Journal article by Tamar Groves

Annali di Storia delle università italiane, 2022
Amistad Universitaria was a Spanish cultural association of professional women in universities fr... more Amistad Universitaria was a Spanish cultural association of professional women in universities from 1955 to 1974. It owes its founding to professor Ángeles Galino Carrillo, Consuelo Sanz Pastor, director of the Cerralbo Museum, and María Salas Larrazábal, professor and journalist. The association was conceived to give continuity to another university organisation that was established in the 1930s, Liga Femenina de Orientación y Cultura, which was part of the Asociación Católica Institución Teresiana. Among its purposes, laid down in the statutes, were those of completing professional education and to resolving problems that could arise during women’s careers. Over two decades, it developed a programme of cultural activities and contributed to building relations between women who promoted a feminism based on the promotion women in cultural and professional circles. Using archive material, this paper analyses the work of the association and its impact on Spanish universities

This paper seeks to examine a specific development in the history
of teacher education to explore... more This paper seeks to examine a specific development in the history
of teacher education to explore whether it might illuminate and
inform contemporary debate. It offers a historical/comparative analysis
of the contribution of teachers’ centres to the professional
development of teachers in England and Spain during the late
1960s to the early 1990s. In looking back to the impact that teachers’
centres had on teachers in these very different social and
political contexts, the paper examines whether, in spite of being
adopted and adapted differently in the English and Spanish contexts,
there was a fundamental essence of the teachers’ centre
model that could transcend both time and space. Thus, although
essentially historical in method and focus, the paper will problematise
just how far new forms of teacher professional development
have lessons to learn from older, now largely overlooked forms, as
found in the practice of the teachers’ centres, with their focus on
grassroots teacher autonomy and collaboration. The paper is in four
parts: setting the scene and methodology; outlining the rise and fall
of teachers’ centres in England and Spain; identifying the core
essence of the teachers’ centre model; and finally exploring potential
implications for current policy and practice.

Revista História da Educação, 2022
Este artículo estudia el modelo de formación del profesorado que se intentó instaurar en la Españ... more Este artículo estudia el modelo de formación del profesorado que se intentó instaurar en la España del tardofranquismo a través de la revista Vida Escolar en su primera etapa. Una de las principales instituciones españolas encargadas de desarrollar la nueva perspectiva fue el Centro de Documentación y Orientación Didáctica de Enseñanza Primaria (CEDODEP) a través de la citada revista. Este modelo estaba inspirado en las perspectivas de carácter positivista y experimental que se había extendido en el contexto internacional desde el primer tercio del siglo XX. Se señala el papel central que tuvieron los actores locales a la hora de canalizar las perspectivas globales indicadas. Las conclusiones exponen la importancia que tiene analizar los elementos contextuales locales para entender cómo se producen los procesos de transferencia educativa de nivel global.

Bulletin of Hispanic studies, 2023
Educationalists can be agents of change. This is one of the ideas that best characterises the ped... more Educationalists can be agents of change. This is one of the ideas that best characterises the pedagogical legacy of Célestin Freinet. The French educator has been studied for his contributions to the popular and rural school, usually through the study of his techniques. However, we maintain that his pedagogical legacy in the Spanish context also included a decisive contribution to the empowerment of teachers by fomenting a dense net of selftraining initiatives. This paper analyses the mechanisms characterising the diffusion of Freinet's ideas in Spain and their contribution to the emergence of an autonomous, active and critical professional identity among teachers. We centre our attention on two significant moments of the Freinet Movement in the Spanish context: the Second Republic and the Transition to Democracy. Our analysis shows the interaction of the movement with these two decisive moments in Spanish history highlighting both the similarities and differences in the configuration of what we call a pedagogy of resistance.

