Videos by enrico felici
The discovery of an ancient trap on the south-eastern coast of Sicily confirms that the trap we k... more The discovery of an ancient trap on the south-eastern coast of Sicily confirms that the trap we know is not an Arab or medieval invention, but dates back to Geco-Roman antiquity. It allows you to re-read the sources and retrace the ancient processes and names of the tunnids, their fishing, salting and marketing. 37 views
Nella pittura murale romana, i porti (come spiega Vitruvio) e le ville marittime o lacustri sono ... more Nella pittura murale romana, i porti (come spiega Vitruvio) e le ville marittime o lacustri sono soggetti ricorrenti. Tuttavia, entrambi questi temi ponevano alcuni problemi grafici: i porti erano infrastrutture vaste e complesse, non facili da riassumere in pochi elementi; le villae maritimae, perché fossero percepite come tali, non solo richiedevano di essere rappresentate come costiere, ma dovevano anche esplicitare fondazioni acquatiche. In entrambi i casi, queste informazioni richiedevano codici grafici che le riassumessero in un modo universalmente e immediatamente comprensibile: la più diffusa è la serie di archi costruiti su pilae immerse (opus pilarum). Il modello derivava dai ponti e dai pochi porti marittimi in cui venne effettivamente attuato. Nelle rappresentazioni di porti, di pontili moli e di bases di villae maritimae su monete, dipinti, mosaici, lampade, ecc., questo codice è stato usato ed enfatizzato non (o non sempre) come elemento di realismo ma, trasposto in un pi 28 views
The discovery of a Roman pier, built in opus caementicium, according to the Vitruvian system. Som... more The discovery of a Roman pier, built in opus caementicium, according to the Vitruvian system. Some wooden planks of the formwork for pouring concrete were inscribed with stamped marks. 12 views
conference by enrico felici
The relevance of the Ancient Topography to the coastal territories is self-evident. Nonetheless, ... more The relevance of the Ancient Topography to the coastal territories is self-evident. Nonetheless, these spaces, with their peculiar and complex basket of archaeological, cultural and historical contents, require clarifications; which are also necessary for the disciplinary definition of the research, which, if it finds its natural site in the Ancient Topography, in recent years both in Italy and abroad has been made to fall under other various headings that do not fit well with the object of the studies and the necessary methodologies. Even on Underwater Archaeology, which is consubstantial in the coastal topographical work, a forest of denominations, both domestic and foreign, has gathered: which this contribution intends to point out as disciplinary distinctions forced and unjustified, when not even contrary to the very nature of science that they would like ( re)define. Some evidently tend to forget that underwater archaeology was born in France and Italy, and that ancient topography, in the most general sense, arose in Italy some centuries ago., 2022
Lo spazio retrodunale litoraneo, inondato in modo permanente o periodico, ha sempre costituito un... more Lo spazio retrodunale litoraneo, inondato in modo permanente o periodico, ha sempre costituito un ambiente dalle rilevanti opportunità di sostentamento e insediamento. Vi sono sempre state coltivate la pesca, l’allevamento dei molluschi e la salinatura. Vi si sono sviluppati fenomeni insediativi che hanno anche comportato risanamento e regimazione degli spazi inondati mediante escavazione di canali di collegamento con alvei fluviali e con il mare, che in molti casi hanno avuto come implicito esito la creazione di vie di collegamento nautico, e la realizzazione di porti basati sul metodo dell’escavazione, integrale o parziale, di invasi in terraferma, i cui più insigni esempi sono i porti di Cartagine e di Ostia - Portus.
