V prispevku predstavljamo ključne ugotovitve kvalitativne empirične raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli ... more V prispevku predstavljamo ključne ugotovitve kvalitativne empirične raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli z namenom, da bi ugotovili, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način vrtci ter šole sodelujejo s posameznimi umetniki ter kulturnimi ustanovami v svojem lokalnem okolju pri organizaciji in izvedbi različnih kulturnoumetniških dogodkov ter prireditev. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo fokusnega intervjuja, v katerega so bili vključeni koordinatorji projekta SKUM iz treh vrtcev, petih osnovnih šol in petih srednjih šol. Čeprav so že pred projektom nekateri vrtci in šole sodelovali z lokalno skupnostjo pri pripravi kulturnoumetniških dogodkov, se je nabor tovrstnih dejavnosti (razstave likovnih in fotografskih del, prireditve, filmske predstave, proslave ob državnih praznikih, pevski zbori ipd.) tekom izvajanja projekta SKUM povečal. Vrtci in šole so se povezali tudi z mediji in nekateri od njih so redno objavljali prispevke ter oglaševali pomembne dogodke v lokalnih časopisih in drugih medijih, kot so družbena omrežja, radio, razne publikacije, spletne strani, TV ipd. Tekom izvajanja projekta SKUM se je okrepilo zavedanje pedagoških delavcev vzgojnoizobraževalnih ustanov o pomembnosti sodelovanja s posameznimi umetniki in kulturnimi ustanovami pri organizaciji ter izvedbi kulturno-umetniških dogodkov in prireditev v njihovem lokalnem okolju. Projekt SKUM pa jih je še bolj povezal v smislu iskanja vedno novih idej in izzivov. Ključne besede: projekt SKUM, povezovanje šol in vrtcev z umetniki, s kulturnimi ustanovami in z lokalnim okoljem, kulturno-umetniške dejavnosti, šola kot kulturno stičišče Uvod Vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove opravljajo več vlog. Njihova prva vloga sta vzgoja in izobraževanje otrok ter mladostnikov, s svojim delovanjem pa so pomembno vpete tudi v okolje (Gregorčič Mrvar idr. 2016). Pri opredeljevanju
Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationTransformations of education in changing Europe... more Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationTransformations of education in changing Europe are multifaceted. One of the latter is the process of strengthening the cooperation among universities in this part of the world. This cooperation is carried out in many fields – from joint projects and researches – to joint analyses, discourses and publications. This monograph – a collection of reflections, thoughts and polemics deriving from theoretical and empirical researches, carried out as a part of a joint research project simultaneously undertaken at both these universities under the name “Problems and challenges of modern education” – constitutes one of the fruits of the cooperation between Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow University and the University of Ljubljana
CEPS Journal : Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, Jul 1, 2017
Critical thinking is currently considered to be a vital skill, since the individual is supposed t... more Critical thinking is currently considered to be a vital skill, since the individual is supposed to be able to critically evaluate situations, give arguments for his/her opinions and evaluate the arguments of other people, identify other people's manipulative behaviour, pose problem-based questions, and develop his/her mental capabilities. Critical thinking is significant, as it enables a person to make better quality personal decisions, increases the chance of success in achieving goals and solving problems, and enlarges autonomy and effectiveness of coping with different circumstances. Researchers emphasise that critical thinking is the precondition of maintaining social democracy. It helps the individual and the society in confronting social problems and solving them. In the field of education we wonder to what extent it is possible to teach and learn critical thinking-in a direct or indirect way. Which means can the teacher use in order to facilitate critical thinking in his/her students? To what extent can problem-based instruction contribute to the development of critical thinking? Which competences does the teacher need in order to be able to facilitate critical thinking in his/her students, and what kind of teacher education will ensure at least basic knowledge needed for the enforcement of the concepts of critical thinking? Critical thinking is strongly connected to the teacher's reflection of (his/her own) practice, which is a prerequisite for quality teaching and teacher's professional development. In the focus of this issue, there are six contributions by authors from Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Finland. Four refer to the development of critical thinking in school contexts (either from the teachers' or the students' points of view) and two refer to the process of teacher education. Within the school context, we can facilitate critical thinking through teaching compulsory and optional subjects, extracurricular activities, and through other forms of school work (e.g. culture, science, technical and sports days; field trips; etc.). It is critical that the teacher familiarises students with different skills of critical thinking and introduces suitable strategies into instruction wisely and intentionally. In their article, What is Needed to Develop Critical Thinking in Schools, Lidija Radulović and Milan Stančić discuss how education for critical thinking is conceptualised. Their paper presents an analysis of the predominant approach to education for critical thinking through implementation of special programmes and methods, and an attempt to establish different approaches to education for
In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that ... more In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that can be applied as a framework for the analysis of different professions although it should be noted that there is no single, universally accepted, unambiguous definition or theoretical construct. For example, Haralambos (1994) defined reputation as the amount of respect and honor associated with social status, characteristics of an individual and his or her lifestyle, while social status, as a determined position in the society that includes a certain role, is a set of standards that define the behavior expected of members of a certain status. In this paper, we will try to establish what points of view elementary school teachers hold regarding the reputation of the teaching profession in the society and how they rank the level of reputation of elementary teachers in relation to the reputation of other professions.