Third World Quarterly, 2023
Grassroots initiatives to provide education were an integral part of
efforts to stem the humanita... more Grassroots initiatives to provide education were an integral part of
efforts to stem the humanitarian disaster unleashed by the armed conflict
in Syria. This article studies activists who organised informal schooling
for children amid the devastating war. Building on life story
interviews, we highlight the versatility of initiatives in the field of education
for citizens who simultaneously engage in humanitarian action
and mobilise for political change. There is a natural concern to detach
humanitarian work from politics in order to gain and maintain a space
for action. This has distanced the study of humanitarian aid from social
movements research, which focuses on long-term struggles over power
and political structures. We maintain, however, that the social movement
literature generally, and studies on structural and cognitive political
opportunity specifically, can help refine our understanding of the
illusive nature of citizen aid. Our findings indicate that Syrians involved
in humanitarian educational activities constructed their own structure
of opportunities by monitoring shifting political and humanitarian conditions.
Opening schools was a technical and pragmatic solution to the
educational disaster caused by war. At the same time, it was motivated
by a long-lasting desire to free Syria from its political plight and to offer
an alternative.
Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2023
This article aims to contribute to contemporary understanding of student activism dynamics by usi... more This article aims to contribute to contemporary understanding of student activism dynamics by using insights from prefiguration literature. We use practical prefiguration and conceptual prefiguration to analyse student protests against education reform in Myanmar in 2014-2015. Using in-depth interviews with student activists, their list of educational demands, and secondary sources regarding educational legislation, we unpack the complex relationship between educational claims and national politics that characterised the students' struggle. We show how the students reimagined a new and better version of the Myanmar state by using both educational practice and theory to fuse the future with the present, the desired with the possible.

Culture & History Digital Journal
The practice of historical research in recent years has been substantially affected by the emerge... more The practice of historical research in recent years has been substantially affected by the emergence of the so-called digital humanities. New computer tools have been appearing, software systems capable of processing vast quantities of information in ways that until recently were inconceivable. Text mining and social network analysis techniques are sophisticated instruments that can help render a more enriching reading of the available data and draw useful conclusions. We reflect on this in the first part of this article, and then apply these tools to a practical case: quantifying and identifying the women who appear in university-related articles in the newspaper El País from its founding until 2011. Citation / Cómo citar este artículo: Figuerola, Carlos G.; Groves, Tamar and Rodríguez, Francisco J. (2019) "Women and universities in El País (1977-2011): A methodological proposal for use of the ICTs for historical analysis" Culture & History Digital Journal, 8 (1): e009. RESUMEN: Mujeres y universidad en El País (1977-2011): Una propuesta metodológica para para el uso de las TIC en el análisis histórico.-La práctica de la investigación histórica, en los años recientes, ha sido sustancialmente afectada por la aparición de las llamadas humanidades digitales. Se han introducido nuevas herramientas informáti-cas, sistemas de software capaces de procesar vastas cantidades de información de formas que, hasta hace poco tiempo, eran inconcevibles. Las técnicas de minería de texto y de análisis de redes sociales constituyen instrumentos sofisticados que permiten obtener una lectura más enriquecedora de los datos disponibles y extraer conclusiones úti-les. Hemos reflejado esto en la primera parte de este artículo, y a continuación hemos aplicado estas herramientas a un caso práctico: cuantificar e identificar a las mujeres que aparecen en artículos relacionados con la universidad, publicados en el periódico El País desde su fundación hasta el año 2011
Culture & History Digital Journal 8(1), 2020
The history of the university has been the history of a patriarchal institution traditionally dom... more The history of the university has been the history of a patriarchal institution traditionally dominated by men. The aim of this article is to show that women have suffered and continue suffering an unequal treatment in academia. The methodology used is qualitative, using forty-three in-depth interviews with academics of a Spanish public university. Experiences and practices that violate the right to equality in academia emerge from their discourses. Among them, we pay special attention to those which can be defined as micro-machismo in labour relationship within the university and related to discrimination against women in the development of professional careers. These results show that gender equality continues being an old aspiration in universities.

