Papers by Ioanina Parlatescu
Mædica, Dec 15, 2023
Background: Oral leukoplakia (OLK) is the most studied oral potentially malignant disorders in th... more Background: Oral leukoplakia (OLK) is the most studied oral potentially malignant disorders in the scientific literature. Its malignant transformation (MT) rate varies between 1.1% and 40.8%, depending on the type of study and population group studied. There is no universal agreement to treat or manage these lesions, so it is up to each clinician's experience and expertise in how he/she manages these patients. Objectives: The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the clinical aspects and pattern of evolution of OLK in 30 patients five years or more after the initial diagnosis. Materials and methods: We selected 30 OLK patients from our database. Demographic, clinical and evolutive data was retrieved from the medical files. The following variables were analysed: age and sex, smoking habits, clinical features (form, dimension, site of the lesion), result of mycological examination, treatment and outcomes of the lesions over a follow-up of more than five years. Results: For a follow-up of 119.63 months, we detected a value of 0.2% MT rate per year. Outcomes varied from the complete disappearance of the lesion to recurrence and malignant transformation with a variety of treatment methods applied. Conclusion: Despite the low MT rate for a long follow-up, it is hard to say which treatment method is the best, due to the heterogeneity of the clinical aspects of the lesions and because there is no standardised test method, either genetic testing or immunohistochemical testing. We recommend a varied approach, suitable for each patient's needs and medical context, always when possible histopathological confirmation for grading epithelial dysplasia, which remains the most reliable method of checking the process of malignant transformation.
Romanian Medical Journal, Dec 31, 2023
Periapical or periradicular pathology of posterior maxillary teeth can cause an inflammatory resp... more Periapical or periradicular pathology of posterior maxillary teeth can cause an inflammatory response in the maxillary sinus. The presented clinical cases show this complex and difficult situation, both for the establishment of a precise diagnosis, but also of the causal relationship, which leads to a treatment addressed to the endodontic infectious cause, without which, only a symptomatic treatment would not ensure the necessary conditions for the healing of this pathology.
Experimental and Therapeutic Medicine, Jan 7, 2024
Gingival enlargement is a side effect of different drug classes, with calcium channel blockers be... more Gingival enlargement is a side effect of different drug classes, with calcium channel blockers being among the most often cited examples. Most often accompanied by a disruption in the oral biofilm, this form of gingival overgrowth, with histological signs of hyperplasia and hypertrophy, becomes a chronic inflammatory condition with the oral biofilm a primary cause. This periodontal disease is now classified as 'dental biofilm-induced gingivitis', and its preferred name is drug-influenced gingival expansion. The present study presented the case of a patient with gingival enlargement while being treated with nifedipine for cardiac disease. This patient had factors that contributed to the retention of bacteria, ranging from poor oral hygiene practices to poorly adapted prosthodontics. After reducing these factors, a multimodal treatment was conducted, including bacterial mechanical decontamination through guided biofilm therapy protocol, laser bacterial decontamination, and surgical laser gingivectomy. The patient was referred to their cardiologist for substituting the calcium channel blocker medication. Clinical evaluations followed each treatment step. At 12 months, the patient presented positive, stable results, with an improvement in gingival status (no gingival overgrowth in the area where all risk factors were eliminated and minimal overgrowth in the area where old poorly marginally adapted prosthodontics were kept in place and no/minimal signs of gingival inflammation).
Maturitas, 2009
Different phases of a woman's life: Puberty, menses, pregnancy, and menopause have varied influen... more Different phases of a woman's life: Puberty, menses, pregnancy, and menopause have varied influence on her oral health. During the menopause, women go through biological and endocrine changes, particularly in their sex steroid hormone production, affecting their health. Because the oral mucosa contains estrogen receptors, variations in hormone levels directly affect the oral cavity. A few oral conditions and or diseases are seen more frequently during post menopausal years. Role of hormones affecting the health of oro-dental tissues, as well as treatment by HRT in ameliorating these conditions is not clear. There is paucity of randomized controlled trials in this field and more data is needed, before the recommendations for oral health care in post menopausal women can be made. A gynecologist sitting in menopausal clinic should be aware of oral changes happening during this period, and dental needs of these women and should refer them to the dental specialists accordingly. On the other hand, a dentist should also be sensitized about the menopausal status of the woman, her HRT status and special preventive and treatment needs.
