Papers by Andrei-Emil Briciu
The orthotidal rivers are a new concept referring to inland rivers influenced by gravitational ti... more The orthotidal rivers are a new concept referring to inland rivers influenced by gravitational tides through the groundwater tides. " Orthotidal signals " is intended to describe tidal signals found in inland streamwaters (with no oceanic input); these tidal signals were locally generated and then exported into streamwaters. Here we show that orthotidal signals can be found in proglacial rivers due to the gravitational tides affecting the glaciers and their surrounding areas. The gravitational tides act on glacier through earth and atmospheric tides, while the subglacial water is affected in a manner similar to the groundwater tides. We used the wavelet analysis in order to find tidally affected streamwaters. T_TIDE analyses were performed for discovering the tidal constituents. Tidal components with 0.95 confidence level are: O1, PI1, P1, S1, K1, PSI1, M2, T2, S2, K2 and MSf. The amplitude of the diurnal tidal constituents is strongly influenced by the daily thermal cycle. The average amplitude of the semidiurnal tidal constituents is less altered and ranges from 0.0007 m to 0.0969 m. The lunisolar synodic fortnightly oscillation, found in the time series of the studied river gauges, is a useful signal for detecting orthotidal rivers when using noisier data. The knowledge of the orthotidal oscillations is useful for modelling fine resolution changes in rivers.
SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-61-2 / ISSN 1314-2704, 2016, Book3 Vol. 1, 63-70 pp
A campaign for a continuous monitoring of the water temperature of a thermal streamwater was unde... more A campaign for a continuous monitoring of the water temperature of a thermal streamwater was undertaken from December 2015 until February 2016. The streamwater originates in a former mining tunnel drilled into limestone, near Cerna River, at the upstream limit of the Băile Herculane (Romania) built area. The water measurements were obtained inside the tunnel, near its outer end. In parallel, air temperature measurements were done in the exterior air, near the tunnel. The average water temperature (measured every 30 minutes during the entire campaign) was 41.73°C, while the average air temperature (recorded each hour) was 3.17°C. The standard deviation was 1.8°C for the water temperature and 4.67°C for the air temperature. The maximum temperature was 43.795°C for water and 18.5°C for air, while the minimum temperature was 35.511°C for water and -9°C for air. The water temperature sometimes follows the air temperature and records diurnal cycles. There is a mountain valley topoclimate in the area, but the mine microclimate influences the water temperature. The thermal springs along the Cerna River have an important impact (through their number and discharge) on the water temperature of this river.
SGEM2016 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-61-2 / ISSN 1314-2704, 2016, Book3 Vol. 1, 71-78 pp
The temperature of a streamwater that collects water from 4 thermal groundwater sources in Valea ... more The temperature of a streamwater that collects water from 4 thermal groundwater sources in Valea Băilor (Moneasa, Romania) was monitored from November 2015 until February 2016. The thermal groundwater flow crosses limestones and dolomites before reaching the topographic surface. The thermal groundwater is used for local economic purposes. The average stream temperature during November-February was 23.88°C. The standard deviation of the recorded water temperature was only 0.15°C, while the difference between the maximum and minimum values was 0.75°C. The water temperature of the thermal stream, measured at 1 m distance from the thermal springs (which are grouped together in a common constructed exurgence area) does not exhibit the diurnal oscillation of the day-night cycle recorded in the air temperature. The average air temperature recorded in Valea Băilor, near the water monitoring point, from November 2015 to January 2016 was 1.47°C. The standard deviation of the air temperature was 4.16°C, while the difference between the maximum (positive number) and minimum (negative number) values was 28°C. Longer air and water temperature time series could be used to decide if there is any correlation between the local climate and the studied thermal springs.
SGEM2015 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-38-4 / ISSN 1314-2704, 2015, Book4, 1105-1112 pp
In the last 53 years, at all 13 meteorological stations in the Republic of Moldova, the values of... more In the last 53 years, at all 13 meteorological stations in the Republic of Moldova, the values of the THI bioclimatic index indicate a significant warming of the March, June, July and August months. The summer and, secondary, the spring have the strongest warming. If the spring warming has positive bioclimatic effects, these effects are not available for the summer warming. The average THI values are slightly higher than the 20°C threshold only in the southern part of Moldova. Even so, on short time intervals (groups of days or at noon and afternoon hours), the values of the THI index can be even higher than the 30°C threshold. From a bioclimatic point of view, this means there are time intervals with extreme discomfort caused by heat waves. The results of different homogeneity tests applied for the THI time series show that, beginning with 1988-1989 and especially after 2000, the atmospheric warming has been accelerated. During these years thermal jumps of approximately 1°C (0.8°C by using the BHR test on annual values, 1.27°C by using the SNH test on summer values) were identified.