Espacio Tiempo y Educación, 2020
Students eventually finish their degrees and are incorporated in the labour market. The impact of... more Students eventually finish their degrees and are incorporated in the labour market. The impact of ex-activists of student movements on their workplace is a relatively unknown aspect of student mobilization. This article looks at how the exciting university years and the experience acquired in collective actions and protest are introduced in professional spheres. It uses the case of Spanish teachers to see how the spirit of the 1960s influenced professional mobilization in the Spanish Education system in the 1970s and 1980s. The article begins with contemporary discussions regarding professions and advocacy. It explores this notion across several professions, culminating in how it is used today with regard to teachers' professionalism. The next section of the article looks at the students' movement in Spain and how it combined international demands with the national struggle against the dictatorship. The relationship between the students' movements and the mobilization of primary and secondary education is the issue of the following section. Finally, it looks at the struggle of teachers around several issues such as the access to and quality of education, the opening of preschools centers and teacher training in order to illustrate the effort to forge a social-professional identity tied to wider social struggles.
. European Journal of Higher Education, 2018
The objective of this research is to explore the experiences of the first generations of Spanish ... more The objective of this research is to explore the experiences of the first generations of Spanish academics that carried out research stays in foreign institutions. The analysis of 30 semi-structured interviews shows the interviewees' evaluation of their stay abroad, the impact that this had on their academic career and how the return to the home institution was a complex process of adaptation. It is an exploratory research which attempts to contribute to current debates about international mobility of academic staff. While it confirms that generally speaking mobility is perceived as positive there are negative aspects related to academics' (re)integration related to cultural specificities and of the maturity of the scientific system.

Paedagogica Historica , 2016
This article explores visions of war and peace in the education system
during the Spanish transit... more This article explores visions of war and peace in the education system
during the Spanish transition to democracy. During those years, the
Spanish state was faced with the challenge of leaving its authoritarian
political past behind and forging a democratic civic culture. As the
concepts of war and peace are inextricably linked to those of state
and citizenship, they are a useful tool with which to examine changes
in civic education. A wide variety of educational sources has been
explored, with particular attention to the emotional nature of the
depiction of both war and peace. This study reveals two opposing
styles. The official discourse demonstrated a factual treatment of
war and a tendency to concentrate on international bodies and their
actions, when it came to fomenting peace. The treatment of peace in
the circles of teachers’ local initiatives was different. First, peace was
defined not only as the absence of war but also in terms of social
equality and solidarity. Second, there was a conscious effort to get the
students involved in opposing war, reinforced by emotionally charged
messages regarding its horrors.
Resumen: Este trabajo se centra en estudiar el origen y evolución de la enseñanza programada en E... more Resumen: Este trabajo se centra en estudiar el origen y evolución de la enseñanza programada en España. Para ello, se presenta una interpretación que hace énfasis en la influencia que ejercieron los organismos internacionales en su implantación. En la primera parte del trabajo se explican sus inicios en relación al marco educativo abierto por la UNESCO. El artículo continúa con la explicación de las primeras críticas que se establecieron sobre este modelo curricular. Por otro lado, se intenta dar una explicación acerca de su rápido ocaso. Se concluye indicando la importancia de los factores sociales internacionales y locales a la hora de comprender la construcción histórica del currículum en la España desarrollista.

