Papers by Marta Bujanda
This article reviews the definitions and concepts of place to establish a conceptual framework fo... more This article reviews the definitions and concepts of place to establish a conceptual framework for understanding architectural landscapes in light of environmental psychology. A place-based approach highlights the importance of place attachment and its implications: place dependence, place identity and rootedness. A comparison between space-place and landscape-setting proceeds, leading to a reflexion on how an architectural landscape is a place. A discussion on factors to take into account when assessing or preserving architectural landscapes is presented, in order to protect this psychological dimension of place for the well-being of inhabitants emotionally invested in them. As a conclusion, this article advocates for the necessity of understanding the psychological dimension of an architectural landscape as a place, and not only a physical tangible landscape.
Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat die Anzahl an Neubauten auf Kosten der Ackerflächen rasant zugenommen, o... more Im letzten Jahrzehnt hat die Anzahl an Neubauten auf Kosten der Ackerflächen rasant zugenommen, obwohl nach der Finanzkrise 2008 viele Firmen zusperren mussten. Trotz einer neuen Stadtentwicklungsstrategie sank die EinwohnerInnenanzahl im Stadtzentrum. 1 Viele leerstehende Häuser im Zentrum verfallen und das Wachstum am Stadtrand fördert die Zersiedelung. Neue Häuser am Stadtrand zu bauen scheint einfacher und billiger, als alte Wohnungen zu sanieren. Leerstand und Bevölkerungsmangel sind die Folgen dieser Entwicklung -die Stadt wird zur Geisterstadt und das Zentrum verliert an dynamischer Kraft.

Vernacular architecture is sprinkled all over every landscape we may see, however the importance ... more Vernacular architecture is sprinkled all over every landscape we may see, however the importance of these constructions are not often recognized. Aerial maize drying sheds played an important role in human development and settlements and still play a vital role in some regions’ identity after remarkable advances in agriculture. These constructions share not only construction, material and form features, but also the areas where they can be found have common climatic and geographic conditions despite the physical distance.
This review article intends to give a view of this vernacular type of construction. Materials and construction systems used will also be included and their particular evolution in each studied region. Not only will an architectural point of view be given, but also an ethnologic and historic perspective. It presents the biggest inflection point of these timeless objects, the introduction of maize [zea mays] in Europe and the adaptations required for a maximum profit as well as problems derived from that.
Conference Presentations by Marta Bujanda
There is a social perception attached to vernacular architecture providing it with a non-tangible... more There is a social perception attached to vernacular architecture providing it with a non-tangible cultural value affecting the construction itself and the architectural landscape it sets in. Data collection from surveys conducted in Slovenia and Spain in 2016 are presented, to extract conclusions on current social and spatial perception of vernacular drying sheds for natives, tourists, students of architecture and professionals of architecture. Results improve understanding architectural landscape and cultural tourism and their symbiotic relation. social perception | vernacular architecture | hórreo | panera | dvojni kozolec | koruznjak A comparative study of preservation criteria of vernacular elevated drying sheds in Spain and Slovenia
Extended abstract of the paper presented at the 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE in ADVANCED CONSTRUC... more Extended abstract of the paper presented at the 5th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE in ADVANCED CONSTRUCTION, Kaunas. 6th October 2016.
ISSN 2029–1213
Papers by Marta Bujanda
This review article intends to give a view of this vernacular type of construction. Materials and construction systems used will also be included and their particular evolution in each studied region. Not only will an architectural point of view be given, but also an ethnologic and historic perspective. It presents the biggest inflection point of these timeless objects, the introduction of maize [zea mays] in Europe and the adaptations required for a maximum profit as well as problems derived from that.
Conference Presentations by Marta Bujanda
ISSN 2029–1213
This review article intends to give a view of this vernacular type of construction. Materials and construction systems used will also be included and their particular evolution in each studied region. Not only will an architectural point of view be given, but also an ethnologic and historic perspective. It presents the biggest inflection point of these timeless objects, the introduction of maize [zea mays] in Europe and the adaptations required for a maximum profit as well as problems derived from that.
ISSN 2029–1213