Dialoghi di archeologia subacquea (conferences)
books by enrico felici
Bibliotheca Archaeologica 59, Edipuglia, Bari, 2021
The port of Antium is a significant inventory of Roman port engineering, with building techniques... more The port of Antium is a significant inventory of Roman port engineering, with building techniques adapted to the increasing of the depth of the seabed as the building proceeded from land to sea. Its archaeological remains testify the progress of the Roman age in the construction techniques in a maritime environment, based on the precepts of Vitruvius for casting pozzolanic concrete into the sea: in this book, the relative passages of the De architectura are examined, retracing the interpretations proposed starting from the Renaissance; and comparing them with a critical review of the procedures for the construction of various port structures, then with the iconographic sources with maritime subject. The result is a general picture of these technologies, consisting of Vitruvian methods and of some different systems mentioned by other sources. In the Neronian port, we have documented extensive foundation techniques on the shoreline and construction systems in the water with wooden formworks - on which during an excavation in 1997 numerous punched stamps were found; in the port, furthermore, it’s also probable a third system on the deeper seabed, i.e. wooden caissons placed on artificial mounds of stone, then filled with concrete (as Pliny the Younger writes about Centumcellae). This maritime engineering experiences formed the technical basis for imperial port strategies. Nero's intense activity about the safety of trade routes of the Annona allows the port of Antium to be interpreted not as a mere part of the nearby imperial villa (so was believed in the past), but above all as a safety spot for the vital Tyrrhenian route on which sailed the wheat addressed to Rome.
a cura di Graziella Buscemi Felici, Enrico Felici, Luca Lanteri, Bibliotheca achaeologica 57, Edipuglia, Bari , 2020
In copertina: Siracusa, Punta della Mola: modello digitale del terreno da aerofotogrammetria (ela... more In copertina: Siracusa, Punta della Mola: modello digitale del terreno da aerofotogrammetria (elab. L. Lanteri). Sul retro: Pachino (SR), C.da Conserie, tonnara antica: partic. delle vasche di salagione da aerofotogrammetria (elab. L. Lanteri). Bari 2020 © 2020 Edipuglia srl, via Dalmazia 22/b -70127 Bari-S. Spirito tel. 080 5333056-5333057 (fax) - -Volume realizzato con fondi di ricerca dell'Università di Catania -Piano per la ricerca 2016-2018, Bando Chance PRODUZIONI ANTICHE SULLA COSTA SUD ORIENTALE DELLA SICILIA -ISBN 9788872289273 © 2020 · Edipuglia srl INTRODUZIONE di Enrico Felici 5 I METODI LA TOPOGRAFIA ANTICA LITORANEA. ARGOMENTI E METODI di Enrico Felici 13 IL REMOTE SENSING COSTIERO: DALLA FOTOAEREA AL DRONE di Luca Lanteri 35 UN GIS PER IL TERRITORIO LITORANEO: LA SICILIA SUD ORIENTALE di Rodolfo Brancato INDICE PRODUZIONI ANTICHE SULLA COSTA SUD ORIENTALE DELLA SICILIA -ISBN 9788872289273 © 2020 · Edipuglia srl
In copertina: Elaborazione grafica di pittura vascolare su idria micenea (da Hadjianastasiou 1996... more In copertina: Elaborazione grafica di pittura vascolare su idria micenea (da Hadjianastasiou 1996): sei uomini traggono a riva una rete carica di tonni. INTRODUZIONE 5 IL TONNO NELL'ANTICHITÀ 13 Preistoria 13 Fenici, Greci, Romani 18 Pesca del tonno e Società 30 TONNO E AFFINI: SPECIE, NOMI, CARATTERISTICHE, COMPORTAMENTI 39 Αὐλωπίας, 44 -Θύννοςthynnus / thunnus, 45 -Κῆτοςcetus, 51 -Κορδύλη / σκορδύληcordyla, 53 -Ὄρκυς / ὄρκυnoςorcynus, 54 -Πηλαμύςpelamys / pelamis, 55 -Πριμάς / πρημάς / πρημνάς, 57 -Σάρδαsarda, 58 L'enigma della migrazione 58 LA PESCA ANTICA 63 Con il veleno 64 Con lenze, arponi e fiocine 64 Con le reti: pesca a vista e tonnara ancorata 68 Tonnara-madraga, 68 -Le reti, 69 -Specole e osservatori: thynnoskopos e thynnoskopeion, 71 -Luoghi di avvistamento elevati, 74 -Postazioni di avvistamento artificiali, 75 -Tra antico e moderno, 78 Pesca a circuizione: le fonti 80 Aristotele, 81 -Marco Manilio, 82 -Alcifrone, 82 -Oppiano di Anazarbo, 83 -Claudio Eliano, 83 Tonnara fissa: le fonti 88 Eschilo, 88 -Erodoto, 88 -Marco Manilio, 89 -Strabone (pelamydeia), 90 -Strabone (keteia), 91 -Oppiano (Halieutica), 92 -Oppiano (Parafrasianon.), 92 -Claudio Eliano, 95 -Ateneo, 95 -Filostrato maggiore, 97 Cetarii, cetariae, cetaria 97 Fonti giuridiche 101 Alicarnasso, 102 -Trattati fra città, 102 -Bisanzio, 103 -Il diritto di pesca, 103 -Le Novelle di Leone VI, 105