A finales de los años sesenta el movimiento freinetiano español vuelve a emerger tras la represió... more A finales de los años sesenta el movimiento freinetiano español vuelve a emerger tras la represión franquista. En esta segunda etapa se extiende en todo el país difundiendo las técnicas del pedagogo francés, Célestin Freinet y las ideas que las acompañan. Este artículo aspira a indagar sobre el concepto de «Militantismo Pedagógico» adoptado por el movimiento y en sus implicaciones durante la transición democrática en España. Primero, se estudia el resurgimiento del movimiento freinetiano en el seno de la movilización social que caracterizó el país en aquella época. Segundo, se analiza como el legado de Freinet fue clave en la forja de una identidad del maestro como profesional de la educación y al mismo tiempo como militante comprometido con fines sociales. Tercero, se señala cómo los maestros freinetianos, en relación a esa doble identidad, fueron un elemento clave en el seno de los movimientos de renovación pedagógica que surgieron en el tardofranquismo y la transición democrática. Este fenómeno, como se demuestra a lo largo del artículo, tuvo un impacto tanto sobre la cultura escolar como sobre la formación del profesorado en España al inicio de la democracia.

Hist. Educ., 2018
Resumen En el presente artículo analizaremos uno de los movimientos sociales más destacados en la... more Resumen En el presente artículo analizaremos uno de los movimientos sociales más destacados en la lucha anti-franquista durante el periodo de Transición española hacia la democracia, el movimiento estudiantil. Nos situaremos en su vuelta a la acción a lo largo de los años 70, donde formó parte de las negociaciones en las primeras políticas democráticas. Nos centramos en la participación de este movimiento en contra del Proyecto de Ley de Autonomía Universitaria, la reforma propuesta por el legislativo de la Unión de Centro Democrático (UCD), como parte de una movilización social más amplia que trató de asentar las bases de la democracia española. Para ello, estudiaremos las noticias publicadas en El País, uno de los periódicos españoles que ayudaron al proceso democrático acercando la actualidad a la sociedad. Este periódico, considerado por muchos el periódico de la Transición, fue identificado socialmente con el cambio político que se estaba viviendo, favorecido por un oportuno nacimiento una vez finalizada la dictadura del General Franco. La selección y análisis de las noticias publicadas en este momento histórico, nos ofrece una visión de la imagen social del movimiento estudiantil como un actor que luchaba por cambiar la universidad como parte de un cambio más amplio que incluía la recuperación de los derechos civiles y el fin de la dictadura. La oposición a la ley fue más relacionada a esta carga política que estrictamente al contenido de la reforma. Asimismo, por el avance del proceso político basado en la negociación entre los partidos, el ideario democrático y educativo del movimiento estudiantil se quedó frustrado. Palabras clave: movimiento estudiantil, transición española, autonomía universitaria, periódico El País. Resumo No presente artigo, analisaremos um dos movimentos sociais mais proeminentes na luta anti-franquista durante o período de transição espanhola para a democracia, o movimento estudantil. Estaremos em seu retorno à ação nos anos 70, onde foi parte das negociações nas primeiras políticas democráticas. Nós nos 1 El artículo es parte del trabajo desarrollado por el grupo de investigación Ágora de Educación (Universidad de Valladolid, España) (
La movilidad internacional del profesorado universitario es un tema escasamente abordado desde la... more La movilidad internacional del profesorado universitario es un tema escasamente abordado desde las
ciencias sociales, y en menor medida, desde una perspectiva cualitativa y de género. Así, el objetivo
de esta investigación es conocer las vivencias de las primeras generaciones de mujeres académicas
que realizaron estancias de investigación en instituciones extranjeras, ahondando en las motivaciones
que las llevaron a trabajar temporalmente fuera del país, en cómo vivieron esa experiencia y en la
repercusión que tuvo en su carrera profesional. La técnica de investigación desarrollada fue la
entrevista semiestructurada y el análisis de los discursos de las participantes descubre el origen social
y los incentivos de estas mujeres hacia la internacionalización, sus experiencias en el extranjero, su no
siempre fácil regreso y el impacto que tuvo en su carrera posterior.
En este artículo, se aspira a demostrar que la renovación pedagógica y filosófica de Paulo Freire... more En este artículo, se aspira a demostrar que la renovación pedagógica y filosófica de Paulo Freire contribuyó a incrementar el interés por la educación de adultos en España durante la transición democrática. Se analiza cómo influyó en las actitudes de los docentes, en la configuración de proyectos educativos y en la apuesta por la educación para transformar a la sociedad. Se concluye que, mientras que el régimen de Franco adoptó las recomendaciones de instituciones internacionales con respecto a la educación permanente, la variante crítica de la educación, representada por Paulo Freire, tenía una clara presencia en los movimientos de renovación de la educación de adultos, que manejaban otras claves para interpretar el mundo.

