Raúl Villagrasa-Elías
-ORCID: 0000-0002-9564-9392
-CV FECYT: https://cvn.fecyt.es/0000-0002-9564-9392
-CV CIÊNCIA VITAE: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//en/1419-A89E-E39E
-Google Academic: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=pzhQomMAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao
-DIALNET: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=3634404
-PhD in Medieval and Early Modern History from the University of Saragossa. Dissertation developed in the Scripta manent project at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid and titled: “The hospital renaissance in Iberia: a proposal from the written culture (1374-1549)".
-Specialist in Programming in Digital Humanities from UNED
-My research interests are the birth of the Welfare systems, the developing of sciences, the evolution of written culture and the social history of nobility at the end of the Middle Age and the beginning of the Early Modern period.
-CV FECYT: https://cvn.fecyt.es/0000-0002-9564-9392
-CV CIÊNCIA VITAE: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//en/1419-A89E-E39E
-Google Academic: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=pzhQomMAAAAJ&hl=es&oi=ao
-DIALNET: https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/autor?codigo=3634404
-PhD in Medieval and Early Modern History from the University of Saragossa. Dissertation developed in the Scripta manent project at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in Madrid and titled: “The hospital renaissance in Iberia: a proposal from the written culture (1374-1549)".
-Specialist in Programming in Digital Humanities from UNED
-My research interests are the birth of the Welfare systems, the developing of sciences, the evolution of written culture and the social history of nobility at the end of the Middle Age and the beginning of the Early Modern period.
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towns under the influence of the nobility, specifically, the Fernández de Velasco family. Through the study of the expenses it is possible to measure the economic transformations between these three hospitals, tending to a greater disbursement in specialized professionals, medicines and religiosity. The transition to the Modern Age did not eliminate the pious elements of these buildings; on the contrary, it intensified the rituality of charity.
by relatives and neighbors. Hospitals served both for those seeking a voluntary and spiritual retirement and for the treatment of disabilities and chronic illnesses typical of old age. The Vera Cruz hospital, founded by Pedro Fernández de Velasco in the 15th century in Medina de Pomar, is an excellent example of Renaissance charity. The community of elderly housed there and the volumes of its library are an accurate reflection of the conception of old age by a Castilian nobleman at the end of the Middle
towns under the influence of the nobility, specifically, the Fernández de Velasco family. Through the study of the expenses it is possible to measure the economic transformations between these three hospitals, tending to a greater disbursement in specialized professionals, medicines and religiosity. The transition to the Modern Age did not eliminate the pious elements of these buildings; on the contrary, it intensified the rituality of charity.
by relatives and neighbors. Hospitals served both for those seeking a voluntary and spiritual retirement and for the treatment of disabilities and chronic illnesses typical of old age. The Vera Cruz hospital, founded by Pedro Fernández de Velasco in the 15th century in Medina de Pomar, is an excellent example of Renaissance charity. The community of elderly housed there and the volumes of its library are an accurate reflection of the conception of old age by a Castilian nobleman at the end of the Middle
All the information about the meeting here: https://humanidadesencomun.eu/jornadahec2024/
-Desarrollo de un taller virtual para favorecer el debate y la conectividad de los interesados.
-Uso del formato workshop para que los estudiantes de doctorado puedan presentar las conclusiones provisionales o inconclusas de sus investigaciones, así como ahondar en la formación interdisciplinar.
-Intervenciones por parte de los doctorandos (20 min.) sobre conceptos heurísticos que resultan básicos en sus tesis doctorales, los cuales, de una forma u otra, podrían estar vinculados con la «frontera», hilo conductor del PD.