Videos by Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
km mꜣꜥt/Kem Djed.ten Maat [To Be Black, Speak You Maat]
Essays on Afrikan Liberation, Re... more km mꜣꜥt/Kem Djed.ten Maat [To Be Black, Speak You Maat]
Essays on Afrikan Liberation, Revolutionary Governance and Radical Macroeconomic Public Policy with a Translation of the Oldest Book in the World, the Instructions of Ptah-Hotep, the Ethical Axioms of Excellent Discourse & Afrikan Behavior by the Prime Minister & Chief Public Administrator of Kemet c. 1866 – 1891 KC [c. 2375 – 2350 BCE]
kmyt/Kemyt [Books of the Black Land] AFRIKOLOGY PHILOSOPHY SERIES
Pan-Afrikan Ethics for Pan-Afrikan Public Policy & Public Administration
Volume I
Second Edition
Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. Public Policy Analysis
Accra, Ghana: University of New Timbuktu sebA Press, 2022.
Pp. liii, 690. [PDF] 13 views
sbA kmtyw - "Towards Pan-Afrikan Economics" with Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. will be a weekly ... more sbA kmtyw - "Towards Pan-Afrikan Economics" with Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. will be a weekly one-hour podcast | video that discusses and analyzes pertinent economic news of continental Afrika and the Afrikan Diaspora from a Pan-Afrikan perspective as seen through the lens of Maat in the spirit of Martin Delany, Edward Wilmot Blyden, Henry Sylvester Williams, Marcus Garvey, W. E. B. Dubois, Kwame Nkrumah, Ahmed Sekou Toure, Patrice Lumumba, Julius Nyerere, Malcolm X, Frantz Fanon, Walter Rodney, Amilcar Cabral, Thomas Sankara and Cheikh Anta Diop.
Topics discussed will include but will not be limited to national economic self-reliance, wages, employment and unemployment, entrepreneurship, debt, interest rates, balance of payment, prices, profit, foreign exchange, credit, economic growth, sustainable agriculture, land tenure, land reform, neoliberal economics, social democracy, paths to economic development, corruption, illicit financial flows and alternative economics. 3 views
Books by Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
The Trial of Dedan Kimathi
Ngugi wa Thiong o
Ancient Egypt, the Light of the World: A Work of Reclamation and Restitution in Twelve Books
Williams & Norgate, 1881
A Book of the Beginnings
Containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origins of t... more A Book of the Beginnings
Containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origins of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace.
Harper & Brothers Publishers, 1869
Pre-historic Nations; Or, Inquiries Concerning Some of the Great Peoples and Civilizations of Ant... more Pre-historic Nations; Or, Inquiries Concerning Some of the Great Peoples and Civilizations of Antiquity And Their Probable Relation to a Still Older Civilization of the Ethiopians Or Cushites of Arabia
Our story will deal with the ancient Cushite empire of Ethiopians, that covered three continents ... more Our story will deal with the ancient Cushite empire of Ethiopians, that covered three continents and held unbroken sway for three thousand years. We will visit old Ethiopia, where as Herodotus said, "the gods delighted to banquet with the pious inhabitants." We will study the land and the ancient race. The "Old Race," will next win our attention, that Petrie found in Egypt of distinct and unique culture, who were the people of the earlier and superior civilization of the first dynasties. Down through this prehistoric vista we see "Happy Araby" with her brilliant primitive culture and her unrivalled literature of later days. On the screen flashes the rich and surpassing culture of old Chaldea, which belonged to the ancient Cushite empire of Ethiopians.
Next comes veiled and mysterious India, the scene of charming story and magic fable, with her subtle mysticism and philosophy. Tarrying a while with the conquest and life of the ancient Medes and Persians, the trail runs far afield into the dominions of Western Europe and the striking questions array themselves demanding to be answered. Who were the Celts? Who were the Teutons? and what was the origin of the so-called Aryan race? The author was as much astounded as will be the reader, as to what this study reveals. It leaves us wondering if there is any Aryan race.
