Photography Tips

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The Photographer’s Glossary – A Guide to Common Photography Terms
To newcomers, the photography community can seem like they're speaking an entirely different language. All the specific photography terms are hard to get to grips with, so keep our Photographer's Glossary to hand to save you from Googling your life away!
Make Extra Money Selling Stock Photography - Frugal Living Mom
Disclosure Policy Photography can be a great way to bring in some extra money if you’re handy with a camera! Companies and individuals use stock photography (photos that are sold to multiple people) for brochures, books, websites, and more.
Understanding Camera Shooting/Exposure Modes
The B&H Guide to Understanding Camera Shooting/Exposure Modes.
How to Edit Photos in Lightroom | Photography Playground
How to Best Edit Your Travel Photos in Lightroom | Wanna learn how to use Lightroom? This Lightroom editing tutorial show you step by Step how to edit your photos in Lightroom and shares some Lightroom Before and After examples. Click through to take your Lightroom editing skills to the next level and learn how to create stunning photos. Includes a FREE PDF Guide. #lightroomtips #lightroomtutorials #lightroomforbeginners #photoeditingtips #LightroomBeforeAndAfter
What are the Ideal Camera Settings for Studio Photography?
Portrait photography is the most common type of studio photography. Portrait photography requires some serious dedication and knowledge to be done right. Also portrait photography settings in your camera are very important. In portrait photography, it’s all about the lighting and because of that in this blog post, you can find out the ideal camera settings for portrait photography. #portraitphotography #portraitphotos #portraitphotoshoot #camerasettings