Perusahaan memiliki tujuan jangka panjang yaitu untuk memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan yang berarti... more Perusahaan memiliki tujuan jangka panjang yaitu untuk memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan yang berarti memaksimalkan kemakmuran para pemegang sahamnya. Tujuan tersebut dapat direalisasikan salah satunya dengan cara menetapkan struktur modal optimal, sehingga dengan struktur modal optimal perusahaan menanggung rata-rata biaya modal yang rendah, oleh karena itu pengambilan keputusan struktur modal merupakan salah satu keputusan yang sangat penting. Perusahaan go public manufaktur di Bursa Efek Indonesia terbagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok perusahaan kriteria syariah dan non syariah, perbedaan kriteria tersebut dapat dilihat dari struktur modal yang diterapkan. Pada perusahaan syariah termasuk perusahaan manufakatur syariah memiliki ketentuan khusus dalam penggunaan dana sebagai modal perusahaan. Penggunaan sumber dana khususnya utang berbasis bunga maksimal adalah 45%, disaat yang bersamaan teori-teori tentang struktur modal dan hasil-hasil penelitian mendukung penggunaan utang seb...
Multi-positron emission particle tracking (M-PEPT) is a Lagrangian measurement technique that can... more Multi-positron emission particle tracking (M-PEPT) is a Lagrangian measurement technique that can be used to evaluate flow attributes. This study seeks to characterize steady flow in a tube, pulsatile flow in a circular and pinched cross section tube and explore particle detection uncertainties of our M-PEPT measurement. A pump driven flow loop and motorized ball valve are designed to create the pulsatile flow of frequency 2.1 Hz in a 19 mm diameter and 3.2 mm thick Masterkleer PVC tube. Anion exchange resins of 600-800 microns are labeled with fluorine-18 (half-life: 109.8 minutes) and pumped through the flow loop at flow velocity near 1 m/s, Womersley number near 70 and approximate Reynolds number of 20,000. Bulk flow velocity and pressure are measured to define the pulsatile flow features. In addition, particle trajectories are collected using M-PEPT and synchronized to a trigger signal produced by laser-photodiode mounted on the motorized ball valve. Trajectories are divided into 20 equally spaced time gated frames in each pulse cycle. A threedimensional velocity field is generated at each phase of the pulse cycle by integrating time gated data from several hundred pulse cycles. The average location uncertainty in the M-PEPT measurement is calculated to be near 0.31 mm in the x and y-direction and 0.2 mm in z. The turbulent kinetic energy and diffusion characteristics of a steady flow is also presented. v
Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam yang memiliki keunggulan baik dari aspek tradisi kei... more Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam yang memiliki keunggulan baik dari aspek tradisi keilmuannya maupun sisi transmisi dan intensitas keilmuan umat Islam. Derasnya arus globalisasi telah mengancam eksistensi, pesantren sehingga muncul gagasan modernisasi dilingkungan pesantren demi menjawab tantangan kebutuhan transformasi sosial. Akan tetapi banyak kalangan mengkhawatirkan tentang gagasan modernisasi pesantren yang berorientasi kekinian dapat mempengaruhi idenitas dan fungsi pokok pesantren. Yang menjadi fokus penelitan ini: Bagaimana Problematika dan Upaya Reformulasi Kelembagaan dan Kurikulum Pesantren dalam Prespektif Azyumardi Azra? Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui Problematika dan Upaya Reformulasi Kelembagaan Kurikulum Pesantren dalam prespektif Azyumardi Azra. Skripsi ini bermanfaat dalam pengembangan, pembangunan dan peningkatan khazanah ilmiah dalam dimensi pendidikan Islam serta bermanfaat juga bagi para pembaca dan penambahan Kary...
The law of the European Union is not blind towards the role of the churches, but it accepts that ... more The law of the European Union is not blind towards the role of the churches, but it accepts that role only within certain limits. This creates a pressure of Europeanization which also affects the treaties between churches and the state. Consequently there is a need to amend those treaties, not as far as basics are concerned, but in quite a few details such as chairs, the state has to provide beyond religious faculties, requirements concerning the scope of universities that can be attended or the so-called "political clause". The reason for Europeanization and its effects on treaties between state and churches however seems to lie less with developments within the churches themselves than with the different role nation states play under the conditions of the multi-level system of the European Union.
