Claus Arnold
Claus Arnold is Professor of Medieval und Modern Church History at the University of Mainz. He studied Theology at Tübingen and Oxford (1986-1992), and was a teaching and research assistant with Hubert Wolf in Frankfurt and Münster (1992-2003). He holds a canonical doctorate in Theology from Frankfurt-Sankt-Georgen (1997), and achieved Habilitation at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Münster in 2003. From 2004 until 2014 he was a tenured professor of Church History at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.
Phone: +49-6131-39-20459
Address: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
FB 01, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Abteilung Mittlere und Neuere Kirchengeschichte
D-55099 Mainz
Phone: +49-6131-39-20459
Address: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität
FB 01, Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät
Abteilung Mittlere und Neuere Kirchengeschichte
D-55099 Mainz
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Papers by Claus Arnold
destroyed what was left of the international “modernist” networks, antimodernism continued and gained a new importance in the context of the “intellectual mobilization”. The most important example of this is the debate on the French propaganda volume "La Guerre Allemande et le Catholicisme" (1915). French Catholic war propaganda wielded anti-modernist stereotypes against German Catholicism, efforts which in turn were hotly contested by German counter-propaganda. On the whole, the conflict about La Guerre Allemande had a unifying effect on German mainstream Catholicism, in which a certain anti-integralism became common sense.
destroyed what was left of the international “modernist” networks, antimodernism continued and gained a new importance in the context of the “intellectual mobilization”. The most important example of this is the debate on the French propaganda volume "La Guerre Allemande et le Catholicisme" (1915). French Catholic war propaganda wielded anti-modernist stereotypes against German Catholicism, efforts which in turn were hotly contested by German counter-propaganda. On the whole, the conflict about La Guerre Allemande had a unifying effect on German mainstream Catholicism, in which a certain anti-integralism became common sense.
Im dritten Band der „Lebensbilder aus dem Bistum Mainz“ werden zehn Persönlichkeiten vorgestellt, die in ganz unterschiedlichen Bereichen Kirche und kirchliches Leben mitbestimmten: in Seelsorge und Organisation des Bistums, in Ordensleben und Pastoraltheologie, in Malerei und Musik, in Politik und Widerstand, in Lehrerbildung und Geschichtsvermittlung. Damit eröffnet sich ein weites Panorama, das über kirchliche Themen im engeren Sinn auf Kunst, Gesellschaft und Politik hinausweist. Der Bogen der Porträts spannt sich vom 18. bis ins 21. Jahrhundert und umfasst damit einen Zeitraum voller tiefgreifender Transformationsprozesse für Kirche und Gesellschaft, von der Säkularisation über die wechselvolle Zeit des langen 19. Jahrhunderts bis zum Nationalsozialismus und der Zeit der Bundesrepublik. Die zehn Biographien spiegeln wider, wie Frauen und Männer zu kirchlichen, theologischen und gesellschaftlichen Wandlungsprozessen Position beziehen und aus ihrem Glauben heraus engagiert und gestaltend tätig werden. Damit bietet die lokale Kirchengeschichte einen Schatz pluraler Katholizität, der auch für aktuelle innerkirchliche Wandlungsprozesse fruchtbar werden kann.
Weitere Beiträge widmen sich den Jesuiten in Württemberg, den Laienkatechetinnen im Bistum Rottenburg (1920 bis 1958) und der Tübinger Theologie „von Drey zu Hirscher“. Ein reichhaltiger Rezensionsteil beschließt den Band.
All these centres and libraries hold relevant collections for the history of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and also Ancient and non European Religions. They grant access to their collections of manuscripts, rare books, documents and materials which allow research concerning religious studies and interreligious and interconfessional dialogue throughout history. -ReIReS grants to users support for travel and subsistence. Users spend typically two weeks at the provider institution and take advantage in dealing with all these materials with the constant tutorial of experts of the host provider who are specialists in the research field for which access has been requested, and who assist and guide the use and interpretation of the data.- Users should aim to publish the results of their research within a realistic period of time and preferably in open access ISI or SCOPUS refereed journals that have substantial academic impact. The support of the EU as well the use of the ReIReS services must be clearly acknowledged in the academic publication realised using ReIReS’ transnational access.