Papers by enrico felici
Journal of Ancient Topography - Rivista di Topografia Antica, 2024
Coastal territories raise peculiar questions to archaeological research, to which only Ancient co... more Coastal territories raise peculiar questions to archaeological research, to which only Ancient coastal and underwater Topography can give a coherent answer. In recent decades, however, different disciplinary definitions have established themselves internationally, despite containing severe logical inconsistencies and theoretical leaks (e.g., K. Muckelroy’s Maritime Archaeology); some of which have been simply misunderstood in Italy (“Archeologia dei paesaggi costieri”, and others). In any case, these visions ignore the unity and complexity of the coastal territory with its archaeological, anthropological, cultural and historical contents: on which the specialist expertise of topographic and underwater methodology has been applied for decades, with the use in the Mediterranean of all available sources. Ancient Topography, in fact, which was established in Italy already in Humanism and in Renaissance, since its beginnings (e.g.: Flavio Biondo) investigates also the coastal territories together with the Underwater Archaeology of its origins (L. Battista Alberti and the Nemi’s ships). Such symbiosis, with the birth in the last century in France and Italy of contemporary underwater archaeology, has condensed in the current unity of the cognitive process about all coastal and nautical themes. The various attempts to surrogate this scientific structure, the only one of proven effectiveness, with groundless divisions of competences (as "dry" or "wet" archaeology), or with unjustified other methodological denominations, or by erroneously translating the English Landscape with the Italian "paesaggio" (a term nothing at all applicable to the sciences of antiquity) instead of "territorio", are harbingers of epistemological confusion and severe interpretative errors, of which some examples are presented.
L'archeologo subacqueo 76, 2024
The locution Underwater Archaeology summarizes complex subjects, which have as their object of st... more The locution Underwater Archaeology summarizes complex subjects, which have as their object of study the nautical aspects, infrastructures for navigation, production and residential installations of ancient civilisations, especially - but not exclusively - located in coastal territories, including their submerged spaces. Despite being consolidated for many decades, the heading Underwater archaeology, a science born in France and Italy, has however over time been questioned by definitional proposals, supported by not solid enough epistemological paths and which have added so nothing to its contents, which upon careful exegesis reveal themselves to be simple onomastic substitutions without real scientific consistency or even based on misunderstandings: mainly Maritime archaeology, Coastal archaeology and, in Italy, Archeologia dei paesaggi (costieri). We discuss these formulations, while stating in summary the essence of the coastal territory and how this has become an object of archaeological interest in Italy since the Renaissance with the institution of Ancient Topography, of whose scientific palimpsest underwater archaeology is a conceptual expansion, even before operational.
Entremares. Ubicazione, infrastruttura e organizzazione dei porti romani, 2023
The Neronian port of Antium is fully inscribed in the imperial port infrastructure programme, as ... more The Neronian port of Antium is fully inscribed in the imperial port infrastructure programme, as a safety step on the Tyrrhenian route of the grain traffic to Rome. Its realisation was made possible by advances in construction techniques in the maritime environment, based on the pozzolanic concrete indicated in De architectura by Vitruvius. Probably experimented in the Phlegraean Fields, especially in the port of Puteoli, those achievements were available in the first half of the 1st century AD when Claudius had them implemented in the port of Ostia (and others). The topography and the archaeological remains of the port of Antium show the building abilities achieved in adapting to the different geomorphologic situations that an infrastructure built on a sandy shoreline encountered: backshore and foreshore, shallow waters and deeper depths. For the latter, techniques were also adopted that Vitruvius does not mention, as in the ports of Caesarea Maritima and Centumcellae.