SGEM2015 Conference Proceedings, ISBN 978-619-7105-36-0 / ISSN 1314-2704, 2015, Book3 Vol. 1, 221-228 pp
The diurnal profiles of water temperature are poorly studied for the Romanian rivers. This paper ... more The diurnal profiles of water temperature are poorly studied for the Romanian rivers. This paper analyses the field measurements conducted in order to enhance the understanding of the diurnal thermal behavior of some rivers. The field measurements also included air temperature measurements in order to verify the relationship between the air and water temperatures. Our results indicate the determinant role of the climate on the streamwaters diel evolution. Other important factor determining the shape of the streamwater thermal profile is the water salinity, caused by the local geology. Other factors influencing the diurnal profile can be suggested, such as the geomorphology of the river valley and the human impact. A potential practical implication of our findings is a better understanding of the future anthropogenic alteration of the selected rivers and the impact of the climate change on river temperature.
Similar to many other former communist European cities, Suceava city experiences environmental pr... more Similar to many other former communist European cities, Suceava city experiences environmental problems. In order to document some of the water-related problems, we conducted water sampling and analyses in 2011 and 2012 on the stream network of Suceava city area. The measured parameters included metal concentrations (total iron, total manganese, total chromium, Al 3+ , total zinc, total copper), nutrient loads (PO 4 3-, NO 2 --N, NO 3 --N) and other contaminants (S 2-, SO 4 2-, Cl -, Br -, I -) in order to assess water quality, contamination sources and control factors. An upstream-downstream catchment comparative analysis was performed for Suceava River and its tributaries in order to determine the spatial evolution of contaminants. The contamination level is generally lower for Suceava River than for its tributaries. We observed selfpurification phenomena for some parameters (nutrients, heavy metals) that could be explained by the formation of iron oxy-hydroxides and the co-treatment of diversely contaminated waters.
Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2015
The main objectives of this study are to investigate the spatial distribution and changes in refe... more The main objectives of this study are to investigate the spatial distribution and changes in reference evapotranspiration (ET 0 ) in the Republic of Moldova. Monthly data of maximum and minimum air temperature, sunshine duration, relative humidity, and wind speed recorded at 14 weather stations over a period of 52 years (1961-2012) were used. ET 0 was computed based on the FAO Penman-Monteith formula. Annual and growing seasons of winter wheat and maize time series were analyzed for the 1981-2012 period as well as for the [1961][1962][1963][1964][1965][1966][1967][1968][1969][1970][1971][1972][1973][1974][1975][1976][1977][1978][1979][1980]. The trends and their statistical significance in ET 0 series were detected using Mann-Kendall test and T test, while the magnitude of the trends was estimated using Sen's slope and linear regression. For the 1981-2012 period, the results indicated that annual ET 0 had a positive trend in more than 90 % of the time series according to both parametric and nonparametric methods. The magnitude of positive trends in annual ET 0 series ranged between 13.80 and 72.07 mm/decade. In the growing seasons of winter wheat and maize, the results are similar to those found in the annual series. Significant decreasing trends dominated over the 1961-1980 period.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2014
The influence of some climatic oscillations and sunspot number on river flows in Romania, Ukraine... more The influence of some climatic oscillations and sunspot number on river flows in Romania, Ukraine, and Moldova is verified by using standard wavelet analyses. The selected climate oscillations are Arctic Oscillation (AO), Antarctic Oscillation (AAO), East Atlantic Oscillation (EAO), East Atlantic/West Russia Oscillation (EAWRO), NINO3.4, North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), Pacific/North America Oscillation (PNAO), Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), Polar/Eurasia Oscillation (PEO), Scandinavian Oscillation (ScandO), Southern Oscillation (SO), and West Pacific Oscillation (WPO). Forty-five hydrological stations from an area of 45,000 km(2) were used in order to discover the spatial evolution of the periodicities found in rivers. The wavelet analysis is novel for the rivers in the study area. There is an important difference between the periodicities found in mountain and plateau areas and those found in the plain area. There is a general downstream increase in the confidence level of the identified periods, even if the atmospheric precipitation has more relevant periodicities in the mountain area. The periodicities can be grouped into two compact groups: 1-16.5 and 27.8-55.6 years. The correlation matrix of the global wavelet spectrum (GWS) values indicates that NAO, EAWRO, PDO, and the sunspot number are the main factors that generate the periodicities in rivers. It is the first time when the influence of PDO on local rivers is proven. All river periodicities smaller than 16 years have a confidence level of 0.95 or above, as proven by the GWS analysis of the daily discharge data, and are caused by multiple external factors.
