Papers by Gloria Fernández Arribas
PEACE & SECURITY-PAIX ET SÉCURITÉ INTERNATIONALES (EuroMediterranean Journal of International Law and International Relations), 12, 2024
The ICJ's Order on provisional measures in the case of the Application of the Convention on the P... more The ICJ's Order on provisional measures in the case of the Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip (South Africa v. Israel) raised a lot of interest, mainly concerning the ceasefire requested by South Africa. After the Order was delivered, a general feeling of disappointment seems to have taken hold. Yet the Court's decision was not entirely unexpected, given the Court's practice as well as the particularities and complexities of the case. In this work, we critically analyse the path followed by the Court leading to the rendering of its provisional measures. We pay particular attention to the requirements to be met: prima facie jurisdiction; the plausibility of the rights and its link with the requested measures; and irreparable prejudice and urgency. This editorial seeks to clarify the Court's position and analysis, relating it to other orders so as to understand the provisional measures delivered. This case is not merely a legal issue. It is one of social interest. And too much was expected of the Court in the wake of the extraordinary provisional measures rendered in Ukraine v. Russian Federation. In this latter case, however, the unmentioned issue of self-defence played an essential role, permeating the whole process and limiting the extent of the measures.
Treaty organs constitute a new system of international cooperation. The lack of definition and re... more Treaty organs constitute a new system of international cooperation. The lack of definition and regulation for these new entities and their particularities deserves in-depth analysis due to its proliferation, especially in the area of international environmental law. This article will analyse the establishment of treaty organs and will seek a definition that allows them to be differentiated from international organizations. It will give attention to the concept of a set of organs and legal personality to determine the differences between international organizations and treaty organs. Finally, the possible application of international institutional law to treaty organs will be studied.
El ciberespacio se ha convertido en un nuevo escenario en el que no sólo los criminales comunes ... more El ciberespacio se ha convertido en un nuevo escenario en el que no sólo los criminales comunes llevan a cabo sus actividades, sino que también constituye un nuevo escenario de enfrentamiento entre Estados. La ciberseguridad y el modo de responder a dichos ataques son hoy día temas principales en las agendas de los Estados. Relacionado con esta cuestión, este trabajo se enmarca dentro del ámbito de estudio del Proyecto I+D+I «Ciberataques y Gobernanza Global» cuyo objetivo principal es la construcción de un marco normativo internacional aplicable a los ciberataques o ciberoperaciones. La complejidad y amplitud de la materia conlleva que la misma deba ser analizada desde diferentes perspectivas, por ello en este trabajo, junto con especialistas en derecho internacional, se cuenta también con especialistas en ciencia política, economía o periodismo, otorgando un carácter interdisciplinar al estudio de la materia.
2.1. Práctica relativa al no reconocimiento de inmunidad frente a tribunales penales internaciona... more 2.1. Práctica relativa al no reconocimiento de inmunidad frente a tribunales penales internacionales: diversidad de opiniones.-2.2. Alcance y valor de los tribunales penales internacionales.-2.3. ¿Existe una costumbre relativa a la excepción de inmunidad aplicable a la CPI?-3. INMUNIDADES Y ART. 27 DEL ESTATU-TO DE LA CPI.-4. INMUNIDAD DE LOS ESTADOS NO PARTE Y CRIMEN DE AGRE-SIÓN EN EL ESTATUTO DE LA CPI.-5. REMISIÓN DE ASUNTOS POR EL CONSEJO DE SEGURIDAD E INMUNIDADES.-5.1. Levantamiento implícito de inmunidad mediante Resolución del Consejo de Seguridad.-5.2. Competencia del Consejo de Seguridad para levantar las inmunidades.-6. CONCLUSIONES.
En Caruso Fontán, M.V. y Pérez Alberdi, M. R. (dir.), Diálogos Judiciales en el Sistema Europeo d... more En Caruso Fontán, M.V. y Pérez Alberdi, M. R. (dir.), Diálogos Judiciales en el Sistema Europeo de Protección de Derechos.Una Mirada Interdisciplinar, Tirant Lo Blanch, 2018
Resumen El crimen de agresión fue incluido como uno de los crímenes de competencia de la Corte Pe... more Resumen El crimen de agresión fue incluido como uno de los crímenes de competencia de la Corte Penal Internacional en el Estatuto de Roma, si bien en la actualidad la Corte no ejerce aún la competencia sobre el mismo. La definición del crimen de agresión, así como el régimen de entrada en vigor y ejercicio de la competencia, fue desarrollado en la Resolución 6 adoptada en la Conferencia de Kampala en 2010 1 , mediante la cual se enmienda el Estatuto de la Corte. En este trabajo se analiza, junto con la definición del crimen, el complicado y en ocasiones enrevesado régimen de entrada en vigor y ejercicio de la competencia, que difiere según los asuntos sean remitidos por un Estado miembro o proprio motu, o por el Consejo de Seguridad. Palabras clave Crimen de agresión, Corte Penal Internacional, entrada en vigor, jurisdicción, inmunidades. Abstract The crime of aggression was included in the Rome Statute as one of the crimes under the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, although the Court has not yet exercised its jurisdiction over this crime. The definition of the crime of aggression, as well as the regimes to entry into force and the exercise of jurisdiction were established in Resolution 6 adopted at the Kampala Conference in 2010, which amended the Rome Statute. This paper analyzes, together with the definition of crime, the complicated and sometimes intricate regime of entry into force and exercise of jurisdiction, which differs regarding whether the cases are referred by a Member State or proprio motu, or by the Security Council.