L'archeologo subacqueo 75, 2023
The lagoon, the coastal space behind the dunes permanently or periodically flooded, or even dried... more The lagoon, the coastal space behind the dunes permanently or periodically flooded, or even dried up, has always been an environment with considerable possibilities for sustenance and settlement. The specialized productions established in these environments range from cultivation as saltworks to fish or shellfish (especially oysters) farming, to hunting. Salt stands out in particular as an essential component for the conservation of fish and for the production of purple, as evidenced by the contiguity between tuna traps and ancient salting tanks and the lagoons. On the basis of these assumptions, settlement phenomena have developed which have also led to the reclamation and regulation of the lagoons through the excavation of channels connecting with the riverbeds and the sea, which in many cases also had nautical routes as an implicit result. The availability of flooded or floodable spaces behind the dunes was also the prerequisite for the construction of ports based on the method of total or partial excavation of the basin in the land.
L'archeologo subacqueo 75, 2023
The Bronzes from Riace were a promise, or maybe just a hope, of organizational and technical inve... more The Bronzes from Riace were a promise, or maybe just a hope, of organizational and technical investments in Italian underwater archaeological research. However, after half a century, the Italian panorama shows that those expectations have been illusory: public commitment in this sector has consisted of late, occasional, ineffective, often scientifically weak actions. The media resonance of that fortuitous find was instead distorted in the expectation of other submerged arcane mysteries. Underwater archaeologists, a category disowned and debased in various ways, have been reduced on the one hand, in the media, to adventurous explorers; on the other hand, to scientists whose operational capacity is sometimes prevented today, pursuant to rules that do not actually exist. A bleak picture today, for a science that in the era of Nino Lamboglia had Italy as one of the leading nations in the development of methodologies now implemented all over the world, and which today is marginal in this field, due to regulatory and organizational obstacles as well as due to the limited allocations for this sector.
Journal of Ancient Topography 32, 2022
We examine the contribution of ancient coastal and underwater topography in the documentation and... more We examine the contribution of ancient coastal and underwater topography in the documentation and interpretation of the image transmitted by iconography of Roman ports. The ports had a strong building impulse in the imperial age, for logistical and political reasons, allowed by technical and engineering advances. Perhaps precisely because of this development, they also became a popular iconographic theme. Images of ports represent an important source for understanding this peculiar monumental class; but, as other buildings, they can assume effective topographical recognition only thanks to the concomitant exegesis of literary sources and archaeological remains, aerial and submerged.
The complexity of the themes and infrastructural and monumental realities was such as to pose from time to time exhibition problems of not easy solution, the outcome of which reveals the conflicts between reality and its representation. It seems plausible that there has been a reciprocal influence between official communication and private artistic forms. The first had to identify effective ways of transmitting messages relating to safety of sailing and Annona, using images, probably taken from private illustrations, which did not require a realistic drafting, but had to have an evocative power of immediate reception («what is, but also what can be», writes Vitruvius). Those same stylistic features were adopted by the commercial class that gravitated to the Annona flow, which used them in their own forms of communication.
Si prende in esame il contributo della topografia antica litoranea e subacquea nella documentazione e nell’interpretazione dell’ immagine trasmessa dall’iconografia degli impianti portuali di età romana. I porti ebbero in età imperiale un forte impulso edilizio, per motivazioni logistiche e politiche, consentito dagli avanzamenti tecnici e ingegneristici. Forse proprio per questo sviluppo, essi divennero anche un frequentato tema iconografico. Le immagini di porti rappresentano un’importante fonte per la comprensione di questa peculiare classe monumentale; ma, come per tutti gli altri edifici, esse possono assumere un’effettiva riconoscibilità topografica solo grazie alla concomitante esegesi delle fonti letterarie e dei resti archeologici, aerei e sommersi.
La complessità dei temi e delle realtà infrastrutturali e monumentali era tale da porre di volta in volta problemi espositivi di non facile soluzione, il cui esito lascia trasparire i conflitti fra la realtà e la sua rappresentazione. Appare plausibile che tra la comunicazione ufficiale e le forme artistiche private ci sia stata una reciproca influenza. La prima ha dovuto individuare modi efficaci di trasmettere messaggi relativi alla sicurezza marittima e annonaria, usando immagini, probabilmente tratte da illustrazioni private, che non richiedevano una redazione veristica, ma dovevano avere un potere evocativo di immediata recezione («ciò che è, ma anche ciò che può essere», scrive Vitruvio). Quegli stessi stilemi vennero fatti propri dal ceto commerciale che gravitava sul flusso annonario, che li impiegò nelle proprie forme di comunicazione.