The lunar semidiurnal influence is already known for tidal rivers. The moon also influences inlan... more The lunar semidiurnal influence is already known for tidal rivers. The moon also influences inland rivers at a monthly scale through precipitation. We show that, for some non-tidal rivers, with special geological conditions, the lunar semidiurnal tidal oscillation can be detected. The moon has semidiurnal tidal influence on groundwater, which will then export it to streamflow. Long time series with high frequency measurements were analysed by using standard wavelet analysis techniques. The lunar semidiurnal signal explains the daily double-peaked river level evolution of inland gauges. It is stronger where springs with high discharge occur, especially in the area of Edwards-Trinity and Great Artesian Basin aquifers and in areas with dolomite/limestone strata. The average maximum semidiurnal peaks range between 0.002 and 0.1 m. This secondary effect of the earth tides has important implications in predicting high resolution hydrographs, in the water cycle of wetlands and in water management.
The North-Eastern part of Romania (Fig. 1) covers an area of 24 911km2, which
currently support... more The North-Eastern part of Romania (Fig. 1) covers an area of 24 911km2, which
currently supports a population of over 2.5 million people. The geographic and
mathematical location of the studied area impose major climatic features. The climate is
temperate transitional (between oceanic temperate climate – specific to the Western
Europe and continental temperate climate – specific to the Eastern Europe). The
influences exerted by the continental climate are significant. They give the keynote to
the climate and generate a series of weather-specific risk events, common to continental
climate of temperate latitudes (frequent cold and heat waves, torrential rainfall followed
by periods of drought with considerable duration, violent dynamic events etc.). These
influences are overlapped by the Scandinavian-Baltic ones. From the altimetric point of
view, the studied geographic land covers three levels: mountain – in the west, hills and
plateaus – the center and hilly plain – in the east, with a general NW-SE orientation.
Geomorphological zoning generates a conspicuous climatic zoning.
Despite that our research results show clear evolutionary trends for air temperature, in
what concerns rainfall, certain small inconsistencies occur between CRU data and data
from weather stations, which will be discussed in detail within the text of the article.
These inconsistencies are mostly the result of methods used for graphic representation,
but also the result of the local rainfall mark which characterize rainfall data obtained at
weather stations. As for temperature, the 20th century exhibits a generally ascendant
tendency [1] for average and extreme values, which ranges between 0.8 and 10C at the
analyzed stations.
Rainfall amounts taken in temporal intervals of 10 years each followed a sinusoidal
evolution with positive and negative deviations from the interval average, having a
present rise in deviations above the normal values. Climatic statistics show an increase
in the amount of water received from rainfall in the area with 20mm in 1901-2009.
However, this water precipitates from the atmosphere much more violently [2, 1],
resulting in significant increase, but for short periods of time, in pluviometric input and
river discharge. This is followed by long intervals of rainfall deficit, which has a strong
negative impact on agriculture and ultimately on the environment.
Climate and its current evolution display an immediate reflex for all the components of
the natural and socio-economic environment [3]. The most conspicuous are the effects
on hidrography (reserves, flow volumes, flow parameters, water quality etc) and
vegetation of the studied territory (species in extinction or expansion, bioaccumulation
of vegetation mass and decrease of its annual growth volumes).
The future evolution of climate and of its features, especially the exacerbation of
extreme eve... more The future evolution of climate and of its features, especially the exacerbation of
extreme events, will have an important role in the dynamic evolution of river flow
regime, in increasing the frequency of flood and low water periods. River flow regime
influences the concentration of pollutants in water and can generate critical
environmental situations. In this study, a statistical analysis of existing environmental
data for Suceava city was conducted. It is a representative city for the postcommunist
economic evolution in the central-eastern Europe; it continues having a strong impact
on environment quality, in general, and on water, in particular. The recent evolution of
Suceava River pollution in Suceava city is a complex phenomenon determined by
hydrological characteristics, the climate, the economic evolution (before and after the
global financial crisis), the effect of European measures to reduce pollution, the
legislative measures and, last but not least, the building of a new treatment plants.
