Papers by Juan Martinez Torvisco
Frontiers in Sociology, Mar 8, 2023
Violence exercised by children against their parents has increased significantly, a ecting societ... more Violence exercised by children against their parents has increased significantly, a ecting society both directly and indirectly. This type of violence is one of the least investigated and least exposed by the media. The aim of this work is to examine how the media have portrayed this problem, by means of a qualitative methodology and a multidimensional analysis of journalistic and literary texts. News related to violence committed by children against parents published from to were sourced from the following Spanish newspapers:
Cultura, política y religión en el choque de las civilizaciones, 2004, ISBN 84-7926-451-9, págs. 455-483, 2004
Frontiers in Sociology, Mar 8, 2023
Violence exercised by children against their parents has increased significantly, a ecting societ... more Violence exercised by children against their parents has increased significantly, a ecting society both directly and indirectly. This type of violence is one of the least investigated and least exposed by the media. The aim of this work is to examine how the media have portrayed this problem, by means of a qualitative methodology and a multidimensional analysis of journalistic and literary texts. News related to violence committed by children against parents published from to were sourced from the following Spanish newspapers:
Medio ambiente y comportamiento humano: Revista Internacional de Psicología Ambiental, 2005
This study is aimed to examine the perception of behaviors typified by environmental laws as crim... more This study is aimed to examine the perception of behaviors typified by environmental laws as crimes and transgressions, in the way they are produced in everyday life. 20 transgressions were selected from a total of 1507 files and case reports, initiated by
Violencia y psicología comunitaria: aspectos psicosociales, clínicos y legales, 2011, ISBN 978-84-9836-826-0, págs. 77-88, 2011
Avances de la psicología ambiental ante la promoción de la salud, el bienestar y la calidad de vida, 2015, ISBN 978-84-943701-6-8, págs. 268-269, 2015

espanolEn este articulo abordamos el fenomeno terrorista, desde su faceta cientifica a su forma p... more espanolEn este articulo abordamos el fenomeno terrorista, desde su faceta cientifica a su forma patologica, asimismo estudiamos el terrorismo desde su origen multicausal. Tambien hacemos el analisis organizacional y el enfoque psicofisiologico de este fenomeno social. Existe un terrorismo clasico frente a uno moderno, finalmente tratamos la psicologia del terrorista donde examinamos la dinamica de los grupos terroristas y el proceso de acercamiento a los citados grupos. EnglishThis article deals with the terrorist phenomenon, since its scientific facet to its pathological form, also studied terrorism for its multiple origin. We also organizational analysis and psycho-physiological approach to this social phenomenon. There is a classic modern terrorism against one eventually try terrorist psychology where we examine the dynamics of terrorist groups and the process of approaching such groups

Narrare i Gruppi, 2019
Il lavoro riflette sulle relazioni di cura educativa durante l’infanzia e l’adolescenza di sogget... more Il lavoro riflette sulle relazioni di cura educativa durante l’infanzia e l’adolescenza di soggetti immigrati richiamando l’attenzione sui processi comunicativi. Evidenzia come una nuova paideia di successo possa dipendere dall’integrazione delle fasce piu deboli della popolazione; dalla tutela dei diritti umani e dalla programmazione di percorsi compensativi. Propone una lettura di quei processi che interessano soggetti che non hanno sviluppato le loro capacita cognitive e intellettuali, che hanno sperimentato l’insuccesso scolastico, l’emarginazione e una caduta significativa della loro autostima. L’articolo mette in relazione il disagio educativo con le condizioni socio-culturali della famiglia; l’irregolarita della carriera scolastica; le carenze delle infrastrutture; l’appartenenza a gruppi di minoranze etniche e la mancanza di conoscenza, in toto o in parte, della lingua del paese di approdo. Parole chiave : cura socio-educativa, narrazione, migrazione, adolescenza Paths of so...

En este trabajo tratamos de verificar la presencia del sesgo optimista en la valoracion de probab... more En este trabajo tratamos de verificar la presencia del sesgo optimista en la valoracion de probabilidad de sufrir una serie de riesgos. Ademas analizamos si el sesgo optimista varia en funcion de la relacion afectiva de los sujetos con el grupo de referencia. Participaron 269 estudiantes universitarios que contestaron a un cuestionario en dos partes: una primera donde se valoraba la probabilidad de sufrir un riesgo y una segunda sobre conductas relacionadas para identificar sujetos con alta exposicion a los riesgos. Para ello, se utilizo una lista de 12 riesgos con distintos niveles de gravedad y control por parte de los sujetos. Se realizo un ANOVA con tres variables independientes (una intergrupo – grupo de referencia- y dos intragrupo – gravedad y control) y una dependiente: valoracion de probabilidad de sufrir los riesgos presentados. Se confirma la hipotesis respecto a las modificaciones de la valoracion de probabilidad en funcion de los niveles de gravedad y control. Asimismo,...
Mediascapes journal, 2017
After the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, Europe has also been the victim of clusters ... more After the attack on the Twin Towers on September 11, Europe has also been the victim of clusters of terrorist attacks. These are episodic attacks on the symbols of European culture. Of them, the image that reaches the general public is what the media communicate to them. This article takes into account the online articles produced by four Italian newspapers, two right and two left, on three attacks: the 13 November 2015 in Paris, 22 March 2016 in Brussels and 14 July 2016 in Nice. The goal is to capture the representation of these events conveyed by the press to its readers. The use of linguistic statistical analysis is used to extract these media lexicons relating to terrorist attacks.