Public understanding of science (Bristol, England), Jan 6, 2015
This article presents our study of science coverage in the digital Spanish press over the last de... more This article presents our study of science coverage in the digital Spanish press over the last decade. We employed automated information retrieval procedures to create a corpus of 50,763 text units dealing with science and technology, and used automated text-analysis procedures in order to provide a general picture of the structure, characteristics and evolution of science news in Spain. We found between 6% and 7% of science coverage, a clear high proportion of biomedicine and predominance of science over technology, although we also detected an increase in technological content during the second half of the decade. Analysing the extrinsic and intrinsic features of science culture, we found a predominance of intrinsic features that still need further analysis. Our attempt to use specialised software to examine big data was effective, and allowed us to reach these preliminary conclusions.

The success of Spain’s transformation from a dictatorship to a stable democracy has triggered a l... more The success of Spain’s transformation from a dictatorship to a stable democracy has triggered a lively discussion about the factors which contributed to the process. The question of civic participation in Spain’s political transformation has proved highly controversial and I suggest that observing professional domains and their implications for citizen formation processes provides a new way to evaluate the civic contribution to Spain’s democratization. Spanish teachers mobilized in the 1970s around two main issues: their working conditions and pedagogical methods. This article focuses on the implications of their common struggle to articulate, construct and disseminate democratic citizenship. It shows how they contributed to free deliberation, civic involvement and citizen empowerment, aspiring to supplement the concept of citizenship with those of active participation in community organizations, knowledge of governmental procedures, critical assessment of social, political and economic structures and addressing areas of injustice.

