Papers by Alessandra Perna

Energies, 2022
In this study, the authors present a techno-economic assessment of on-site hydrogen refuelling st... more In this study, the authors present a techno-economic assessment of on-site hydrogen refuelling stations (450 kg/day of H2) based on different hydrogen sources and production technologies. Green ammonia, biogas, and water have been considered as hydrogen sources while cracking, autothermal reforming, and electrolysis have been selected as the hydrogen production technologies. The electric energy requirements of the hydrogen refuelling stations (HRSs) are internally satisfied using the fuel cell technology as power units for ammonia and biogas-based configurations and the PV grid-connected power plant for the water-based one. The hydrogen purification, where necessary, is performed by means of a Palladium-based membrane unit. Finally, the same hydrogen compression, storage, and distribution section are considered for all configurations. The sizing and the energy analysis of the proposed configurations have been carried out by simulation models adequately developed. Moreover, the econo...

E3S Web of Conferences, 2022
Today, the hydrogen is considered an essential element in speeding up the energy transition and g... more Today, the hydrogen is considered an essential element in speeding up the energy transition and generate important environmental benefits. Not all hydrogen is the same, though. The “green hydrogen”, which is produced using renewable energy and electrolysis to split water, is really and completely sustainable for stationary and mobile applications. This paper is focused on the techno-economic analysis of an on-site hydrogen refueling station (HRS) in which the green hydrogen production is assured by a PV plant that supplies electricity to an alkaline electrolyzer. The hydrogen is stored in low pressure tanks (200 bar) and then is compressed at 900 bar for refueling FCHVs by using the innovative technology of the ionic compressor. From technical point of view, the components of the HRS have been sized for assuring a maximum capacity of 450 kg/day. In particular, the PV plant (installed in the south of Italy) has a size of 8MWp and supplies an alkaline electrolyzer of 2.1 MW. A Li-ion ...

Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) power generation is considered an interesting energy conversion system ... more Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) power generation is considered an interesting energy conversion system because converts thermal energy into electrical energy without mechanically moving parts. In an MHD generator, a thermal plasma is moving across a magnetic field generating electric power. The heat source required to produce the high-speed gas flow can be supplied by the combustion of a fossil fuel or by using renewable source such as solar energy. The MHD efficiency is usually less than the conventional energy conversion systems (i.e. gas turbine combined cycle, steam power plant) but the availability of thermal power at high temperature can allow plant configurations with high overall efficiency. In this paper two plant configurations based on open-cycle MHD generators fed with coal are presented. The first one is a conventional configuration in which the plasma gas is the products of direct combustion of coal. The second one can be considered an advanced type because the working fluid...

The exploitation of the biomethane as transport fuel is receiving increasing attention in many Eu... more The exploitation of the biomethane as transport fuel is receiving increasing attention in many European countries. Technologies and processes for improving the Biogas-to-biomethane production with a lower energy consumption and lower costs are objective of several techno-economic studies.In this paper two promising concepts for the biogas conversion are proposed and analyzed considering both technical and economic issues. The analysis regards the biogas upgrading by means of the chemical absorption with Hot Potassium Carbonate and the direct methanation of biogas by adding renewable hydrogen. In order to assess the feasibility of these technologies the numerical modelling has been applied for the plants designing. The energy results have then been used to assess the expected biomethane production price and a sensitivity analysis on the main parameters has been performed. Finally, economic performance of the options proposed will be evaluated under different market conditions.

Energies, 2021
Power to substitute natural gas (PtSNG) is a promising technology to store intermittent renewable... more Power to substitute natural gas (PtSNG) is a promising technology to store intermittent renewable electricity as synthetic fuel. Power surplus on the electric grid is converted to hydrogen via water electrolysis and then to SNG via CO2 methanation. The SNG produced can be directly injected into the natural gas infrastructure for long-term and large-scale energy storage. Because of the fluctuating behaviour of the input energy source, the overall annual plant efficiency and SNG production are affected by the plant operation time and the standby strategy chosen. The re-use of internal (waste) heat for satisfying the energy requirements during critical moments can be crucial to achieving high annual efficiencies. In this study, the heat recovery from a PtSNG plant coupled with wind energy, based on proton exchange membrane electrolysis, adiabatic fixed bed methanation and membrane technology for SNG upgrading, is investigated. The proposed thermal recovery strategy involves the waste h...