L'archeologo subacqueo, 2022
In the by now long history of underwater archaeology, some discussions, orientations, addresses, ... more In the by now long history of underwater archaeology, some discussions, orientations, addresses, ontological problems have arisen, often from intentions mainly evolutionary, aimed at the progress; other times eccentric; others even more self-centered, looking for sector specificities. Even different positions are not only legitimate, but sometimes, maybe involuntarily, also useful because – despite the fact that they deserve to be rejected – they help to put the reasoning in order and to clarify them better.
This dialectical path, however, has a price: defining problems are stratified by being loaded with meanings that are sometimes even contradictory. The epistemological structure of underwater archaeology today therefore branches out into an articulated web of subdistinctions, not always actually necessary and sometimes decidedly superfluous, which here is not appropriate to fully explain, but of which a limited essay is offered below.
L'archeologo subacqueo , 2022
Nel recente volume Il Mediterraneo e la storia III. Documentando città portuali, tra vari contrib... more Nel recente volume Il Mediterraneo e la storia III. Documentando città portuali, tra vari contributi di indubbio interesse è stato pubblicato l'articolo di Laura Chioffi, «Antium romana e i suoi porti, tra epigrafia e iconografia», che si segnala invece per la sua incongruità 1. Allo studio e alla documentazione della portualità antica concorrono, si sa, diverse discipline specialistiche: per chi non avesse familiarità con l'argomento, l'evidenza archeologica primaria diretta consiste ovviamente nelle strutture portuali stesse e nei loro allestimenti accessori, alla quale concorrono varie altre fonti, materiali, dati da remote sensing, geomorfologia, letteratura, itinerari e portolani, epigrafia, iconografia e cartografia antiche e moderne, ecc.: un paniere metodologico denso di argomenti il cui esame coordinato richiede coerenza ed un altrettanto ampio ventaglio di competenze, ben riassunto dall'esortazione ad un more holistic approach suggerito nello stesso volume dal compianto Simon Keay 2. Di tutto ciò Chioffi non si cura. Il suo scritto ruota intorno all'enunciato secondo cui Antium, prima della costruzione del grande porto di Nerone, avrebbe avuto «un molo sospeso, del tipo fornito di bitte e con camminamento praticabile, quale, per esempio, appare riprodotto nel mosaico di fine I a.C./inizi I d.C., proveniente dalla villa delle Grottacce» 3. A sostegno di questa tesi, l'autrice invoca vari indizi; nessuno dei quali è però autentico, come si mostrerà in dettaglio nel commento che segue. 6 Vitr. V, 12,1: «circum enim porticus sive navalia sunt facienda sive ex porticibus aditus <ad> emporia».
Videos by enrico felici
conference by enrico felici
books by enrico felici
Papers by enrico felici
The complexity of the themes and infrastructural and monumental realities was such as to pose from time to time exhibition problems of not easy solution, the outcome of which reveals the conflicts between reality and its representation. It seems plausible that there has been a reciprocal influence between official communication and private artistic forms. The first had to identify effective ways of transmitting messages relating to safety of sailing and Annona, using images, probably taken from private illustrations, which did not require a realistic drafting, but had to have an evocative power of immediate reception («what is, but also what can be», writes Vitruvius). Those same stylistic features were adopted by the commercial class that gravitated to the Annona flow, which used them in their own forms of communication.
Si prende in esame il contributo della topografia antica litoranea e subacquea nella documentazione e nell’interpretazione dell’ immagine trasmessa dall’iconografia degli impianti portuali di età romana. I porti ebbero in età imperiale un forte impulso edilizio, per motivazioni logistiche e politiche, consentito dagli avanzamenti tecnici e ingegneristici. Forse proprio per questo sviluppo, essi divennero anche un frequentato tema iconografico. Le immagini di porti rappresentano un’importante fonte per la comprensione di questa peculiare classe monumentale; ma, come per tutti gli altri edifici, esse possono assumere un’effettiva riconoscibilità topografica solo grazie alla concomitante esegesi delle fonti letterarie e dei resti archeologici, aerei e sommersi.
