Marta Arretche
Vice-Provost for Research at the University of São Paulo, Full Professor at the Department of Political Science of the University of São Paulo, Director of the Center for Metropolitan Studies and editor of the Brazilian Political Science Review. Visiting researcher at the Department of Political Science of MIT on 2000-2001 and at the Department of Political and Social Science at the European University Institute (2009-2010). Research on the following subjects: inequality, federalism, decentralization, social policies and welfare state.
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Papers by Marta Arretche
aproximam o Brasil das fórmulas que favorecem a autoridade do governo central.
aimed at providing national goods, and regional minorities have few
opportunities for vetoing. The center is empowered, not weak.
access to public services requires the central government to perform redistributive and regulatory role. On the other hand, local autonomy pushes toward inequality. Hence, federal regulation and local autonomy are combined in a given polity, the result tends to be bound inequality.
aproximam o Brasil das fórmulas que favorecem a autoridade do governo central.
aimed at providing national goods, and regional minorities have few
opportunities for vetoing. The center is empowered, not weak.
access to public services requires the central government to perform redistributive and regulatory role. On the other hand, local autonomy pushes toward inequality. Hence, federal regulation and local autonomy are combined in a given polity, the result tends to be bound inequality.