E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
The maritime transportation sector is one of the main contributors to global emissions of greenho... more The maritime transportation sector is one of the main contributors to global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), particulate matter (PM), hazardous air pollutants, NOX and SOX. In particular, it is estimated that the CO2 emissions in this sector are about 1 Gt every year. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) adopted stringent emission limits in its Tier III regulation, most notably on NOX and SOX emissions and pledged to reach a reduction in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from international shipments by at least 50% by the year 2050, compared to 2008 emissions. For emission control areas (ECAs) these requirements are particularly strict and will be difficult to meet with traditional diesel engines and bunker fuels. Therefore, ship owners need to adopt solutions to bring emissions within these and other future limits by means of environmentally friendly fuels and high efficiency propulsion technologies. In this context, hydrogen and fuel ...

E3S Web of Conferences, 2021
In the context of the European decarbonization strategy, hydrogen is a key energy carrier in the ... more In the context of the European decarbonization strategy, hydrogen is a key energy carrier in the medium to long term. The main advantages deriving from a greater penetration of hydrogen into the energy mix consist in its intrinsic characteristics of flexibility and integrability with alternative technologies for the production and consumption of energy. In particular, hydrogen allows to: i) decarbonise end uses, since it is a zero-emission energy carrier and can be produced with processes characterized by the absence of greenhouse gases emissions (e.g. water electrolysis); ii) help to balancing electricity grid supporting the integration of non-programmable renewable energy sources; iii) exploit the natural gas transmission and distribution networks as storage systems in overproduction periods. However, the hydrogen injection into the natural gas infrastructures directly influences thermophysical properties of the gas mixture itself, such as density, calorific value, Wobbe index, sp...

Applied Energy, 2020
The use of biogas to produce "green hydrogen" represents an interesting solution for assuring sus... more The use of biogas to produce "green hydrogen" represents an interesting solution for assuring sustainability in the energy and mobility sectors with lower costs and a continuous production. In this study, two hydrogen production plants using biogas as primary source, are studied and compared by applying the energy and exergy analyses for both the overall plant and components. The plants are designed as polygeneration systems able to produce high-pressure hydrogen, heat, and electricity for self-sustaining the energy consumption for purification, compression, and storage of the produced hydrogen. In this sense, these plants are proposed as on-site hydrogen production plants for the development of novel refueling stations. The two proposed plants differ for the hydrogen production process: i) a biogas-to-hydrogen plant through steam reforming, ii) a biogas-to-hydrogen plant through autothermal reforming. The results of the study have highlighted that the steam reforming-based configuration allows for achieving the best performance in terms of hydrogen production energy-based efficiency (59.8%) and hydrogen production exergy-based efficiency (59.4%). Moreover, the steam reforming-based configuration represents the best solution also considering the co-production of heat and hydrogen (energy-based efficiency 73.5 and exergy-based efficiency 64.4%), while

E3S Web of Conferences, 2020
Ammonia is a particularly promising hydrogen carrier due to its relatively low cost, high energy ... more Ammonia is a particularly promising hydrogen carrier due to its relatively low cost, high energy density, its liquid storage and to its production from renewable sources. Thus, in recent years, great attention is devoted to this fuel for realizing next generation refueling stations according to a carbon-free energy economy. In this paper a distributed onsite refueling station (200 kg/day of hydrogen filling 700-bar HFCEVs (Hybrid Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles) with about 5 kg of hydrogen in 5 min), based on ammonia feeding, is studied from the energy and economic point of views. The station is designed with a modular configuration consisting of more sections: i) the hydrogen production section, ii) the electric energy supplier section, iii) the compression and storage section and the refrigeration/dispenser section. The core of the station is the hydrogen production section that is based on an ammonia cracking reactor and its auxiliaries; the electric energy demand necessary for the s...