University of New Timbuktu System sbA Press, 2021
Essays on Afrikan Liberation, Revolutionary Governance and Radical Macroeconomic Public Policy wi... more Essays on Afrikan Liberation, Revolutionary Governance and Radical Macroeconomic Public Policy with a Translation of the Oldest Book in the World the Instructions of Ptah-Hotep, the Ethical Axioms of Excellent Discourse & Afrikan Behavior by the Prime Minister & Chief Public Administrator of Kemet c. 1841 - 1251 KC [c. 2400 - 2990 BCE]
Nubia and Abyssinia: Comprehending Their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, and Natural History., 2019
Nubia and Abyssinia: Comprehending their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, ... more Nubia and Abyssinia: Comprehending their Civil History, Antiquities, Arts, Religion, Literature, and Natural History. Reverend Michael Russell, LL.D. [1833] with a New Introduction by Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D.. Accra, Ghana: University of New Timbuktu Seba Press, 2019. Pp. iv, 331. [PDF]
Originally published in 1833 for a select group of European clerics and scholars, this work written according to the Ancient Model of Historical writing expressed in copious detail the true nature and extent of the Afrikan Origin of Civilization. From the author:
“There is no country in the world more interesting to the antiquary and scholar than that which was known to the ancients as "Ethiopia above Egypt," the Nubia and Abyssinia of the present day. It was universally regarded by the poets and philosophers of Greece as the cradle of those arts which at a later period covered the kingdom of the Pharaohs with so many wonderful monuments, as also of those religious rites which, after being slightly modified by the priests of Thebes, were adopted by the ancestors of Homer and Virgil as the basis of their mythology. A description of this remarkable nation, therefore, became a necessary supplement to the "View of Ancient and Modern Egypt," which has been some time before the public. In tracing the connexion of the primitive people who dwelt on the Upper Nile, with the inhabitants of Arabia and of the remoter east, I have availed myself of the latest information that could be derived from Continental authors, as well as from the volumes of such of our own travellers as have ascended above the Second Cataract. The work of Heeren on the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians, possesses considerable value, not less on account of the ingenious views which it unfolds, than for the happy application of ancient literature to the illustration and embellishment of the main hypothesis. The reader will be surprised at the extent and magnificence of the architectural remains of Nubia, which, in some instances, have been found to rival, and, in others, even to surpass the more celebrated buildings of Egypt. It will no longer be denied by anyone who has seen the splendid work of Gau, that the pattern or type of those stupendous erections, which continue to excite the admiration of the tourist at Karnac, Luxor, and Ghizeh, may be detected in the numerous monuments still visible between the site of the famed Meroe and the falls of Es Souan. The more learned among professional artists are now nearly unanimous in the opinion that the principles of architecture, as well as of religious belief, have descended from Ethiopia to Egypt; receiving improvement in their progress downward, till at length their triumph was completed at Diospolis, in the palace of Osymandias and the temple of Jupiter Amnion.”
This now forgotten work is here being reissued and made available by the University of New Timbuktu Seba Press for a Global Afrikan reading audience.
Government is a basic institution of organized socio-political economic society and as such has a... more Government is a basic institution of organized socio-political economic society and as such has a moral impact on all members of the society irrespective of their social standing or ethnic origin. As government is perhaps the ultimate result of group compromise and negotiation it is the one social institution growing out of the social interaction that must be amenable to changes in the social body composition; failure to do so equitably will lead inevitably to social dissolution. It is the express intentionality of this paper to delineate the ancient idea that under an oppressive, arbitrary government the citizens of the nation who are so bedeviled have the moral obligation to replace that government with a more egalitarian system of socially based rule.
Excerpt: Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, The Book of the Tep-Heseb: An Afrikological Rese... more Excerpt: Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, The Book of the Tep-Heseb: An Afrikological Research Methodology, Being An Afrikological Primer in Critical Thinking, Critical Listening, Critical Speaking, Critical Questioning, Critical Writing, Critical Reading & Critical Research In Pursuit of the Re-establishment of an Afrikan Njia towards a Re-construction of Afrikan Spiritual, Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor Physiological, Social, Cultural, Historical, Political and Economic Reality (University of New Timbuktu System SBЗ/Seba Press, 2016) pp. 92-96.