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 2017
Teachers with proper training in knowledge transfer to different students, in the creation of sui... more Teachers with proper training in knowledge transfer to different students, in the creation of suitable learning conditions, the motivation of students for active cooperation and peer learning, in the formation of classroom community, as well as independent and responsible personalities, can provide quality education. Teacher’s classroom management competencieslargely determine the potential of achieving educational goals and helping pupils form integral personalities. Studies show that teachers lack competencies for classroom management and ensuring discipline in the classroom. In the article, we present the results of empirical study on students’ perceptions on teachers’ classroom management competencies in two different subjects, mathematics and Slovene language. A total of 907 students from elementary and secondary schools in Slovenia participated in the study. Differences in students’ assessments have been established in reference to school level and subject. Students’ response...
In mid-March 2020, Slovenia declared the COVID-19 epidemic, which led to the closure of schools a... more In mid-March 2020, Slovenia declared the COVID-19 epidemic, which led to the closure of schools and the transition to remote education. This article presents the findings of a study conducted during the lockdown among school heads in primary and secondary schools. The authors identify the challenges and issues the school heads faced in the first weeks of the epidemic and examine the positive experiences that may represent examples of good practice for dealing with similar problems in the future. The study was carried out through an online questionnaire containing 12 single-answer and multiple-choice questions and one Likert-type scale. The school heads were free to write their answers to two open-ended questions. The findings show that schools responded quickly to the changed circumstances and continued to deliver education to their students without interruption, although their approaches differed significantly. A great deal of improvisation was observed, as was to be expected, as t...
In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that ... more In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that can be applied as a framework for the analysis of different professions although it should be noted that there is no single, universally accepted, unambiguous definition or theoretical construct. For example, Haralambos (1994) defined reputation as the amount of respect and honor associated with social status, characteristics of an individual and his or her lifestyle, while social status, as a determined position in the society that includes a certain role, is a set of standards that define the behavior expected of members of a certain status. In this paper, we will try to establish what points of view elementary school teachers hold regarding the reputation of the teaching profession in the society and how they rank the level of reputation of elementary teachers in relation to the reputation of other professions.
To delo je objavljeno pod licenco Creative Commons CC BY Priznanje avtorstva 4.0 Mednarodna. Upor... more To delo je objavljeno pod licenco Creative Commons CC BY Priznanje avtorstva 4.0 Mednarodna. Uporabnikom je dovoljeno tako nekomercialno kot tudi komercialno reproduciranje, distribuiranje, dajanje v najem, javna priobčitev in predelava avtorskega dela, pod pogojem, da navedejo avtorja izvirnega dela.