著者らは27名の健常者と138名の慢性透析患者を対象として,whole PTH(W-PTH),intact PTH(I-PTH),PTH ratio(PTH1-84とnon 1-84 PTHの比... more 著者らは27名の健常者と138名の慢性透析患者を対象として,whole PTH(W-PTH),intact PTH(I-PTH),PTH ratio(PTH1-84とnon 1-84 PTHの比)を測定または算出し,骨型ALP(BAP)やインタクトオステオカルシン(BGP-I)などの血中骨代謝マーカーと比較した.また,2次性副甲状腺機能亢進症により副甲状腺全摘出術(PTx)を受けた10名の患者を対象として,手術前後の各パラメーターの変化について検討し,W-PTH,PTH ratioの有用性を検討した.その結果,1)健常者と透析患者の両群でW-PTHとI-PTHの間には非常に強い相関を認めた(p<0.001).また透析患者群では,ALP,BAP,BGP-IとW-PTHまたはI-PTHの間にそれぞれ有意な相関を認めたが,PTH ratioと各骨代謝マーカーとの間には相関を認めなかった.2)PTH ratioが1.0以上の患者群は1.0未満の群よりも,W-PTH,I-PTH,BAP,BGP-Iは有意に高値であったが,ratioが1.0以上の患者113名のうち51名はI-PTHが100pg/ml以下であった.PTH ratioはPTx施行後に施行前の値よりも増加する傾向を認めた.以上,これらのことからもW-PTH assayはI-PTH assayとほぼ同様に慢性透析患者における骨代謝の指標となると考えられた.しかしPTH ratioはカットオフ値が1.0の場合,骨代謝回転の診断には限界があると思われたFor measurement of parathyroid hormone (PTH), the intact PTH (I-PTH) assay is generally used. However, I-PTH assay apparently detects PTH 7-84 fragments, in addition to PTH 1-84. The whole PTH (W-PTH) assay exhibits no cross-reactivity with PTH 7-84. Ratio of PTH 1-84 to non-(1-84) PTH has been proposed as a non-invasive indicator of bone turnover in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). We evaluated the efficacy of W-PTH assay and 1-84/non-(1-84) PTH ratio in hemodialysis patients and patients who had undergone parathyroidectomy. PTH levels were measured using W-PTH and I-PTH assays in 138 hemodialysis patients, 27 healthy controls and 10 patients who were scheduled to undergo parathyroidectomy for secondary hyperparathyroidism. Alkaline phosphatase, bone alkaline phosphatase and intact osteocalcin were also measured for comparison with 1-84/non-(1-84) PTH ratio. W-PTH was strongly correlated with I-PTH in both groups, and with all three bone metabolic markers in hemodialysis patients. In hemodialysis patients, both PTH and bone metabolic markers were significantly lower in the subgroup with a PTH ratio or = 1.0. However, PTH ratio exhibited no significant correlation with bone metabolism markers. PTH ratio was higher after parathyroidectomy than before. W-PTH and I-PTH assays offer identical indicators of bone metabolism in ESRD patients. However, 1-84/non-(1-84) PTH ratio may be of limited diagnostic use regarding bone turnover if a cut-off value of 1.0 is used. PTH 1-84 may be secreted relatively more than non-(1-84) PTH after parathyroidectomy, due to decreases in serum calcium. As the W-PTH assay allows easy calculation of non-(1-84) PTH by subtracting the I-PTH value, this assay contributes to identification of the function of non-(1-84) PTH fragments in various conditions
International Journal of Applied Business Research, 2020
Every company has a long-term goal to maximize the value of the company, which also means to maxi... more Every company has a long-term goal to maximize the value of the company, which also means to maximize the prosperity of its shareholders. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to determine the optimal capital structure. The optimal capital structure allows the company to bear the low average cost of the capital. Therefore, the decision of capital structure is one of the most important decisions.Go public manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange are divided into two groups; the sharia and non-sharia companies. Sharia companies, including the sharia manufacturing ones, have specific rule in the use of funds as the company capital. The rule states that the maximum use of usury-based debt is by 45%. At the same time, the theories about capital structure and research results support the use of debt as the main source of funds. This study used data obtained from the Indonesian Capital Market Directory and Summary of Company Performance for the period of 2011-2017. They were ...
International Journal of Applied Business Research, 2020
Every company has a long-term goal to maximize the value of the company, which also means to maxi... more Every company has a long-term goal to maximize the value of the company, which also means to maximize the prosperity of its shareholders. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to determine the optimal capital structure. The optimal capital structure allows the company to bear the low average cost of the capital. Therefore, the decision of capital structure is one of the most important decisions.Go public manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange are divided into two groups; the sharia and non-sharia companies. Sharia companies, including the sharia manufacturing ones, have specific rule in the use of funds as the company capital. The rule states that the maximum use of usury-based debt is by 45%. At the same time, the theories about capital structure and research results support the use of debt as the main source of funds. This study used data obtained from the Indonesian Capital Market Directory and Summary of Company Performance for the period of 2011-2017. They were ...
