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Hetalia texting - America and england
The thing is, I'm only British by descent, and I remember using some of these words since I started speaking! XD
1-Gem's can be learned, spectral magic...not so much. 2-will mainly, sicne you have to be able to force spirits to comply as well as your own emotions 3-Gems most assuredly do. 4-Certain gems have different abilities, while spectrals are defined by three catagories and are affected by surroundings 5-Makes healing water...and other things 6-Sonya uses Gems a fair bit, and she is an exorcist. 7-Sometimes sanity, othertimes energy...and maybe even a bit of sweettalking 8-Bring back the dead...ect
Bloodborne tarot X by Wingless-sselgniW on DeviantArt
Bloodborne tarot X by Wingless-sselgniW.deviantart.com on @DeviantArt