Hydrological, meteorological and hydrochemical data were used for analyzing the
future evolution of some parameters. The present pollution characteristics and the trend
curves allowed estimating the probable evolution of the pollutants concentrations in
future (with focus on the most likely times to reach maximum concentrations). Flow and
rainfall characteristics are the most important control factors used in our forecasts. The
probabilistic estimation of scenarios is based on various correlation coefficients between
natural conditions and pollutants. We have different scenarios depending on mean the
depending on the future time chosen and depending on the variants of future socioeconomic
Chemical characteristics analyzed for Suceava River are pH, suspended solids,
dissolved oxygen, BOD5, permanganate index, COD-Cr, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate,
total nitrogen, orthophosphate, total phosphorus, fixed residue, sulfates, chlorides, total
iron, detergents, phenols and in forecasting future evolution of the concentrations of
previously mentioned parameters, their concentrations in the discharged wastewater
from the treatment plant were also monitored. We also conducted a thermal field study
of high temporal resolution on Suceava River correlated with the existing monthly time
series and showing a clear thermal pollution of the river downstream from the city. The
effects of forecasted oscillations of pollutants concentrations were analyzed both in
terms of the water chemical quality classes and in terms of aquatic ecosystem quality.
Biological effects of pollution are measured using phytobenthos and zoobenthos.
The majority of scenarios predict a better water quality of Suceava River for all
analysed parameters.
Liquid and solid discharges of the Prut River were analysed based on measurements performed in 7 ... more Liquid and solid discharges of the Prut River were analysed based on measurements performed in 7 points from the Romanian national network of water monitoring during a period of 30 years. The analyses were performed on flows for the period after the construction of the Stânca-Costeşti dam and show the influence of the dam for the entire analysed time. The analysis from upstream to downstream of the spatial variability of the Prut River annual discharges showed their steady increase downstream and then a decrease in the sector next to Oancea station. A statistical minority of the annual discharges showed a continuous increase of them until the flowing of Prut into Danube. Knowing that the lower basin of the river is characterized by a low amount of rainfall and a higher evapo(transpi)ration than the remaining basin, the decreasing flows to the river mouth is explicable; but the increasing flows to the river mouth cannot be justified, under these conditions of water balance, than by certain climatological parameters of thermo-dynamical nature which generate, with increased frequency, more intense and rich rainfall, with a torrential character. The analyses on couples of three months showed that the Oancea flows are higher than the upstream stations (opposite than usual) in years when the flows of the upstream hydrometrical stations are lower than the multiannual average and that supports the mentioned pluviometrical character. A plausible cause for "Oancea phenomenon" is the increase and the decrease of the sunspots number, whose cycles are relatively well fold on the increase and decrease of annual average flow at Oancea hydrometrical station. The strongest increased discharges of the Prut River over the discharges at the upstream stations occur from May to July (MJJ), the months with the highest amount of rainfall. Seasonal analysis of MJJ and other couples of 3 months showed that there are also growing flows at Prisăcani station relative to the adjacent stations, but only in MJJ. This increase at Prisăcani is due to the local influx of water, not to the decrease of the flow at the upstream and downstream stations. Prisăcani influx of water is due to the large volume of rainfall in early summer on Iaşi Coast caused by the numerous orographic convections, volume found then in the permanent flow. The Stânca section has a contrasting variability too, but here is an explicit anthropogenic cause, namely the upstream dam. We conclude the analysis of the Prut river runoff spatial variability by showing that the river doesn’t have a linear model, but one with local deviations whose manifestations can be attributed to the climate and anthropic specificity of the considered sector.
Six villages are analysed in order to observe their chemical impact on the
phreatic waters. Ammo... more Six villages are analysed in order to observe their chemical impact on the
phreatic waters. Ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate from the water sampling
points are analysed and their results are used to make extrapolation maps for the
built area of the villages. For a holistic perception, the maps have the absolute values
converted into qualitative values upon a proprietary system of the authors. This
study allows the statistical identification of the main characteristics of the phreatic
water quality in Dragomirna Plateau. We found that some rural areas have a heavily
polluted water and we identified the main causes as being the chaotic water supply
and the lack of centralized sewerage.
We did 95 chemical analysis of waters in Berchisesti inhabited area and used the chemical results... more We did 95 chemical analysis of waters in Berchisesti inhabited area and used the chemical results to classify waters into quality classes, to build maps of water pollution and quality and to compare data with those from drinking water extraction point Berchisesti nearby. We observed water pollution for some analysed parameters.