Esta tesis estudia el tema de la percepcion del riesgo. La revision teorica se centra en la clari... more Esta tesis estudia el tema de la percepcion del riesgo. La revision teorica se centra en la clarificacion de los conceptos peligro, riesgo y amenazas; En segundo lugar se analizan los distintos enfoques desde las ciencias sociales que se han ocupado de estudiar este tema; Finalmente analizamos los procedimientos metodologicos, formales y no formales, empleados en las investigaciones sobre percepcion y evaluacion del riesgo. Concluimos en la necesidad de adoptar un modelo multidimensional, ya que la percepcion del riesgo esta modulada no solo por caracteristicas especificas de los riesgos, sino por factores culturales e individuales. Con esta perspectiva se hicieron 4 investigaciones. La primera profundizaba en la evaluacion de riesgos tecnologicos; La segundas en riesgos naturales; La tercera, en el papel de las creencias sobre el medio ambiente y el apoyo a las normas sociales sobre la evaluacion del riesgos; La cuarta analizaba la influencia del sesgo optimista en la valoracion de probabilidad de sufrir riesgos en comparacion con otros grupos referentes. Los resultados fundamentales indican que: La percepcion del riesgo, tanto tecnologicos como naturales viene explicada por las dimensiones control de la exposicion y gravedad de las consecuencias; La percepcion del riesgo difiere en funcion del ambito de exposicion a las amenazas sea este social, individual o medioambiental; Las creencias sobre la relacion del hombre con el medio ambiente y el apoyo a las normas sociales no resultaron ser buenos predictores de las diferencias de percepcion entre distintos tipos de riesgos; Finalmente el efecto del sesgo optimista en la valoracion de probabilidad de sufrir un riesgo resulta modificada en funcion de las caracteristicas de los riesgos (grado de control y gravedad), de la distancia afectiva del sujeto con el grupo comparativo de referencia.

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Research has demonstrated the influence of emotional adjustment on the manifestation of problemat... more Research has demonstrated the influence of emotional adjustment on the manifestation of problematic behaviors in adolescence, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the present research is to investigate the role of self-esteem and relational skills on school performance in a group of middle and high school students during the COVID-19 period. The research involved 392 students, aged between 11 and 20 (M = 13.78; S.D. = 2.56). Participants completed the following instruments: an anamnestic constructed ad hoc questionnaire; the Interpersonal Relationships Test, in order to evaluate the perception of adolescents concerning the quality of their relationships in social, family and school contexts; and the Multidimensional Test of Self-Esteem, structured in six scales, which coincide with the dimensions considered constitutive of self-esteem. The preliminary data have shown how the older girls, attending the high school, tend to manifest a higher level of social competence w...

Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal
Literature has demonstrated the adaptive function of identity development and family context towa... more Literature has demonstrated the adaptive function of identity development and family context toward manifestation of problem behaviors in adolescence. The present research investigates: a) the influence of dysfunctional family dynamics on the Internet use; b) the impact that psychological and physical sensations - following excessive Internet use - can have on the quality of family relationships. The research involved 150 Italian students (65 males and 85 females) aged between 14 and 20 years (M =15.99, S.D = 1.94). The research lasted for 1 school year. Participants completed: an anamnestic questionnaire; the Family Assessment Device (FAD) in order to value the family functioning; and a self-report constructed ad hoc questionnaire, named “Adolescents and Digital Technologies” to measure frequency of use of social networks and Internet, the motivation for the use of social networks, the physical and psychological sensation perceived following their use. Data show the influence of ge...

European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education
Occupational stress, as a negative facet, is a pervasive problem with significant implications fo... more Occupational stress, as a negative facet, is a pervasive problem with significant implications for organizations, employees, welfare systems and health. The implementation of measurement tools that can capture the different organizational dimensions that determine stress in workers is part of the stress management and troubleshooting strategy that every company must manage daily. The aim of the present study was to adapt and validate the 25-item version of the ILO-WHO stress scale by Ivancevich and Matteson in the context of the Canary Islands of Spain. The tool assesses specific organizational dimensions of work-related stress determinants: organizational climate and structure, leader influence, cohesion, territory, technology and group support. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) on a sample of 1510 Canary Islands workers was carried out. The results indicate that the job stress scale revealed adequate psychometric properties, construct validity and internal consistency (Cronbach...
Fig. 2 Análisis Factorial de Correspondencia
Gráfico de la clasificación Jerárquica descendente
Papers by Juan Martinez Torvisco