Drafts by Adriana Marmolejo Soto
Taller de crítica literaria 23 de noviembre de 2015
Una de las principales características de la novela posmoderna es la incapacidad del lector para ... more Una de las principales características de la novela posmoderna es la incapacidad del lector para atribuir verdades absolutas al texto. La creciente cantidad de voces narrativas, muchas veces contradictorias unas con otras, aportan diferentes versiones de una misma historia. La novela de mediados del siglo pasado cancela la idea de historia oficial y la convierte en historia personal, donde cada personaje cuenta su propia versión de los hechos. Esto
Papers by Adriana Marmolejo Soto
The ideas of Mexican Machismo have been crystalized in the image of the Macho, a virile man who r... more The ideas of Mexican Machismo have been crystalized in the image of the Macho, a virile man who represents the ideals of masculinity in a determined time and space. This work aims to examine how four Mexican Novels (Juan Rulfo's Pedro Páramo, Elena Garro's Los Recuerdos del Porvenir, Yuri Herrera's Trabajos del Reino, and Fernanda Melchor's Temporada de huracanes) present their unique macho ideals, and how the male characters fail to fulfill them. Through textual examination of the four novels, this work asks: how is a macho image formed in each pair of novels? And most importantly how do male characters react when they are unable to uphold the masculine values? Chapter one examines Juan Rulfo's and Elena Garro's novels, focusing on the downfall of the machos due to the loss of a loved woman, and the strategies the men use to control their towns. Chapter two analyzes Yuri Herrera's and Fernanda Melchor's novels, explaining how masculinity is tied to a social performance, and how the machos lose the approval of their group. Chapter three deals with the reaffirmation of power through isolation of female characters and the concept of emasculation as a social and psychological phenomenon. Emasculation, this vi work strives to prove, is a key element in the four novels, uniting the texts through the social disgrace of a man who does not perform as expected. vii
Drafts by Adriana Marmolejo Soto
Papers by Adriana Marmolejo Soto