E3S Web of Conferences, 2019
This paper focuses on a biofuel-based Multi-Energy System generating electricity, heat and hydrog... more This paper focuses on a biofuel-based Multi-Energy System generating electricity, heat and hydrogen. The proposed system, that is conceived as refit option for an existing anaerobic digester plant in which the biomass is converted to biogas, consists of: i) a fuel processing unit, ii) a power production unit based on the SOFC (Solid Oxide Fuel Cell) technology, iii) a hydrogen separation, compression and storage unit. The aim of this study is to define the operating conditions that allow optimizing the plant performances by applying the exergy analysis that is an appropriate technique to assess and rank the irreversibility sources in energy processes. Thus, the exergy analysis has been performed for both the overall plant and main plant components and the main contributors to the overall losses have been evaluated. Moreover, the first principle efficiency and the second principle efficiency have been estimated. Results have highlighted that the fuel processor (the Auto-Thermal Refor...

Energy Procedia, 2018
District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective s... more District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease, prolonging the investment return period. The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand-outdoor temperature function for heat demand forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665 buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors. The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications (the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered). The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations.

Energy Procedia, 2016
This paper focuses on the performance assessment of a novel and efficient EES (electric energy st... more This paper focuses on the performance assessment of a novel and efficient EES (electric energy storage) system based on ReSOC (reversible solid oxide cell) technology. The ReSOC is an electrochemical energy conversion device working at high temperature (600-1000°C) that can operate reversibly either as a fuel cell (SOFC) or as an electrolyzer (SOEC). In this study, a ReSOC unit fed by mixtures of CH 4 , CO, H 2 O and H 2 is proposed and analyzed. In particular, in the SOFC mode, where electricity is generated, the reactant gas, mainly formed by CH 4 and H 2 , is converted into a mixture of H 2 O and CO 2. The exhausts from the SOFC are used as the reactant gas for the SOEC operation. During the electrolysis process, CH 4 can be also produced thanks to the methanation reaction that, under proper operating conditions, occurs at the cathode of the solid oxide cell. The ReSOC unit behavior is investigated by developing a thermo-electrochemical model, able to predict its performance (i.e. roundtrip efficiency, polarization curve, thermally self-sustaining conditions) under different operating conditions. The ReSOC model, built with a modular architecture, is performed through thermodynamic, thermochemical and electrochemical sub-models taking into account mass and energy balances, chemical reactions (reforming, shifting reactions and methanation) and electrochemical relationships. Available literature data have been used for the model validation and a calibration procedure has been performed in order to evaluate the best fitting values for the model parameters. Furthermore, in order to estimate the thermoneutral conditions in SOEC operating mode, the ReSOC thermal behavior has been analyzed under different operating temperatures. Results pointed out that, by feeding the cell with a syngas mixture, the reforming reaction (in the SOFC mode) and the methanation reaction (in the SOEC mode) allow to simplify the cell thermal management. Moreover, the best performance in terms of stack roundtrip efficiency (about 70%), can be reached operating the ReSOC at low temperature (700°C).
Energy Procedia, 2015
In this paper conventional and advanced biomass gasification power plants designed for small coge... more In this paper conventional and advanced biomass gasification power plants designed for small cogeneration application are defined. The CHP plants consist of a gasification unit, that employs a downdraft gasifier, and a power unit based on a microturbine in the case of conventional configuration, and on a solid oxide fuel cell module, in the case of advanced configuration. The plants are sized to supply about 100 kW of electrical power. In order to investigate and to analyze the performances of the two plant configurations, in terms of thermal and electrical efficiencies, numerical models have been developed by using thermochemical and thermodynamic codes.

International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011
The waste management is become a very crucial issue in many countries, due to the everincreasing ... more The waste management is become a very crucial issue in many countries, due to the everincreasing amount of waste material, both domiciliary and industrial, generated. The main strategies for the waste management are the increase of material recovery (MR), which can reduce the landfill disposal, the improvement of energy recovery (ER) from waste and the minimization of the environmental impact. These two last objectives can be achieved by introducing a novel technology for waste treatment based on a plasma torch gasification system integrated with a high efficiency energy conversion system, such as combined cycle power plant or high-temperature fuel cells. This work aims to evaluate the performance of an Integrated Plasma Gasification/Fuel Cell system (IPGFC) in order to establish its energy suitability and environmental feature. The performance analysis of this system has been carried out by using a numerical model properly defined and implemented in Aspen Plusä code environment. The model is based on the combination of a thermochemical model of the plasma gasification unit, previously developed by the authors (the so-called EquiPlasmaJet model), and an electrochemical model for the SOFC fuel cell stack simulation. The EPJ model has been employed to predict the syngas composition and the energy balance of an RDF (Refuse Derived Fuel) plasma arc gasifier (that uses air as plasma gas), whereas the SOFC electrochemical model, that is a system-level model, has allowed to forecast the stack performance in terms of electrical power and efficiency. Results point out that the IPGFC system is able to produce a net power of 4.2 MW per kg of RDF with an electric efficiency of about 33%. This efficiency is high in comparison with those reached by conventional technologies based on RDF incineration (20%).