Frontiers in Psychology, May 15, 2023
Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is a chronic condition characterized by a burning sensation in the o... more Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is a chronic condition characterized by a burning sensation in the oral mucosa, lasting more than 2 hours daily for more than 3 months, without clinical and/or laboratory evidence. BMS is often comorbid with mood, and psychiatric disorders, and a complex pathophysiology and interaction between impairments in nociceptive processing and psychologic function is occurring. In this work, we aimed to define the neuropsychological profile specific for BMS patients for a better management of this complex disease. We conducted a case-control study comparing 120 BMS patients and 110 non-BMS individuals (CTRL). Sociodemographic data and lifestyle habits, were collected, along with data regarding quality of life (SF-36 scale), stress (PSS), depression and anxiety (MADRS and HADS scales), sleep quality (PSQI scale), and cognitive functions (MoCA, SVF and PVF tests). The statistical analysis revealed a lower general quality of life (p < 0.001), worse sleep quality (p < 0.001) in BMS patients than CTRL. The BMS patients also displayed a higher prevalence of mild depressive symptoms than CTRL applying the MADRS (p < 0.001) and HADS-Depression scales (p = 0.001), whereas no differences in anxiety symptoms were found between the two groups (p = 0.174). Moreover, reduced scores semantic and phonemic verbal fluency tests (p < 0.05) were found, but no change in cognition was observed through MoCA (p = 0.551). Our results highlight that synergy between dentistry and neuropsychiatric assessment is essential for a successful management of BMS.
Obstetrică şi ginecologie, 2023
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Apr 1, 2021
Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, Sep 2, 2022
Revista română de stomatologie, Sep 30, 2016
Introducere. Algia bucală nespecifică reprezintă o condiţie patologică caracterizată prin durere ... more Introducere. Algia bucală nespecifică reprezintă o condiţie patologică caracterizată prin durere cronică cu durata de cel puţin 4-6 luni. Durerea poate fi însoţită de o senzaţie de arsură localizată de către pacient într-o anumită zona a cavităţii bucale, fără însă să fie justificată de vreo leziune. În unele cazuri această "afecţiune" poate fi însoţită de gura uscată. Materiale şi metodă. Prezentul studiu reprezintă o analiză a unei serii de cazuri de pacienţi diagnosticaţi cu algie bucală nespecifică. În cadrul analizei au fost înregistrate atât elemente de anamneză (date şi antecedente personale, răspunsuri la chestionarul QX Michigan), semne clinice obiective, cât şi parametrii fizici şi chimici ai salivei. Rezultate. Au fost identificate semne ale lipsei de salivă cum ar fi limba saburală, candidoza sau semnul oglinzii pozitiv. Totuşi, majoritatea pacienţilor a avut un volum de salivă normal sau foarte puţin scăzut. Concluzii. Gura uscată nu pare a fi o stare patologică care să însoţească toate cazurile de algie bucală nespecifică, dar pentru a clarifica acest aspect trebuie întreprinse studii pe eşentioane mai mari de pacienţi.
Revista română de stomatologie, Mar 31, 2016
Introducere. Xerostomia reprezintă scăderea secreţiei salivare şi aduce după sine o serie de efec... more Introducere. Xerostomia reprezintă scăderea secreţiei salivare şi aduce după sine o serie de efecte negative la nivelul cavităţii bucale, cum ar fi tulburările de gust, de masticaţie, apariţia unei senzaţii de arsură la nivelul mucoasei orale, un indice de carie crescut etc. Materiale şi metodă. Au fost investigaţi 6 pacienţi care au prezentat o scădere a secreţiei de salivă, cărora li s-a efectuat un examen clinic amănunţit şi li s-a administrat un chestionar pentru evaluarea xerostomiei (XQ Michigan). De asemenea, pacienţilor li s-au efectuat teste pentru determinarea cantităţii de salivă, a pH-ului, a capacităţii ei de tamponare şi a concentraţiei de streptococi şi IgA din salivă. Rezultate. Media scorurilor pentru răspunsurile la chestionarului XQ a fost 34. Semnele clinice specifice xerostomiei cel mai frecvent întâlnite au fost: absenţa salivei de la nivelul planşeului bucal, testul oglinzii pozitiv şi limba saburală. Concluzii. Deşi lotul de pacienţi a fost unul foarte restrâns, investigaţia pacienţilor a fost una costisitoare şi foarte complexă, axată pe 3 planuri: chestionar de anamneză, examen clinic şi examene paraclinice.
Romanian Journal of Military Medicine, Apr 1, 2018
Gingival conditions are frequently encountered in dental clinical practice and they can raise dia... more Gingival conditions are frequently encountered in dental clinical practice and they can raise diagnosis and treatment problems. The diagnostic is variable from normal conditions to autoimmune diseases or even malignancy. Some of them cause disturbances such as pain, burning sensation and have an impact on patient’s quality of life.