Paedagogica Historica 10/2011; 47(5-5):701-717.
Paulo Freire’s pedagogy was developed in reaction to the state of “periphery” of illiterate farm... more Paulo Freire’s pedagogy was developed in reaction to the state of “periphery” of illiterate farmers in Brazil and Chile. However, his thinking, which illuminated capitalism’s oppressive nature in the classrooms, was enthusiastically accepted in the “centre” and he became a global point of reference for social action. In this article I trace his influence in Spain in the midst of its transformation from a marginalised country on the outskirts of Europe to a respectable member of the European Union. I explore three types of process of reception of Freire’s thinking in Spain with respect to the mobilisation of teachers. First, I study his adoption by activists, showing his impact on the consolidation of a militant identity among teachers. Second, by looking into local educational adult schooling projects I assess how the application of his techniques contributed to the emergence of community-based efforts to seek lasting social transformation in Spain. Third, I analyse the integration of his ideas into the cultural projects of the teachers’ movements and reveal his part in the forging of a political subculture of participative democracy. I wish to offer a multilayered analysis of the reception of knowledge which includes personal perceptions, organisational experiences and collective imaginary.
Journal article by Tamar Groves
of teacher education to explore whether it might illuminate and
inform contemporary debate. It offers a historical/comparative analysis
of the contribution of teachers’ centres to the professional
development of teachers in England and Spain during the late
1960s to the early 1990s. In looking back to the impact that teachers’
centres had on teachers in these very different social and
political contexts, the paper examines whether, in spite of being
adopted and adapted differently in the English and Spanish contexts,
there was a fundamental essence of the teachers’ centre
model that could transcend both time and space. Thus, although
essentially historical in method and focus, the paper will problematise
just how far new forms of teacher professional development
have lessons to learn from older, now largely overlooked forms, as
found in the practice of the teachers’ centres, with their focus on
grassroots teacher autonomy and collaboration. The paper is in four
parts: setting the scene and methodology; outlining the rise and fall
of teachers’ centres in England and Spain; identifying the core
essence of the teachers’ centre model; and finally exploring potential
implications for current policy and practice.
efforts to stem the humanitarian disaster unleashed by the armed conflict
in Syria. This article studies activists who organised informal schooling
for children amid the devastating war. Building on life story
interviews, we highlight the versatility of initiatives in the field of education
for citizens who simultaneously engage in humanitarian action
and mobilise for political change. There is a natural concern to detach
humanitarian work from politics in order to gain and maintain a space
for action. This has distanced the study of humanitarian aid from social
movements research, which focuses on long-term struggles over power
and political structures. We maintain, however, that the social movement
literature generally, and studies on structural and cognitive political
opportunity specifically, can help refine our understanding of the
illusive nature of citizen aid. Our findings indicate that Syrians involved
in humanitarian educational activities constructed their own structure
of opportunities by monitoring shifting political and humanitarian conditions.
Opening schools was a technical and pragmatic solution to the
educational disaster caused by war. At the same time, it was motivated
by a long-lasting desire to free Syria from its political plight and to offer
an alternative.
during the Spanish transition to democracy. During those years, the
Spanish state was faced with the challenge of leaving its authoritarian
political past behind and forging a democratic civic culture. As the
concepts of war and peace are inextricably linked to those of state
and citizenship, they are a useful tool with which to examine changes
in civic education. A wide variety of educational sources has been
explored, with particular attention to the emotional nature of the
depiction of both war and peace. This study reveals two opposing
styles. The official discourse demonstrated a factual treatment of
war and a tendency to concentrate on international bodies and their
actions, when it came to fomenting peace. The treatment of peace in
the circles of teachers’ local initiatives was different. First, peace was
defined not only as the absence of war but also in terms of social
equality and solidarity. Second, there was a conscious effort to get the
students involved in opposing war, reinforced by emotionally charged
messages regarding its horrors.
ciencias sociales, y en menor medida, desde una perspectiva cualitativa y de género. Así, el objetivo
de esta investigación es conocer las vivencias de las primeras generaciones de mujeres académicas
que realizaron estancias de investigación en instituciones extranjeras, ahondando en las motivaciones
que las llevaron a trabajar temporalmente fuera del país, en cómo vivieron esa experiencia y en la
repercusión que tuvo en su carrera profesional. La técnica de investigación desarrollada fue la
entrevista semiestructurada y el análisis de los discursos de las participantes descubre el origen social
y los incentivos de estas mujeres hacia la internacionalización, sus experiencias en el extranjero, su no
siempre fácil regreso y el impacto que tuvo en su carrera posterior.
