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View all- Mahansaria DRoy U(2019)Secure Authentication for ATM transactions using NFC technology2019 International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology (ICCST)10.1109/CCST.2019.8888427(1-5)Online publication date: Oct-2019
The non-cash transaction technology is constantly developed from time to time for more efficient transaction, including the development of ¬e-money technology on mobile phone with NFC as the main payment instrument, known as NFC mobile payment. In order ...
Near Field Communication NFC is increasingly being employed in modern consumer devices and until now it has been used for mobile payments. However, on further investigation there are other areas where NFC has a key role. Recent developments in Medical ...
Passive Near Field Communication NFC devices, such as contactless smart cards, use NFC to communicate with other devices without any physical connection or an internal battery source, deriving power inductively via the radio field generated by the NFC ...
Association for Computing Machinery
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