The European Court of Human Rights has developed a large case-law regarding expulsion cases, of w... more The European Court of Human Rights has developed a large case-law regarding expulsion cases, of which cases linked to asylum applications constitute a significant number. This Insight analyses the case of J.K. et al. v. Sweden [GC] (judgment of 23 August 2016, no. 59166/12), which constitutes an attempt on the part of the Court to systematise the main principles and to clarify the procedure and elements to be taken into account by national authorities when deciding on expulsion cases, and therefore on asylum applications. The Court first enumerates and briefly analyses the applicable principles: the risk of ill-treatment by private groups, the principle of ex nunc evaluation of the circumstances, the principle of subsidiarity, the assessment of the existence of a real risk, distribution of the burden of proof, past ill-treatment as an indication of risk, membership of a targeted group. Second, the Court applies the principles to the case of J.K. et al. v. Swe-den, but the interpretation and application of those principles is the object of dissenting opinions of seven judges, which are also taken into account in this Insight. KEYWORDS: asylum – expulsion – real risk – burden of proof – benefit of the doubt – ill-treatment.
The EU-Turkey Statement has undergone multiple analyses regarding issues of human rights and refu... more The EU-Turkey Statement has undergone multiple analyses regarding issues of human rights and refugee law. One of the most controversial matters among scholars is its nature as an international agreement. This insight will analyse the legal nature of this statement, on the basis of the international law of treaties, the law of international organizations and EU law, in order to conclude on the difficulties considering it as an international agreement. KEYWORDS: EU-Turkey Statement – international agreement – competent organ – treaty-making capacity – non-binding norms – Art. 218 TFEU.
The Kimberley Process represents a new method of international cooperation between subjects of in... more The Kimberley Process represents a new method of international cooperation between subjects of international law. It was named by its creators as a process, setting it apart from international organizations, and leading too to its consideration as informal international law-making or soft law. In this study we shall analyze the extent to which the Kimberley Process falls into these categories. Our main task, however, is to compare it to formal international organizations, with a view to establishing whether what really has been created is an institutionalization process that is like an international organization, but with a different name. To do this, we will analyze with reference to the Kimberley Process the various respective fields of international organizations, such as founding agreement, membership, structure, decision-making process and legal order.
El asunto Comisión contra Grecia 1 ha venido a aumentar el número de pronunciamientos del TJUE en... more El asunto Comisión contra Grecia 1 ha venido a aumentar el número de pronunciamientos del TJUE en lo referido a las regulaciones nacionales del Impuesto sobre Sucesiones y Donaciones, y las restricciones que las mismas pueden conllevar respecto de la libre circulación de capitales. En este sentido, si bien es cierto que los impuestos directos son competencia de los Estados miembros, los mismos, a la hora de diseñar su sistema fiscal, deberán respetar el Derecho de la Unión Europea (UE).
Fernández Arribas, G., Halcon Lerdo de Tejada, A., y Serrano López, I., "Violación del derecho a solicitar asilo. La respuesta de Hungría a la crisis de los refugiados", Revista de Estudios Europeos, nº 67, Enero-junio, 2016. Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza la existencia de un derecho a solicitar asilo tanto en el ter... more Resumen: En este trabajo se analiza la existencia de un derecho a solicitar asilo tanto en el territorio del Estado como en frontera. Para ello se toman en consideración la normativa internacional sobre la materia, y la normativa de la Unión Europea, concretamente la Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea y la Directiva de Procedimiento. El objetivo es determinar si Hungría mediante el rechazo en frontera de los refugiados, así como mediante la imposición de sanciones penales por el cruce ilegal, según la normativa húngara, de frontera, vendría a estar violando dicho de derecho a solicitar asilo. La confirmación de dicha violación, junto con la posible confirmación de las violaciones relativas a los procedimientos de asilo señaladas por la Comisión Europea en la carta de emplazamiento enviada a Hungría en 2015, planteamos podría permitir considerar a Hungría como país " no seguro " siendo de aplicación el artículo 3.2 del Reglamento de Dublín. Summary: This paper analyzes the existence of a right to seek asylum both, in the territory of the State and in the border of the State. For this purpose the international regulations on the matter, and the regulations of the European Union (namely the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and the Directive of Procedure) are taken into consideration. The aim is to determine whether Hungary through the border rejection of refugees, as well as by imposing criminal penalties for the illegal crossing, according to the Hungarian legislation, would violate the right to seek asylum. The confirmation of such a violation, along with the possible confirmation of violations concerning asylum procedures outlined by the European Commission in the letter of formal notice sent to Hungary in 2015, could allow considering Hungary as a " non-safe " country and applying article 3.2 of the Dublin Regulation.
Papers by Gloria Fernández Arribas