Excerpt: Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, The Book of the Tep-Heseb: An Afrikological Rese... more Excerpt: Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, The Book of the Tep-Heseb: An Afrikological Research Methodology, Being An Afrikological Primer in Critical Thinking, Critical Listening, Critical Speaking, Critical Questioning, Critical Writing, Critical Reading & Critical Research In Pursuit of the Re-establishment of an Afrikan Njia towards a Re-construction of Afrikan Spiritual, Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor Physiological, Social, Cultural, Historical, Political and Economic Reality (University of New Timbuktu System SBЗ/Seba Press, 2016) pp. 81-85.
Excerpt: Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, The Book of the Tep-Heseb: An Afrikological Rese... more Excerpt: Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi, The Book of the Tep-Heseb: An Afrikological Research Methodology, Being An Afrikological Primer in Critical Thinking, Critical Listening, Critical Speaking, Critical Questioning, Critical Writing, Critical Reading & Critical Research In Pursuit of the Re-establishment of an Afrikan Njia towards a Re-construction of Afrikan Spiritual, Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor Physiological, Social, Cultural, Historical, Political and Economic Reality (University of New Timbuktu System SBЗ/Seba Press, 2016) pp. 108-109.
Global Afrikan population afflicted with Hysterical Neurosis.
An Afrikological Primer in Critical Thinking, Critical Listening, Critical Speaking, Critical Que... more An Afrikological Primer in Critical Thinking, Critical Listening, Critical Speaking, Critical Questioning, Critical Writing, Critical Reading & Critical Research In Pursuit of the Re-establishment of an Afrikan Njia towards a Re-construction of Afrikan Spiritual, Cognitive, Affective, Psychomotor Physiological, Social, Cultural, Historical, Political and Economic Reality
The Ethical Axioms of Excellent Discourse and Human Behavior of the Black Afrikan Public Administ... more The Ethical Axioms of Excellent Discourse and Human Behavior of the Black Afrikan Public Administrator & Prime Minister of Kemet Ptah-Hotep!
AFRIKOLOGY PHILOSOPHY SERIES: Afrikan Ethics for Afrikan Public Policy & Public Administration Volume I
University of New Timbuktu System Seba Press
The Philosophy and Itikadi of Maat: The Basis of Global Pan-Afrikan Socio-political Economic Re-o... more The Philosophy and Itikadi of Maat: The Basis of Global Pan-Afrikan Socio-political Economic Re-organization, Mobilization, Radicalization and the Re-establishment of Utamaduni Mkubwa ya Afrika through a Jumuiya ya Ikitisadi ya Kisiasa ya Afrika
Concentric Paradigm of SBЗ/Seba & Uongozi wa Afrika of the
HNMMT/Henemmet [Kush/Kemet: Children o... more Concentric Paradigm of SBЗ/Seba & Uongozi wa Afrika of the
HNMMT/Henemmet [Kush/Kemet: Children of the Sun]
HNMMT/Henemmet [Kush/Kemet: Children of the Sun] & Maafa Mkubwa c. 4881-6256 KC [c. 640-2015 CE]
... more HNMMT/Henemmet [Kush/Kemet: Children of the Sun] & Maafa Mkubwa c. 4881-6256 KC [c. 640-2015 CE]
Historical & Demographic discussion of the Afrikan Holocaust.
Videos by Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
Essays on Afrikan Liberation, Revolutionary Governance and Radical Macroeconomic Public Policy with a Translation of the Oldest Book in the World, the Instructions of Ptah-Hotep, the Ethical Axioms of Excellent Discourse & Afrikan Behavior by the Prime Minister & Chief Public Administrator of Kemet c. 1866 – 1891 KC [c. 2375 – 2350 BCE]
kmyt/Kemyt [Books of the Black Land] AFRIKOLOGY PHILOSOPHY SERIES
Pan-Afrikan Ethics for Pan-Afrikan Public Policy & Public Administration
Volume I
Second Edition
Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. Public Policy Analysis
Accra, Ghana: University of New Timbuktu sebA Press, 2022.