One of the most important tasks that schools have is the establishment of collaboration between t... more One of the most important tasks that schools have is the establishment of collaboration between the school and the wider community it belongs to. We have conducted an empirical study on the collaboration of Slovenian elementary schools with different partners. We were interested in, among other things, what are the objectives set by schools in the field of collaboration with the community, and what the schools point out as examples of good collaboration. Descriptions of good collaboration that the principals presented have been analyzed from the perspective of basic characteristics of the collaboration between partners. The questions about the conditions of the partnerships and new challenges that everyone involved have to face naturally also arise.
In the process of assessing and ensuring quality university studies, students have an important r... more In the process of assessing and ensuring quality university studies, students have an important role as partners in the learning community. In this empirical study we therefore analysed the learning experiences to which they themselves attributed a significant influence. We were interested in the type of those influences and the key characteristics of their learning experiences. The findings present challenges and guidelines for teachers when planning learning circumstances that may enhance the active involvement and joint responsibility of students.
Views on the desirable characteristics of teachers and their professional development directly af... more Views on the desirable characteristics of teachers and their professional development directly affect the organisation of the initial and continuing professional training of teachers, which in turn largely determines the development of teachers’ professional identity. In recent literature, professional identity is enmeshed in a broader societal discourse that is underpinned by values, personal qualities, ideology, relationships, status, training and qualifications. Starting from the point of view that the competences acquired are not sufficient for the teachers' professional activities, and also for reflection on their professional mission and identity and self- examination of their own experiences, beliefs, values and practices, we were interested in how the most important characteristics of quality teachers are viewed by the teachers themselves in two neighbouring countries - Croatia and Slovenia. We expected the results to be very similar due to the similarity of the cultural...
In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that ... more In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that can be applied as a framework for the analysis of different professions although it should be noted that there is no single, universally accepted, unambiguous definition or theoretical construct. For example, Haralambos (1994) defined reputation as the amount of respect and honor associated with social status, characteristics of an individual and his or her lifestyle, while social status, as a determined position in the society that includes a certain role, is a set of standards that define the behavior expected of members of a certain status. In this paper, we will try to establish what points of view elementary school teachers hold regarding the reputation of the teaching profession in the society and how they rank the level of reputation of elementary teachers in relation to the reputation of other professions.
A teacher's professional development is a process in which the teacher builds and maintains t... more A teacher's professional development is a process in which the teacher builds and maintains the highest level of professionalism they are capable of achieving. It is dependent on experience, beliefs and abilities of an individual, but also with the culture of the school in which they work. For an individual teacher and a school as an institution to develop it is essential to have a school culture in which teachers strive to develop both as individuals and as a group, and where there is an encouraging social climate. In the recent years such schools have been referred to as 'learning organizations'. There is no organizational learning, of course, without a culture of cooperation between employees, learning with and from each other. The school climate and culture either enable or limit an individual's opportunities for professional development, and it is therefore necessary to invest into building and maintaining a positive, encouraging school culture, which in its ess...
This monograph was written as a result of joint research work done by colleagues from the Faculty... more This monograph was written as a result of joint research work done by colleagues from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana and from the Faculty of Teacher Education at the University of Rijeka. It was created within the framework of the research project “Teachers’ professional development: status, personality and transversal competencies”. The text is focused on the professional development of teachers from the perspective of needs that teachers identify for the quality performance of their work, and from the perspective of how they assess their competencies in different areas of professional activity. The authors were especially interested in teacher competences for developing the students’ (so-called) transversal competencies. They are becoming a necessity in the modern world and are one of the fundamental goals we want to reach with education (for example, developing metacognitive skills, critical thinking, accepting differences in inclusive environments). Special a...
This paper sets the tone for the 2017 BCES Conference in that it confronts the educators and educ... more This paper sets the tone for the 2017 BCES Conference in that it confronts the educators and educationists assembled at the opening ceremony with some of the manifestations of the current business and economics driven orientation to life in general and to education in particular. It demonstrates how and to what extent the neoliberal life-view or orientation has so far colonized the minds of educators and educationists and affected their occupational environment. The paper concludes with a brief critical discussion of neoliberal tenets and their effects on education based on professional pedagogical insight into the human being, societal relationships and education.