Revista română de stomatologie, Dec 31, 2022
Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a chronic disease of the oral mucosa characterized by persistent ... more Burning mouth syndrome (BMS) is a chronic disease of the oral mucosa characterized by persistent oral pain and no clinical lesions or abnormal biological investigations. This paper reports one case of BMS and discusses the main features of this disease's clinical and therapeutical management. A 60 years old female patient had burning sensation on the left lateral border of the tongue for 2.5 years. Local and systemic investigations found no abnormalities. The therapy included local and general medication and the symptoms were remitted. This case report highlights the heterogeneity of BMS, the associated comorbidities, and the evolution of symptoms from diagnosis to cure.
Timişoara Medical Journal, Dec 31, 2021
Background: Dentistry is acknowledged as being particularly physically demanding, considering acc... more Background: Dentistry is acknowledged as being particularly physically demanding, considering access di culty and visibility of the operating eld. The issue of posture is frequently discussed in the literature due to its signi cant contribution in the etiology of musculoskeletal disorders, but never enough to encourage all dentists to adopt safe, healthy working positions. () Methods: This article presents the arguments that justify the attention needed to be paid to the balanced posture recommended to dentists and goes further and outlines a logical model that could help in maintaining a balanced posture as much as possible during the therapeutic act. Describing the balanced posture alone has a limited practical utility, and thus we have detailed the aspects that involve the spatial relationship of the doctor with the patient sitting on the dental chair. () Results: An optimal working distance and postural symmetry are the main objectives to be considered, each of them being conditioned by several elements. These elements have been detailed throughout the article, always taking into account the realities of the daily practice, with its challenges and limitations. () Conclusions: A greater attention paid to maintaining the optimal working position provides doctors the chance to perform their activity in comfortable and safe conditions.
Timişoara Medical Journal, May 12, 2021
Background: Parents need an increased level of awareness regarding the role of uoride in maintain... more Background: Parents need an increased level of awareness regarding the role of uoride in maintaining optimal oral health of their children. This cross-sectional study aimed to assess the level of parents' knowledge and behavior towards uoride administration in children. () Methods: an online self-administered Google Forms questionnaire was used. () Results:. % did not administer uoride products to their children. From parents who have given their child local uoride products,. % made it on the recommendation of the dentist. In total,. % did not know exactly the importance of using uoride for optimal oral health of the child. In total,. % did not know the possible side e ects of excess uoride. () Conclusions: The dentist has an important role to educate the parents and also their children on the appropriate use of uoride at home and in dental o ces, explaining to them the bene ts it brings for optimal oral health status and to motivate patients for adequate oral hygiene, proper diet and regular checkups .
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Jun 1, 2022
Journal of Analytical Oncology, Jul 30, 2013
Introduction: Oral lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disease, presenting malignant potentia... more Introduction: Oral lichen planus is a chronic inflammatory disease, presenting malignant potential. An association between chronic inflammation and initiation and progression of cancer has long been established. Aspartate aminotransferase, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase and gammaglutamil transferase are intracellular enzymes associated with cell injury and cell death. The main aim of the present study is to evaluate changes of enzymatic activity of mentioned enzymes in saliva and serum of patients with oral lichen planus. Materials and Methods: 20 patients with oral lichen planus and 20 healthy controls were included in the present study. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and gammaglutamil transferase (GGT) were detected in both serum and saliva. Results and Discussions: Salivary levels of ALP were decreased while LDH levels were increased in patients with oral lichen planus vs controls (p<0.05). At the same time GGT and AST levels were decreased (not significantly significant) in oral lichen planus patients and control groups. Serum levels of ALP were markedly increased while GGT was found decreased in patients vs. controls (p<0.05). AST and LDH were decreased but not significantly in oral lichen planus patient's as compared to controls. Conclusions: Our results reflect increased levels for salivary LDH and serum ALP in patients with oral lichen panus. Saliva can be used as a new diagnostic fluid to detect certain biomarkers such as enzymes in patients with oral lichen planus.
PubMed, May 28, 2019
This article aims to review the etiology, clinical features and diagnosis of desquamative gingivi... more This article aims to review the etiology, clinical features and diagnosis of desquamative gingivitis in order to outline all the aspects necessary to increase the efficiency of patient management. Because of the polymorphic etiology, dental practitioners may elude the correct diagnose. Consequently, we find it important to underline all the clinical features that desquamative gingivitis may have as well as the associated oral lesions. Also we shortly review the systemic disorders that frequently associate desquamative gingivitis. It is important to know that the muco-cutaneous disorders frequently involved can have an abrupt onset with lesions sometimes confined to the gingiva. In evolution these diseases can be life threatening and a quick treatment can assure not only a more favorable evolution but also a better life quality. Laboratory analyses are mandatory in order to correctly diagnose the main systemic disorder. Histology and direct immunofluorescence investigations are the most accurate. Remission of the underlining disease brings improvement or even resolution of the oral lesions.
Journal of Psychosomatic Research
Papers by Ioanina Parlatescu