Applied Sciences, 2020
Power to gas (PtG) is an emerging technology that allows to overcome the issues due to the increa... more Power to gas (PtG) is an emerging technology that allows to overcome the issues due to the increasingly widespread use of intermittent renewable energy sources (IRES). Via water electrolysis, power surplus on the electric grid is converted into hydrogen or into synthetic natural gas (SNG) that can be directly injected in the natural gas network for long-term energy storage. The core units of the Power to synthetic natural gas (PtSNG) plant are the electrolyzer and the methanation reactors where the renewable electrolytic hydrogen is converted to synthetic natural gas by adding carbon dioxide. A technical issue of the PtSNG plant is the different dynamics of the electrolysis unit and the methanation unit. The use of a hydrogen storage system can help to decouple these two subsystems and to manage the methanation unit for assuring long operation time and reducing the number of shutdowns. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the energy storage potential and the technical feasibilit...

Energy Procedia, 2014
Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) power generation is considered an interesting energy conversion system ... more Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) power generation is considered an interesting energy conversion system because converts thermal energy into electrical energy without mechanically moving parts. In an MHD generator, a thermal plasma is moving across a magnetic field generating electric power. The heat source required to produce the high-speed gas flow can be supplied by the combustion of a fossil fuel or by using renewable source such as solar energy. The MHD efficiency is usually less than the conventional energy conversion systems (i.e. gas turbine combined cycle, steam power plant) but the availability of thermal power at high temperature can allow plant configurations with high overall efficiency. In this paper two plant configurations based on open-cycle MHD generators fed with coal are presented. The first one is a conventional configuration in which the plasma gas is the products of direct combustion of coal. The second one can be considered an advanced type because the working fluid is the combustion exhausts of syngas generated from coal gasification. In order to evaluate the energy suitability of the proposed systems, a performance analysis has been carried out by means of numerical modeling. Therefore, the operating conditions and the plant configurations for an efficient recovery of the thermal energy available from the MHD exhausts have been defined by a sensitivity analysis carried out varying the preheating temperature of air (or enriched air) sent to the combustion chamber. Results show that high system efficiencies (up to 60%) can be achieved by using the syngas due to a better heat recovery in the high temperature region.

IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2011
The behavior of fuel cells (FCs) at steady state and during transients is an important factor bot... more The behavior of fuel cells (FCs) at steady state and during transients is an important factor both for control tuning and for performance assessment. In the technical literature, few papers deal systematically with FC characterization. In this paper, the performance characterization of a proton exchange membrane (PEM) FC is carried out using an experimental analysis. The experimental activity has been conducted in a test station, properly designed and able to test PEM FC stacks in the range of 500- 2000 W. The laboratory test facility is equipped with a National Instruments CompactDAQ real-time data acquisition and control system running a LabVIEW software. The bench commands two mass flow controllers, regulating both fuel flow and air flow which are commanded via two Recommended Standard 232 ports. The temperature of the FC is regulated via a fan operated by a brushless motor drive. An electronic load is connected to the FC terminals. The main operating parameters, such as the air stoichiometric ratio and fuel composition, have been varied and measured, and their influence on the PEM FC behavior has been investigated under both steady-state and transient conditions. Index Terms—Experimental setup, fuel cells (FCs), hydrogen, supervisory control and data acquisition systems.
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2007
In this paper the energetic optimization of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell integrated with ... more In this paper the energetic optimization of a proton exchange membrane fuel cell integrated with a steam reforming system using ethanol as fuel is analysed. In order to obtain high hydrogen production, a thermodynamic analysis of the steam reforming process has been carried out and the optimal operating conditions has been defined. Moreover, the overall efficiency of the PEMFC-SR system
Papers by Alessandra Perna