Jesús Sánchez Rodríguez
PhD in Political Science and Sociology from the National Distance Education University of Spain (UNED)
Retired professor from UNED
Published books:
1) Democratic theory and practice in the PCE 1956-1982, FIM, 1992
2) Class society, political power and State, Al Margen Editorial, 2015
3) Radical Right. Rise of a global reactionary wave, Editorial Popular, 2019
4) The Catalan independence movement in context, Editorial Popular, 2020
5) Capitalism. Interpretations of its evolution and crisis, Editorial Popular, 2020
6) Marxism, Editorial Popular, 2021
7) The left in your maze. The behavior of the left after the collapse of real socialism, Editorial Popular, 2021
8) Challenges to democracy. New authoritarianisms and undemocratic values, Editorial Popular, 2022
9) China: from communism to the empire of the center, Editorial Popular, 2023
10) The re-imperialization of Russia and the global war in Ukraine, Editorial Popular, 2024
Retired professor from UNED
Published books:
1) Democratic theory and practice in the PCE 1956-1982, FIM, 1992
2) Class society, political power and State, Al Margen Editorial, 2015
3) Radical Right. Rise of a global reactionary wave, Editorial Popular, 2019
4) The Catalan independence movement in context, Editorial Popular, 2020
5) Capitalism. Interpretations of its evolution and crisis, Editorial Popular, 2020
6) Marxism, Editorial Popular, 2021
7) The left in your maze. The behavior of the left after the collapse of real socialism, Editorial Popular, 2021
8) Challenges to democracy. New authoritarianisms and undemocratic values, Editorial Popular, 2022
9) China: from communism to the empire of the center, Editorial Popular, 2023
10) The re-imperialization of Russia and the global war in Ukraine, Editorial Popular, 2024
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Papers by Jesús Sánchez Rodríguez
The book of which this chapter is a part is devoted to analysing the conditions that make the existence and survival of democratic regimes possible, their historical development and the challenges they have had to face, especially in the current counter-wave.
The book's chapter, which is freely available for reading, focuses on the difficulties that democracy has encountered in establishing or maintaining itself in the former communist space and, more especially, in the former Soviet space. This analysis is most topical in helping to explain how these difficulties have led to Putin's autocracy in Russia that has ultimately led to the war of aggression against Ukraine and to its becoming a nuclear threat to the world.
El libro del que forma parte este capítulo está dedicado a analizar las condiciones que posibilitan la existencia y pervivencia de los regímenes democráticos, su desarrollo histórico y los desafíos a los que han tenido que hacer frente, especialmente en la actual contra-ola.
El capítulo del libro, que se ofrece libremente para su lectura, se centra en las dificultades que la democracia ha encontrado para su establecimiento o mantenimiento en el antiguo espacio comunista y, más especialmente, en el antiguo espacio soviético. Este análisis encuentra su máxima actualidad para ayudar a explicar como estas dificultades han llevado a la autocracia de Putin en Rusia que ha terminado derivando en la guerra de agresión contra Ucrania y en convertirse en una amenaza nuclear para el mundo.
However, at the same time as it was being enriched, Marxism was diversifying into numerous tendencies and currents, and facing growing problems arising both from the practical refutation of some of its postulates and from the failure of the historical experiences carried out in its name.
The book reviews the most important currents of Marxism, and analyses the problems that have arisen when historical experiments based on it have been carried out.
The transformations that took place in capitalism and, above all, the degeneration and failure of the experiences carried out in its name ended up leading to what is known as the crisis of Marxism, which expresses the loss of influence of Marxism both in its critical theoretical aspect and as a guide to social transformation, and which raises questions about the future of what is the theoretical paradigm with the most elaborate emancipatory objectives in history.
Sin embargo, a la vez que se enriquecía, el marxismo se fue diversificando en numerosas tendencias y corrientes, y enfrentando crecientes problemas derivados tanto de la refutación práctica de algunos de sus postulados como del fracaso de las experiencias históricas llevadas a cabo en su nombre.
En la obra se revisan las corrientes más importantes del marxismo, y se analizan los problemas surgidos cuando se llevaron a cabo experiencias históricas apoyadas en él.
Las trasformaciones acaecidas en el capitalismo y, sobretodo, las degeneraciones y los fracasos de las experiencias llevadas a cabo en su nombre terminaron desembocando en lo que se conoce como crisis del marxismo, que expresa la pérdida de influencia del marxismo tanto en su vertiente teórico crítica como de guía de transformación social, y que plantea interrogantes sobre el futuro del que es el paradigma teórico con objetivos emancipatorios más elaborado en la historia.
Su objetivo principal es indagar sobre los objetivos que han animado y animan a cada uno de ellos, las estrategias principales que han utilizado y, sobretodo, las relaciones que han mantenido y mantienen con los partidos políticos.
Ambos son fenómenos sociopolíticos fundamentales que han tenido una relación compleja a lo largo de la historia, que ha oscilado desde las tendencias minoritarias de rechazo por parte de los movimientos sociales hacia los partidos políticos, hasta las tendencias mayoritarias a establecer una relación más o menos intensa.
El tipo de relación establecido entre ambos ha sido de fundamental importancia en cuanto a la estrategia y a la capacidad para alcanzar los objetivos propuestos.
Its main objective is to investigate the objectives that have driven and continue to drive each of them, the main strategies they have used and, above all, the relations they have maintained and continue to maintain with political parties.
Both are fundamental socio-political phenomena that have had a complex relationship throughout history, ranging from minority tendencies of rejection by social movements towards political parties, to majority tendencies to establish a more or less intense relationship.
The type of relationship established between the two has been of fundamental importance in terms of strategy and the ability to achieve the proposed objectives.