V prispevku predstavljamo ključne ugotovitve kvalitativne empirične raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli ... more V prispevku predstavljamo ključne ugotovitve kvalitativne empirične raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli z namenom, da bi ugotovili, v kolikšni meri in na kakšen način vrtci ter šole sodelujejo s posameznimi umetniki ter kulturnimi ustanovami v svojem lokalnem okolju pri organizaciji in izvedbi različnih kulturnoumetniških dogodkov ter prireditev. Podatke smo zbrali s pomočjo fokusnega intervjuja, v katerega so bili vključeni koordinatorji projekta SKUM iz treh vrtcev, petih osnovnih šol in petih srednjih šol. Čeprav so že pred projektom nekateri vrtci in šole sodelovali z lokalno skupnostjo pri pripravi kulturnoumetniških dogodkov, se je nabor tovrstnih dejavnosti (razstave likovnih in fotografskih del, prireditve, filmske predstave, proslave ob državnih praznikih, pevski zbori ipd.) tekom izvajanja projekta SKUM povečal. Vrtci in šole so se povezali tudi z mediji in nekateri od njih so redno objavljali prispevke ter oglaševali pomembne dogodke v lokalnih časopisih in drugih medijih, kot so družbena omrežja, radio, razne publikacije, spletne strani, TV ipd. Tekom izvajanja projekta SKUM se je okrepilo zavedanje pedagoških delavcev vzgojnoizobraževalnih ustanov o pomembnosti sodelovanja s posameznimi umetniki in kulturnimi ustanovami pri organizaciji ter izvedbi kulturno-umetniških dogodkov in prireditev v njihovem lokalnem okolju. Projekt SKUM pa jih je še bolj povezal v smislu iskanja vedno novih idej in izzivov. Ključne besede: projekt SKUM, povezovanje šol in vrtcev z umetniki, s kulturnimi ustanovami in z lokalnim okoljem, kulturno-umetniške dejavnosti, šola kot kulturno stičišče Uvod Vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove opravljajo več vlog. Njihova prva vloga sta vzgoja in izobraževanje otrok ter mladostnikov, s svojim delovanjem pa so pomembno vpete tudi v okolje (Gregorčič Mrvar idr. 2016). Pri opredeljevanju
Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationTransformations of education in changing Europe... more Publikacja recenzowana / Peer-reviewed publicationTransformations of education in changing Europe are multifaceted. One of the latter is the process of strengthening the cooperation among universities in this part of the world. This cooperation is carried out in many fields – from joint projects and researches – to joint analyses, discourses and publications. This monograph – a collection of reflections, thoughts and polemics deriving from theoretical and empirical researches, carried out as a part of a joint research project simultaneously undertaken at both these universities under the name “Problems and challenges of modern education” – constitutes one of the fruits of the cooperation between Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow University and the University of Ljubljana
CEPS Journal : Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, Jul 1, 2017
Critical thinking is currently considered to be a vital skill, since the individual is supposed t... more Critical thinking is currently considered to be a vital skill, since the individual is supposed to be able to critically evaluate situations, give arguments for his/her opinions and evaluate the arguments of other people, identify other people's manipulative behaviour, pose problem-based questions, and develop his/her mental capabilities. Critical thinking is significant, as it enables a person to make better quality personal decisions, increases the chance of success in achieving goals and solving problems, and enlarges autonomy and effectiveness of coping with different circumstances. Researchers emphasise that critical thinking is the precondition of maintaining social democracy. It helps the individual and the society in confronting social problems and solving them. In the field of education we wonder to what extent it is possible to teach and learn critical thinking-in a direct or indirect way. Which means can the teacher use in order to facilitate critical thinking in his/her students? To what extent can problem-based instruction contribute to the development of critical thinking? Which competences does the teacher need in order to be able to facilitate critical thinking in his/her students, and what kind of teacher education will ensure at least basic knowledge needed for the enforcement of the concepts of critical thinking? Critical thinking is strongly connected to the teacher's reflection of (his/her own) practice, which is a prerequisite for quality teaching and teacher's professional development. In the focus of this issue, there are six contributions by authors from Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, and Finland. Four refer to the development of critical thinking in school contexts (either from the teachers' or the students' points of view) and two refer to the process of teacher education. Within the school context, we can facilitate critical thinking through teaching compulsory and optional subjects, extracurricular activities, and through other forms of school work (e.g. culture, science, technical and sports days; field trips; etc.). It is critical that the teacher familiarises students with different skills of critical thinking and introduces suitable strategies into instruction wisely and intentionally. In their article, What is Needed to Develop Critical Thinking in Schools, Lidija Radulović and Milan Stančić discuss how education for critical thinking is conceptualised. Their paper presents an analysis of the predominant approach to education for critical thinking through implementation of special programmes and methods, and an attempt to establish different approaches to education for
