn more about testing your thyroid to ensure that your results are accurate. Factors such as supplements, fasting, your thyroid medication, and more can all negatively impact your results.
5 Free Thyroid Treatments That Actually Work
I know that a lot of thyroid patients suffer because they aren't able to get the right prescription medications. Well, what if you didn't have to? That's exactly what we are talking about today: free thyroid treatments or free thyroid therapies. These natural remedies do NOT require any money on your part plus they are incredibly effective. What makes them even better is that they can be added to other treatments as well! Learn more about which treatments work best for improving thyroid function
Avoid These Thyroid Scams (Stop Wasting Your Money!)
Let's face it: it's hard to get the treatment you need if you have a thyroid problem like hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's. And its for this reason that this group of patient are often the target of internet scams and other rip-offs. The good news is, as long as you are aware of these rip-offs, you can avoid them! Learn how so-called "experts" and "gurus" leverage different types of tactics to hijack your emotions and lure you down the path of wasted money. Here are 4 common thyroid scams to avoid
4 Reasons Thyroid Patients Should Not Go Carnivore
There are a lot of different diets that can help your thyroid but carnivore is not one of them. Proponents of the carnivore diet will tell you that it's the cure for every ailment because it reduces carbohydrate intake. And while it may be true that excessive carbohydrate consumption can cause problems, so can eating a diet of only meat. Learn more about how the carnivore diet may cause issues with thyroid function, sex hormones, sleep, and why most thyroid patients should avoid it.
How Mold Exposure Causes Thyroid Problems (And how to treat it)
Did you know that mold exposure can cause thyroid problems? Not only does it cause thyroid problems but the thyroid dysfunction that it causes can be both difficult to diagnose and treat. This breakdown of a scientific study shows you exactly why it happens and how to treat it. You'll learn why T3 thyroid hormone is ideal for mold exposure, how mold impacts adrenal function, and how to determine if your thyroid problems are related to mold.
The 7 Causes of Thyroid Goiter & How to Fix Your Goiter Fast
A thyroid goiter can sound like a scary diagnosis but it doesn't necessarily always indicate a big problem. Every case of goiter should be looked into, but there are some causes that are both reversible and which can be naturally treated. Learn more about what a goiter means for your thyroid, whether or not it will cause symptoms and problems such as weight gain, and both natural and medical treatment options available to you.
What Makes Up A Thyroid Body Type?
Some people believe that everyone with a thyroid problem will ultimately end up with a thyroid body type. This body type is said to have certain characteristics that allow you to tell if you have a thyroid problem just by looking at how you gain weight, your body shape, and more. But is this really true? Well, there's definitely some truth to the idea that many thyroid patients may end up with a similar body type but it's absolutely not correct that they all will. Learn more here.
Healthy Soda Alternatives for Thyroid Patients (Drink These Instead)
Few things are worse for your body and thyroid than soft drinks and soda. And don't think this doesn't apply if you are drinking diet soda because they also cause problems. What makes soda so unhealthy for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's? Several things but the worst include the caffeine content, the sugar content, and the phosphoric acid content. Each of these causes a different problem for thyroid patients. That's the bad news, the good news is that there are healthy alternatives you can drink.
Lab Tests Every Thyroid Patient Needs (Cholesterol, Leptin, & More)
If you have thyroid disease (hypothyroidism or Hashimoto's) then you NEED to understand the difference between optimal thyroid lab tests and normal thyroid lab tests. The difference between these two things can mean feeling better or not! This document will walk you through which lab tests you should be ordering if you have thyroid disease. These lab tests are NOT thyroid lab tests but should be ordered in addition to the complete thyroid lab panel. These tests can influence optimal thyroid labs
Increase Thyroid Function by 20%+ By Healing Your Gut
Will fixing your gut fix your thyroid? Not necessarily, but it definitely has the potential to boost thyroid function by a significant amount! It's estimated that approximately 20% of T3 is converted in the gut. In addition, having a healthy microbiome means that you will have more stable and healthy T3 levels due to the T3 recycling that occurs there. How do you know if your gut is causing thyroid problems? By looking at your symptoms. Gas, bloating, or constipation indicate problems.
The Perfect Thyroid Diet: Eat These 4 Meals Everyday
Can you cure your thyroid problem with food? Not exactly, but can the foods that you put into your mouth hurt or help your thyroid? Absolutely. This is exactly why I created the Perfect Thyroid Diet. This thyroid meal plan is a research-based and provides thyroid patients with the most nutrient dense foods available all designed for one purpose: help the thyroid work more efficiently. What's even better is that the Perfect Thyroid Diet works for all thyroid conditions and all thyroid problems.
How Fruit Juice Supercharges Your Thyroid
Contrary to what you might have been told, fruit juice isn't a sugar bomb waiting to explode in your body the second you drink it. It's not going to cause insulin resistance, diabetes, or weight gain, but it does have the potential to support the function of your thyroid and help you feel better. The reason? It's incredibly high concentration of polyphenols which have anti-obesity effects, antioxidant effects, and anti-inflammatory effects. Find out why fruit juice is great for hypothyroidism.
High TSH Symptoms & What It Means For Your Thyroid
TSH, which stands for thyroid stimulating hormone, is a very important thyroid lab test which gives you information about how well your thyroid is functioning. If your thyroid is sluggish or if you are hypothyroid then your TSH will RISE or ELEVATED. This elevation in TSH is associated with specific symptoms (the same ones associated with hypothyroidism). If you can find the CAUSE of your high TSH then you can target treatment (including supplements, diet, and even thyroid medications).
6 Anti Inflammatory Supplements That Actually Work
Did you know that supplements can be used to fight inflammation? Inflammation is at the heart of most diseases including things like weight gain, fatigue, thyroid disease, autoimmune disease, depression, heart disease, and more. Controlling inflammation provides you a way to manage at least a portion of these diseases and supplements can provide that support. Learn how using the right anti inflammatory supplements may help you lose weight, have more energy, feel better, and age more gracefully.
High Protein Meal Plan (100g) For Hypothyroid Patients
As a hypothyroid patient, you're probably not getting enough protein in your diet. And that's too bad because protein happens to be incredibly important for thyroid health and muscle health. This simple hypothyroid high protein meal plan was designed to show you just how easy it is to hit my recommended baseline protein intake of 100 grams. If you're having trouble eating enough protein then be sure to check it out. By the way, this is also beneficial for those with Hashimoto's.