IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Special Section on Recent Progress in Radio Propagation
Estimation of a Received Signal at an Arbitrary Remote Location Using MUSIC Method
Makoto TANAKAHisato IWAIHideichi SASAOKA
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2015 Volume E98.B Issue 5 Pages 806-813

In recent years, various applications based on propagation characteristics have been developed. They generally utilize the locality of the fading characteristics of multipath environments. On the other hand, if a received signal at a remote location can be estimated beyond the correlation distance of the multipath fading environment, a wide variety of new applications can be possible. In this paper, we attempt to estimate a received signal at a remote location using the MUSIC method and the least squares method. Based on the plane wave assumption for each arriving wave, multipath environment is analyzed through estimation of the directions of arrival by the MUISC method and the complex amplitudes of the received signals by the least squares method, respectively. We present evaluation results on the estimation performance of the method by computer simulations.
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© 2015 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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