Applications are submitted online on the ReIReS-website (
All these centres and libraries hold relevant collections for the history of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and also Ancient and non European Religions. They grant access to their collections of manuscripts, rare books, documents and materials which allow research concerning religious studies and interreligious and interconfessional dialogue throughout history. -ReIReS grants to users support for travel and subsistence. Users spend typically two weeks at the provider institution and take advantage in dealing with all these materials with the constant tutorial of experts of the host provider who are specialists in the research field for which access has been requested, and who assist and guide the use and interpretation of the data.- Users should aim to publish the results of their research within a realistic period of time and preferably in open access ISI or SCOPUS refereed journals that have substantial academic impact. The support of the EU as well the use of the ReIReS services must be clearly acknowledged in the academic publication realised using ReIReS’ transnational access.
Applications are submitted online on the ReIReS-website (
ReIReS offers scholars from any academic discipline the opportunity to spend two weeks in one of fourteen outstanding European research centres (libraries and archives) in Belgium (Leuven), Bulgaria (Sofia), France (Paris), Germany (Mainz and Hamburg), and Italy (Bologna) to carry out their research project in historical Religious Studies. Applications are welcome before August 04, 2019. -
All these centres and libraries hold relevant collections for the history of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and also Ancient and non European Religions. They grant access to their collections of manuscripts, rare books, documents and materials which allow research concerning religious studies and interreligious and interconfessional dialogue throughout history. -ReIReS grants to users support for travel and subsistence. Users spend typically two weeks at the provider institution and take advantage in dealing with all these materials with the constant tutorial of experts of the host provider who are specialists in the research field for which access has been requested, and who assist and guide the use and interpretation of the data.- Users should aim to publish the results of their research within a realistic period of time and preferably in open access ISI or SCOPUS refereed journals that have substantial academic impact. The support of the EU as well the use of the ReIReS services must be clearly acknowledged in the academic publication realised using ReIReS’ transnational access.
Applications are submitted online on the ReIReS-website (
All these centres and libraries grant access to collections of manuscripts, documents and rare books and represent relevant collections of Christian, Jewish and Muslim documents and books which allow studies concerning religious studies and interreligious and interconfessional dialogue throughout history.
Scholars can apply for a transnational access scholarship to consult each of these special collections and libraries (excluding those belonging to the user country) in order to develop innovative and groundbreaking investigations in historical religious studies.
The call will open on the 16th of July and will close on the 19th of August 2018.
Le domande di partecipazione vanno inviate al seguente indirizzo mail:
zum 500. Mal, auf dem Martin Luther unter Berufung
auf sein Gewissen vor Kaiser und Reichsständen
den kirchlich geforderten Widerruf seiner Reformschriften
verweigerte. Auch das antilutherische Wormser
Edikt konnte den Siegeszug der Reformation im
Reich nicht aufhalten.
Das Jubiläumsjahr nimmt die Gesellschaft für mittelrheinische
Kirchengeschichte zum Anlass, auf den
Reichstag von 1521 und die nachfolgende Ausbildung
diverser Konfessionskulturen in Worms zu schauen. Im
Zentrum stehen zum einen die rechtliche
und die zeremonielle Ausgestaltung des Reichstags sowie
die Situation der Reichsstadt Worms. Zum anderen
wird das konfessionelle Mit- und Nebeneinander in
Worms bis zum »Wormser Memorandum« im Jahr 1971
in den Blick genommen.
Einen besonderen Programmpunkt bildet der öffentliche
Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Volker Leppin, Tübingen/
Ziel der Weingartener Studientagung ist es, die Inhalte solcher regionaler Kategorien zu präzisieren und ihre historische Triftig-keit zu überprüfen, der Entstehung der Zuschreibungen nachzugehen bzw. die Ursachen und Hintergründe, Funktionen und Folgen der jeweiligen Zuschreibungen darzustellen. Die Analyse des historisch-semantischen Zusammenhangs ‚Region und Kirche bzw. Konfession‘ verspricht für beide Seiten dieses Beziehungsgeflechts, für die Regional- wie die Kirchengeschichte, neue Einsichten.