Perusahaan memiliki tujuan jangka panjang yaitu untuk memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan yang berarti... more Perusahaan memiliki tujuan jangka panjang yaitu untuk memaksimalkan nilai perusahaan yang berarti memaksimalkan kemakmuran para pemegang sahamnya. Tujuan tersebut dapat direalisasikan salah satunya dengan cara menetapkan struktur modal optimal, sehingga dengan struktur modal optimal perusahaan menanggung rata-rata biaya modal yang rendah, oleh karena itu pengambilan keputusan struktur modal merupakan salah satu keputusan yang sangat penting. Perusahaan go public manufaktur di Bursa Efek Indonesia terbagi menjadi dua kelompok yaitu kelompok perusahaan kriteria syariah dan non syariah, perbedaan kriteria tersebut dapat dilihat dari struktur modal yang diterapkan. Pada perusahaan syariah termasuk perusahaan manufakatur syariah memiliki ketentuan khusus dalam penggunaan dana sebagai modal perusahaan. Penggunaan sumber dana khususnya utang berbasis bunga maksimal adalah 45%, disaat yang bersamaan teori-teori tentang struktur modal dan hasil-hasil penelitian mendukung penggunaan utang seb...
Multi-positron emission particle tracking (M-PEPT) is a Lagrangian measurement technique that can... more Multi-positron emission particle tracking (M-PEPT) is a Lagrangian measurement technique that can be used to evaluate flow attributes. This study seeks to characterize steady flow in a tube, pulsatile flow in a circular and pinched cross section tube and explore particle detection uncertainties of our M-PEPT measurement. A pump driven flow loop and motorized ball valve are designed to create the pulsatile flow of frequency 2.1 Hz in a 19 mm diameter and 3.2 mm thick Masterkleer PVC tube. Anion exchange resins of 600-800 microns are labeled with fluorine-18 (half-life: 109.8 minutes) and pumped through the flow loop at flow velocity near 1 m/s, Womersley number near 70 and approximate Reynolds number of 20,000. Bulk flow velocity and pressure are measured to define the pulsatile flow features. In addition, particle trajectories are collected using M-PEPT and synchronized to a trigger signal produced by laser-photodiode mounted on the motorized ball valve. Trajectories are divided into 20 equally spaced time gated frames in each pulse cycle. A threedimensional velocity field is generated at each phase of the pulse cycle by integrating time gated data from several hundred pulse cycles. The average location uncertainty in the M-PEPT measurement is calculated to be near 0.31 mm in the x and y-direction and 0.2 mm in z. The turbulent kinetic energy and diffusion characteristics of a steady flow is also presented. v
Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam yang memiliki keunggulan baik dari aspek tradisi kei... more Pesantren merupakan lembaga pendidikan Islam yang memiliki keunggulan baik dari aspek tradisi keilmuannya maupun sisi transmisi dan intensitas keilmuan umat Islam. Derasnya arus globalisasi telah mengancam eksistensi, pesantren sehingga muncul gagasan modernisasi dilingkungan pesantren demi menjawab tantangan kebutuhan transformasi sosial. Akan tetapi banyak kalangan mengkhawatirkan tentang gagasan modernisasi pesantren yang berorientasi kekinian dapat mempengaruhi idenitas dan fungsi pokok pesantren. Yang menjadi fokus penelitan ini: Bagaimana Problematika dan Upaya Reformulasi Kelembagaan dan Kurikulum Pesantren dalam Prespektif Azyumardi Azra? Adapun yang menjadi tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui Problematika dan Upaya Reformulasi Kelembagaan Kurikulum Pesantren dalam prespektif Azyumardi Azra. Skripsi ini bermanfaat dalam pengembangan, pembangunan dan peningkatan khazanah ilmiah dalam dimensi pendidikan Islam serta bermanfaat juga bagi para pembaca dan penambahan Kary...
The law of the European Union is not blind towards the role of the churches, but it accepts that ... more The law of the European Union is not blind towards the role of the churches, but it accepts that role only within certain limits. This creates a pressure of Europeanization which also affects the treaties between churches and the state. Consequently there is a need to amend those treaties, not as far as basics are concerned, but in quite a few details such as chairs, the state has to provide beyond religious faculties, requirements concerning the scope of universities that can be attended or the so-called "political clause". The reason for Europeanization and its effects on treaties between state and churches however seems to lie less with developments within the churches themselves than with the different role nation states play under the conditions of the multi-level system of the European Union.