In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that ... more In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that can be applied as a framework for the analysis of different professions although it should be noted that there is no single, universally accepted, unambiguous definition or theoretical construct. For example, Haralambos (1994) defined reputation as the amount of respect and honor associated with social status, characteristics of an individual and his or her lifestyle, while social status, as a determined position in the society that includes a certain role, is a set of standards that define the behavior expected of members of a certain status. In this paper, we will try to establish what points of view elementary school teachers hold regarding the reputation of the teaching profession in the society and how they rank the level of reputation of elementary teachers in relation to the reputation of other professions.
Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 2017
Teachers with proper training in knowledge transfer to different students, in the creation of sui... more Teachers with proper training in knowledge transfer to different students, in the creation of suitable learning conditions, the motivation of students for active cooperation and peer learning, in the formation of classroom community, as well as independent and responsible personalities, can provide quality education. Teacher’s classroom management competencieslargely determine the potential of achieving educational goals and helping pupils form integral personalities. Studies show that teachers lack competencies for classroom management and ensuring discipline in the classroom. In the article, we present the results of empirical study on students’ perceptions on teachers’ classroom management competencies in two different subjects, mathematics and Slovene language. A total of 907 students from elementary and secondary schools in Slovenia participated in the study. Differences in students’ assessments have been established in reference to school level and subject. Students’ response...
In mid-March 2020, Slovenia declared the COVID-19 epidemic, which led to the closure of schools a... more In mid-March 2020, Slovenia declared the COVID-19 epidemic, which led to the closure of schools and the transition to remote education. This article presents the findings of a study conducted during the lockdown among school heads in primary and secondary schools. The authors identify the challenges and issues the school heads faced in the first weeks of the epidemic and examine the positive experiences that may represent examples of good practice for dealing with similar problems in the future. The study was carried out through an online questionnaire containing 12 single-answer and multiple-choice questions and one Likert-type scale. The school heads were free to write their answers to two open-ended questions. The findings show that schools responded quickly to the changed circumstances and continued to deliver education to their students without interruption, although their approaches differed significantly. A great deal of improvisation was observed, as was to be expected, as t...
In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that ... more In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that can be applied as a framework for the analysis of different professions although it should be noted that there is no single, universally accepted, unambiguous definition or theoretical construct. For example, Haralambos (1994) defined reputation as the amount of respect and honor associated with social status, characteristics of an individual and his or her lifestyle, while social status, as a determined position in the society that includes a certain role, is a set of standards that define the behavior expected of members of a certain status. In this paper, we will try to establish what points of view elementary school teachers hold regarding the reputation of the teaching profession in the society and how they rank the level of reputation of elementary teachers in relation to the reputation of other professions.
To delo je objavljeno pod licenco Creative Commons CC BY Priznanje avtorstva 4.0 Mednarodna. Upor... more To delo je objavljeno pod licenco Creative Commons CC BY Priznanje avtorstva 4.0 Mednarodna. Uporabnikom je dovoljeno tako nekomercialno kot tudi komercialno reproduciranje, distribuiranje, dajanje v najem, javna priobčitev in predelava avtorskega dela, pod pogojem, da navedejo avtorja izvirnega dela.