La complessità dei temi e delle realtà infrastrutturali e monumentali era tale da porre di volta in volta problemi espositivi di non facile soluzione, il cui esito lascia trasparire i conflitti fra la realtà e la sua rappresentazione. Appare plausibile che tra la comunicazione ufficiale e le forme artistiche private ci sia stata una reciproca influenza. La prima ha dovuto individuare modi efficaci di trasmettere messaggi relativi alla sicurezza marittima e annonaria, usando immagini, probabilmente tratte da illustrazioni private, che non richiedevano una redazione veristica, ma dovevano avere un potere evocativo di immediata recezione («ciò che è, ma anche ciò che può essere», scrive Vitruvio). Quegli stessi stilemi vennero fatti propri dal ceto commerciale che gravitava sul flusso annonario, che li impiegò nelle proprie forme di comunicazione.
This dialectical path, however, has a price: defining problems are stratified by being loaded with meanings that are sometimes even contradictory. The epistemological structure of underwater archaeology today therefore branches out into an articulated web of subdistinctions, not always actually necessary and sometimes decidedly superfluous, which here is not appropriate to fully explain, but of which a limited essay is offered below.
The complexity of the themes and infrastructural and monumental realities was such as to pose from time to time exhibition problems of not easy solution, the outcome of which reveals the conflicts between reality and its representation. It seems plausible that there has been a reciprocal influence between official communication and private artistic forms. The first had to identify effective ways of transmitting messages relating to safety of sailing and Annona, using images, probably taken from private illustrations, which did not require a realistic drafting, but had to have an evocative power of immediate reception («what is, but also what can be», writes Vitruvius). Those same stylistic features were adopted by the commercial class that gravitated to the Annona flow, which used them in their own forms of communication.
Si prende in esame il contributo della topografia antica litoranea e subacquea nella documentazione e nell’interpretazione dell’ immagine trasmessa dall’iconografia degli impianti portuali di età romana. I porti ebbero in età imperiale un forte impulso edilizio, per motivazioni logistiche e politiche, consentito dagli avanzamenti tecnici e ingegneristici. Forse proprio per questo sviluppo, essi divennero anche un frequentato tema iconografico. Le immagini di porti rappresentano un’importante fonte per la comprensione di questa peculiare classe monumentale; ma, come per tutti gli altri edifici, esse possono assumere un’effettiva riconoscibilità topografica solo grazie alla concomitante esegesi delle fonti letterarie e dei resti archeologici, aerei e sommersi.
La complessità dei temi e delle realtà infrastrutturali e monumentali era tale da porre di volta in volta problemi espositivi di non facile soluzione, il cui esito lascia trasparire i conflitti fra la realtà e la sua rappresentazione. Appare plausibile che tra la comunicazione ufficiale e le forme artistiche private ci sia stata una reciproca influenza. La prima ha dovuto individuare modi efficaci di trasmettere messaggi relativi alla sicurezza marittima e annonaria, usando immagini, probabilmente tratte da illustrazioni private, che non richiedevano una redazione veristica, ma dovevano avere un potere evocativo di immediata recezione («ciò che è, ma anche ciò che può essere», scrive Vitruvio). Quegli stessi stilemi vennero fatti propri dal ceto commerciale che gravitava sul flusso annonario, che li impiegò nelle proprie forme di comunicazione.
This dialectical path, however, has a price: defining problems are stratified by being loaded with meanings that are sometimes even contradictory. The epistemological structure of underwater archaeology today therefore branches out into an articulated web of subdistinctions, not always actually necessary and sometimes decidedly superfluous, which here is not appropriate to fully explain, but of which a limited essay is offered below.
The different typologies are examined, with philological exegesis of Vitruvius' technical terminology, compared with the procedures documented on the structures: in particular if submerged, with the high probability of tracing wooden elements preserved in an anaerobic environment, with the possibility of dating by means of dendrochronology and 14C. as well as, in rare cases, with epigraphic yard marks stamped on the carpentry. To the Vitruvian systems are added foundation methods in the dunal wetlands, and systems of casting in deep waters, based on the use of caissons with the bottom.
These topics, compared with some funerary iconographies and especially with Trimalchio’s tale about his commercial success, return an eloquent expression of the intent of the libertine class to represent its fortunes in maritime trade.