Pp. liii, 690. [PDF]
Topics discussed will include but will not be limited to national economic self-reliance, wages, employment and unemployment, entrepreneurship, debt, interest rates, balance of payment, prices, profit, foreign exchange, credit, economic growth, sustainable agriculture, land tenure, land reform, neoliberal economics, social democracy, paths to economic development, corruption, illicit financial flows and alternative economics.
Books by Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi
Containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origins of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace.
Next comes veiled and mysterious India, the scene of charming story and magic fable, with her subtle mysticism and philosophy. Tarrying a while with the conquest and life of the ancient Medes and Persians, the trail runs far afield into the dominions of Western Europe and the striking questions array themselves demanding to be answered. Who were the Celts? Who were the Teutons? and what was the origin of the so-called Aryan race? The author was as much astounded as will be the reader, as to what this study reveals. It leaves us wondering if there is any Aryan race.
Originally published in 1833 for a select group of European clerics and scholars, this work written according to the Ancient Model of Historical writing expressed in copious detail the true nature and extent of the Afrikan Origin of Civilization. From the author:
“There is no country in the world more interesting to the antiquary and scholar than that which was known to the ancients as "Ethiopia above Egypt," the Nubia and Abyssinia of the present day. It was universally regarded by the poets and philosophers of Greece as the cradle of those arts which at a later period covered the kingdom of the Pharaohs with so many wonderful monuments, as also of those religious rites which, after being slightly modified by the priests of Thebes, were adopted by the ancestors of Homer and Virgil as the basis of their mythology. A description of this remarkable nation, therefore, became a necessary supplement to the "View of Ancient and Modern Egypt," which has been some time before the public. In tracing the connexion of the primitive people who dwelt on the Upper Nile, with the inhabitants of Arabia and of the remoter east, I have availed myself of the latest information that could be derived from Continental authors, as well as from the volumes of such of our own travellers as have ascended above the Second Cataract. The work of Heeren on the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians, possesses considerable value, not less on account of the ingenious views which it unfolds, than for the happy application of ancient literature to the illustration and embellishment of the main hypothesis. The reader will be surprised at the extent and magnificence of the architectural remains of Nubia, which, in some instances, have been found to rival, and, in others, even to surpass the more celebrated buildings of Egypt. It will no longer be denied by anyone who has seen the splendid work of Gau, that the pattern or type of those stupendous erections, which continue to excite the admiration of the tourist at Karnac, Luxor, and Ghizeh, may be detected in the numerous monuments still visible between the site of the famed Meroe and the falls of Es Souan. The more learned among professional artists are now nearly unanimous in the opinion that the principles of architecture, as well as of religious belief, have descended from Ethiopia to Egypt; receiving improvement in their progress downward, till at length their triumph was completed at Diospolis, in the palace of Osymandias and the temple of Jupiter Amnion.”
This now forgotten work is here being reissued and made available by the University of New Timbuktu Seba Press for a Global Afrikan reading audience.
AFRIKOLOGY PHILOSOPHY SERIES: Afrikan Ethics for Afrikan Public Policy & Public Administration Volume I
University of New Timbuktu System Seba Press
HNMMT/Henemmet [Kush/Kemet: Children of the Sun]
Historical & Demographic discussion of the Afrikan Holocaust.