著者らは27名の健常者と138名の慢性透析患者を対象として,whole PTH(W-PTH),intact PTH(I-PTH),PTH ratio(PTH1-84とnon 1-84 PTHの比... more 著者らは27名の健常者と138名の慢性透析患者を対象として,whole PTH(W-PTH),intact PTH(I-PTH),PTH ratio(PTH1-84とnon 1-84 PTHの比)を測定または算出し,骨型ALP(BAP)やインタクトオステオカルシン(BGP-I)などの血中骨代謝マーカーと比較した.また,2次性副甲状腺機能亢進症により副甲状腺全摘出術(PTx)を受けた10名の患者を対象として,手術前後の各パラメーターの変化について検討し,W-PTH,PTH ratioの有用性を検討した.その結果,1)健常者と透析患者の両群でW-PTHとI-PTHの間には非常に強い相関を認めた(p<0.001).また透析患者群では,ALP,BAP,BGP-IとW-PTHまたはI-PTHの間にそれぞれ有意な相関を認めたが,PTH ratioと各骨代謝マーカーとの間には相関を認めなかった.2)PTH ratioが1.0以上の患者群は1.0未満の群よりも,W-PTH,I-PTH,BAP,BGP-Iは有意に高値であったが,ratioが1.0以上の患者113名のうち51名はI-PTHが100pg/ml以下であった.PTH ratioはPTx施行後に施行前の値よりも増加する傾向を認めた.以上,これらのことからもW-PTH assayはI-PTH assayとほぼ同様に慢性透析患者における骨代謝の指標となると考えられた.しかしPTH ratioはカットオフ値が1.0の場合,骨代謝回転の診断には限界があると思われたFor measurement of parathyroid hormone (PTH), the intact PTH (I-PTH) assay is generally used. However, I-PTH assay apparently detects PTH 7-84 fragments, in addition to PTH 1-84. The whole PTH (W-PTH) assay exhibits no cross-reactivity with PTH 7-84. Ratio of PTH 1-84 to non-(1-84) PTH has been proposed as a non-invasive indicator of bone turnover in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). We evaluated the efficacy of W-PTH assay and 1-84/non-(1-84) PTH ratio in hemodialysis patients and patients who had undergone parathyroidectomy. PTH levels were measured using W-PTH and I-PTH assays in 138 hemodialysis patients, 27 healthy controls and 10 patients who were scheduled to undergo parathyroidectomy for secondary hyperparathyroidism. Alkaline phosphatase, bone alkaline phosphatase and intact osteocalcin were also measured for comparison with 1-84/non-(1-84) PTH ratio. W-PTH was strongly correlated with I-PTH in both groups, and with all three bone metabolic markers in hemodialysis patients. In hemodialysis patients, both PTH and bone metabolic markers were significantly lower in the subgroup with a PTH ratio or = 1.0. However, PTH ratio exhibited no significant correlation with bone metabolism markers. PTH ratio was higher after parathyroidectomy than before. W-PTH and I-PTH assays offer identical indicators of bone metabolism in ESRD patients. However, 1-84/non-(1-84) PTH ratio may be of limited diagnostic use regarding bone turnover if a cut-off value of 1.0 is used. PTH 1-84 may be secreted relatively more than non-(1-84) PTH after parathyroidectomy, due to decreases in serum calcium. As the W-PTH assay allows easy calculation of non-(1-84) PTH by subtracting the I-PTH value, this assay contributes to identification of the function of non-(1-84) PTH fragments in various conditions
International Journal of Applied Business Research, 2020
Every company has a long-term goal to maximize the value of the company, which also means to maxi... more Every company has a long-term goal to maximize the value of the company, which also means to maximize the prosperity of its shareholders. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to determine the optimal capital structure. The optimal capital structure allows the company to bear the low average cost of the capital. Therefore, the decision of capital structure is one of the most important decisions.Go public manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange are divided into two groups; the sharia and non-sharia companies. Sharia companies, including the sharia manufacturing ones, have specific rule in the use of funds as the company capital. The rule states that the maximum use of usury-based debt is by 45%. At the same time, the theories about capital structure and research results support the use of debt as the main source of funds. This study used data obtained from the Indonesian Capital Market Directory and Summary of Company Performance for the period of 2011-2017. They were ...
International Journal of Applied Business Research, 2020
Every company has a long-term goal to maximize the value of the company, which also means to maxi... more Every company has a long-term goal to maximize the value of the company, which also means to maximize the prosperity of its shareholders. One of the ways to achieve this goal is to determine the optimal capital structure. The optimal capital structure allows the company to bear the low average cost of the capital. Therefore, the decision of capital structure is one of the most important decisions.Go public manufacturing companies in Indonesia Stock Exchange are divided into two groups; the sharia and non-sharia companies. Sharia companies, including the sharia manufacturing ones, have specific rule in the use of funds as the company capital. The rule states that the maximum use of usury-based debt is by 45%. At the same time, the theories about capital structure and research results support the use of debt as the main source of funds. This study used data obtained from the Indonesian Capital Market Directory and Summary of Company Performance for the period of 2011-2017. They were ...
Papers by ilham arif