One of the most important tasks that schools have is the establishment of collaboration between t... more One of the most important tasks that schools have is the establishment of collaboration between the school and the wider community it belongs to. We have conducted an empirical study on the collaboration of Slovenian elementary schools with different partners. We were interested in, among other things, what are the objectives set by schools in the field of collaboration with the community, and what the schools point out as examples of good collaboration. Descriptions of good collaboration that the principals presented have been analyzed from the perspective of basic characteristics of the collaboration between partners. The questions about the conditions of the partnerships and new challenges that everyone involved have to face naturally also arise.
In the process of assessing and ensuring quality university studies, students have an important r... more In the process of assessing and ensuring quality university studies, students have an important role as partners in the learning community. In this empirical study we therefore analysed the learning experiences to which they themselves attributed a significant influence. We were interested in the type of those influences and the key characteristics of their learning experiences. The findings present challenges and guidelines for teachers when planning learning circumstances that may enhance the active involvement and joint responsibility of students.
Views on the desirable characteristics of teachers and their professional development directly af... more Views on the desirable characteristics of teachers and their professional development directly affect the organisation of the initial and continuing professional training of teachers, which in turn largely determines the development of teachers’ professional identity. In recent literature, professional identity is enmeshed in a broader societal discourse that is underpinned by values, personal qualities, ideology, relationships, status, training and qualifications. Starting from the point of view that the competences acquired are not sufficient for the teachers' professional activities, and also for reflection on their professional mission and identity and self- examination of their own experiences, beliefs, values and practices, we were interested in how the most important characteristics of quality teachers are viewed by the teachers themselves in two neighbouring countries - Croatia and Slovenia. We expected the results to be very similar due to the similarity of the cultural...
In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that ... more In scientific literature a large number of different conceptual definitions of status found that can be applied as a framework for the analysis of different professions although it should be noted that there is no single, universally accepted, unambiguous definition or theoretical construct. For example, Haralambos (1994) defined reputation as the amount of respect and honor associated with social status, characteristics of an individual and his or her lifestyle, while social status, as a determined position in the society that includes a certain role, is a set of standards that define the behavior expected of members of a certain status. In this paper, we will try to establish what points of view elementary school teachers hold regarding the reputation of the teaching profession in the society and how they rank the level of reputation of elementary teachers in relation to the reputation of other professions.
A teacher's professional development is a process in which the teacher builds and maintains t... more A teacher's professional development is a process in which the teacher builds and maintains the highest level of professionalism they are capable of achieving. It is dependent on experience, beliefs and abilities of an individual, but also with the culture of the school in which they work. For an individual teacher and a school as an institution to develop it is essential to have a school culture in which teachers strive to develop both as individuals and as a group, and where there is an encouraging social climate. In the recent years such schools have been referred to as 'learning organizations'. There is no organizational learning, of course, without a culture of cooperation between employees, learning with and from each other. The school climate and culture either enable or limit an individual's opportunities for professional development, and it is therefore necessary to invest into building and maintaining a positive, encouraging school culture, which in its ess...
This monograph was written as a result of joint research work done by colleagues from the Faculty... more This monograph was written as a result of joint research work done by colleagues from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Ljubljana and from the Faculty of Teacher Education at the University of Rijeka. It was created within the framework of the research project “Teachers’ professional development: status, personality and transversal competencies”. The text is focused on the professional development of teachers from the perspective of needs that teachers identify for the quality performance of their work, and from the perspective of how they assess their competencies in different areas of professional activity. The authors were especially interested in teacher competences for developing the students’ (so-called) transversal competencies. They are becoming a necessity in the modern world and are one of the fundamental goals we want to reach with education (for example, developing metacognitive skills, critical thinking, accepting differences in inclusive environments). Special a...
This paper sets the tone for the 2017 BCES Conference in that it confronts the educators and educ... more This paper sets the tone for the 2017 BCES Conference in that it confronts the educators and educationists assembled at the opening ceremony with some of the manifestations of the current business and economics driven orientation to life in general and to education in particular. It demonstrates how and to what extent the neoliberal life-view or orientation has so far colonized the minds of educators and educationists and affected their occupational environment. The paper concludes with a brief critical discussion of neoliberal tenets and their effects on education based on professional pedagogical insight into the human being, societal relationships and education.
Papers by Jana Kalin