of teacher education to explore whether it might illuminate and
inform contemporary debate. It offers a historical/comparative analysis
of the contribution of teachers’ centres to the professional
development of teachers in England and Spain during the late
1960s to the early 1990s. In looking back to the impact that teachers’
centres had on teachers in these very different social and
political contexts, the paper examines whether, in spite of being
adopted and adapted differently in the English and Spanish contexts,
there was a fundamental essence of the teachers’ centre
model that could transcend both time and space. Thus, although
essentially historical in method and focus, the paper will problematise
just how far new forms of teacher professional development
have lessons to learn from older, now largely overlooked forms, as
found in the practice of the teachers’ centres, with their focus on
grassroots teacher autonomy and collaboration. The paper is in four
parts: setting the scene and methodology; outlining the rise and fall
of teachers’ centres in England and Spain; identifying the core
essence of the teachers’ centre model; and finally exploring potential
implications for current policy and practice.
efforts to stem the humanitarian disaster unleashed by the armed conflict
in Syria. This article studies activists who organised informal schooling
for children amid the devastating war. Building on life story
interviews, we highlight the versatility of initiatives in the field of education
for citizens who simultaneously engage in humanitarian action
and mobilise for political change. There is a natural concern to detach
humanitarian work from politics in order to gain and maintain a space
for action. This has distanced the study of humanitarian aid from social
movements research, which focuses on long-term struggles over power
and political structures. We maintain, however, that the social movement
literature generally, and studies on structural and cognitive political
opportunity specifically, can help refine our understanding of the
illusive nature of citizen aid. Our findings indicate that Syrians involved
in humanitarian educational activities constructed their own structure
of opportunities by monitoring shifting political and humanitarian conditions.
Opening schools was a technical and pragmatic solution to the
educational disaster caused by war. At the same time, it was motivated
by a long-lasting desire to free Syria from its political plight and to offer
an alternative.
during the Spanish transition to democracy. During those years, the
Spanish state was faced with the challenge of leaving its authoritarian
political past behind and forging a democratic civic culture. As the
concepts of war and peace are inextricably linked to those of state
and citizenship, they are a useful tool with which to examine changes
in civic education. A wide variety of educational sources has been
explored, with particular attention to the emotional nature of the
depiction of both war and peace. This study reveals two opposing
styles. The official discourse demonstrated a factual treatment of
war and a tendency to concentrate on international bodies and their
actions, when it came to fomenting peace. The treatment of peace in
the circles of teachers’ local initiatives was different. First, peace was
defined not only as the absence of war but also in terms of social
equality and solidarity. Second, there was a conscious effort to get the
students involved in opposing war, reinforced by emotionally charged
messages regarding its horrors.
ciencias sociales, y en menor medida, desde una perspectiva cualitativa y de género. Así, el objetivo
de esta investigación es conocer las vivencias de las primeras generaciones de mujeres académicas
que realizaron estancias de investigación en instituciones extranjeras, ahondando en las motivaciones
que las llevaron a trabajar temporalmente fuera del país, en cómo vivieron esa experiencia y en la
repercusión que tuvo en su carrera profesional. La técnica de investigación desarrollada fue la
entrevista semiestructurada y el análisis de los discursos de las participantes descubre el origen social
y los incentivos de estas mujeres hacia la internacionalización, sus experiencias en el extranjero, su no
siempre fácil regreso y el impacto que tuvo en su carrera posterior.
«El arte de lo imposible, pero necesario. Utopía y educación», por José Luis Hernández Huerta, Judith Quintano Nieto, Sonia Ortega Gaite
«Pedagogía: ¿arte o ciencia? Un viejo debate inacabado», por Julio Mateos Montero
«Ivan Illich y la crítica a las instituciones educativas: Historia y actualidad», por Jon Igelmo Zaldívar
«La pedagogía Waldorf: origen, consolidación internacional y principios educativos», por Patricia Quiroga Uceda
«El rescate de la utopía educativa: perspectivas de América Latina», por Guillermo Ruiz
«Política y sociedad en las aulas. Los movimientos de renovación pedagógica y su proyección educativa durante la transición española a la democracia», por Tamar Groves
«Las Reformas en la Formación Inicial del Profesorado. ¿Pero cuáles son los buenos saberes de las buenas maestras?», por Jaume Martínez Bonafé
«La educación de las mujeres en España (1900-1939). La Institución Libre de Enseñanza y la Residencia de Señoritas de Madrid», por Raquel Vázquez Ramil
«Mujeres Libres y el anarquismo español. Socialización, educación y libertad durante la Guerra Civil (1936-1939)», por Laura Sánchez Blanco
«La educación que acompaña: mujeres mayores, participación educativa y transformación», por Carmen Serdio Sánchez
«Espacios de participación. Escuelas de familias. Liga Palentina de la Educación y la Cultura Popular», por Ramiro Curieses
«Europa ante la ciudadanía y ante sí misma», por Alfonso Diestro Fernández
«Construir la identidad supranacional europea desde la ciudadanía y la educación», por Miriam García Blanco