Essays on Afrikan Liberation, Revolutionary Governance and Radical Macroeconomic Public Policy with a Translation of the Oldest Book in the World, the Instructions of Ptah-Hotep, the Ethical Axioms of Excellent Discourse & Afrikan Behavior by the Prime Minister & Chief Public Administrator of Kemet c. 1866 – 1891 KC [c. 2375 – 2350 BCE]
kmyt/Kemyt [Books of the Black Land] AFRIKOLOGY PHILOSOPHY SERIES
Pan-Afrikan Ethics for Pan-Afrikan Public Policy & Public Administration
Volume I
Second Edition
Ambakisye Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D. Public Policy Analysis
Accra, Ghana: University of New Timbuktu sebA Press, 2022.
Pp. liii, 690. [PDF]
Topics discussed will include but will not be limited to national economic self-reliance, wages, employment and unemployment, entrepreneurship, debt, interest rates, balance of payment, prices, profit, foreign exchange, credit, economic growth, sustainable agriculture, land tenure, land reform, neoliberal economics, social democracy, paths to economic development, corruption, illicit financial flows and alternative economics.
Containing an attempt to recover and reconstitute the lost origins of the myths and mysteries, types and symbols, religion and language, with Egypt for the mouthpiece and Africa as the birthplace.
Next comes veiled and mysterious India, the scene of charming story and magic fable, with her subtle mysticism and philosophy. Tarrying a while with the conquest and life of the ancient Medes and Persians, the trail runs far afield into the dominions of Western Europe and the striking questions array themselves demanding to be answered. Who were the Celts? Who were the Teutons? and what was the origin of the so-called Aryan race? The author was as much astounded as will be the reader, as to what this study reveals. It leaves us wondering if there is any Aryan race.
Originally published in 1833 for a select group of European clerics and scholars, this work written according to the Ancient Model of Historical writing expressed in copious detail the true nature and extent of the Afrikan Origin of Civilization. From the author:
“There is no country in the world more interesting to the antiquary and scholar than that which was known to the ancients as "Ethiopia above Egypt," the Nubia and Abyssinia of the present day. It was universally regarded by the poets and philosophers of Greece as the cradle of those arts which at a later period covered the kingdom of the Pharaohs with so many wonderful monuments, as also of those religious rites which, after being slightly modified by the priests of Thebes, were adopted by the ancestors of Homer and Virgil as the basis of their mythology. A description of this remarkable nation, therefore, became a necessary supplement to the "View of Ancient and Modern Egypt," which has been some time before the public. In tracing the connexion of the primitive people who dwelt on the Upper Nile, with the inhabitants of Arabia and of the remoter east, I have availed myself of the latest information that could be derived from Continental authors, as well as from the volumes of such of our own travellers as have ascended above the Second Cataract. The work of Heeren on the Politics, Intercourse, and Trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiopians, and Egyptians, possesses considerable value, not less on account of the ingenious views which it unfolds, than for the happy application of ancient literature to the illustration and embellishment of the main hypothesis. The reader will be surprised at the extent and magnificence of the architectural remains of Nubia, which, in some instances, have been found to rival, and, in others, even to surpass the more celebrated buildings of Egypt. It will no longer be denied by anyone who has seen the splendid work of Gau, that the pattern or type of those stupendous erections, which continue to excite the admiration of the tourist at Karnac, Luxor, and Ghizeh, may be detected in the numerous monuments still visible between the site of the famed Meroe and the falls of Es Souan. The more learned among professional artists are now nearly unanimous in the opinion that the principles of architecture, as well as of religious belief, have descended from Ethiopia to Egypt; receiving improvement in their progress downward, till at length their triumph was completed at Diospolis, in the palace of Osymandias and the temple of Jupiter Amnion.”
This now forgotten work is here being reissued and made available by the University of New Timbuktu Seba Press for a Global Afrikan reading audience.
AFRIKOLOGY PHILOSOPHY SERIES: Afrikan Ethics for Afrikan Public Policy & Public Administration Volume I
University of New Timbuktu System Seba Press
HNMMT/Henemmet [Kush/Kemet: Children of the Sun]
Historical & Demographic discussion of the Afrikan Holocaust.
Ambakisye-Okang Olatunde Dukuzumurenyi
Ph.D. Public Policy Analysis
Seshem Hau LLC Education Consultants