One problem discussed by urban hydrology today is the draining influence of the modern cities ove... more One problem discussed by urban hydrology today is the draining influence of the modern cities over the natural drainage systems. The increasing urban areas and of their imperviousness all over the world is linked to floods shape modifications and unpredicted systemic implications. Generally, the draining influence of a city over its environment begins when it has a surface great enough to create an anthropic-generated runoff during a rain with enough precipitations to provoke waters accumulation into street torrents. The size, imperviousness, precipitations, drainage system and water consumption of the Suceava city are analysed in order to estimate the discharge of the city into Suceava river at various rainfalls. The article is structured as follows: 1. Argumentation on the class separation between natural and anthropic torrential basins. 2. Placing Suceava city as one of the torrential anthropic basins in Romania using basic arguments. 3. Extending one of the argument, the importance of the rainfalls, in more detailed discussions (rainfall characteristics mainly, but also its cumulative effect with the floods on the Suceava river and the consumption of water in the city, with two scenarios). 4. The city is analysed as being integrated into a metropolitan area which can exacerbate the influence of the main city over the surrounding natural drainage basins nearby that area. 5. Conclusions, where measures are proposed in order to diminish the potential negative effects on environment and human society. This article is only an introduction to a more detailed analysis which will be complete with further field data.
L’essai de la modélisation systématique de la transformation de l’espace et les modèles numérique... more L’essai de la modélisation systématique de la transformation de l’espace et les modèles numériques prédictifs dans la géographie physique. Dans cet article nous présentons les principes (géographique et informatique) qui ont développé un modèle dynamique des Collines de Tutova à l’aide du logiciel SpaCelle: on a une carte dynamique qui essaie (à partir d’une combinaison d'aléatoire et de déterminisme stricte, donc à partir d’une dérivation locale de la théorie du chaos) de représenter l'évolution de la morphohydrographie des Collines de Tutova depuis le Méotien jusqu'à l'Holocène. La prise en compte du temps non seulement en tant que facteur abstrait ou coordonné, mais en tant qu’expression directe de l'espace, impose une méthode géographique qui présente de nombreux potentiels. Des recherches récentes, faites en Roumanie ou à l'étranger, ont mis en évidence l'émergence d'un nouveau type d'analyse géographique. Il s’agit d’une analyse moins connue, une analyse spatio-temporelle qui traite de la dynamique des phénomènes géographiques. Elle utilise des automates cellulaires divers, tels que CAESAR (The Cellular Automaton Evolutionary Slope And River model) pour créer des modèles numériques de l'évolution qui prennent en compte un élément essentiel: le temps. Les modèles numériques standards en Roumanie sont statiques et, même s’ils présentent les différentes étapes d'un lieu, ces étapes ne sont pas liées entre elles par un énoncé déterministe et continu. Nous avons utilisé l‘automate cellulaire SpaCelle v4.0 développé par Langlois (2000) dans le cadre du Laboratoire MTG, Université de Rouen. On a obtenu un modèle dynamique du relief. Nous avons adopté l’appellation de MNP (Modèle Numérique Prédictif) pour ce modèle parce que, même si c’est le dynamisme qui caractérise les paramètres, ce dynamisme est simplement le résultat des hypothèses et des perspectives théoriques. Ce qu’on vise par un tel modèle c’est l’identification des caractéristiques de l'évolution à partir d'un point de vue théorique ou d'un autre, le changement des inputs conduisant à un ensemble différent de résultats de la prédiction.
It was realised a map of the touristic potential of the water resources in Suceava District and v... more It was realised a map of the touristic potential of the water resources in Suceava District and various aspects of this potential are discussed. Rivers, lakes, swamps, springs and other forms of water which represents a touristic resource are detailed by functional domains; from these, the mineral springs and the presence of the snow are the most important elements of touristic potential that can generate touristic flows. The evolution, in the county, of the water resources-related tourism is assumed to be similar to that observed for other countries in Central-Eastern Europe.
Papers by Andrei-Emil Briciu
currently supports a population of over 2.5 million people. The geographic and
mathematical location of the studied area impose major climatic features. The climate is
temperate transitional (between oceanic temperate climate – specific to the Western
Europe and continental temperate climate – specific to the Eastern Europe). The
influences exerted by the continental climate are significant. They give the keynote to
the climate and generate a series of weather-specific risk events, common to continental
climate of temperate latitudes (frequent cold and heat waves, torrential rainfall followed
by periods of drought with considerable duration, violent dynamic events etc.). These
influences are overlapped by the Scandinavian-Baltic ones. From the altimetric point of
view, the studied geographic land covers three levels: mountain – in the west, hills and
plateaus – the center and hilly plain – in the east, with a general NW-SE orientation.
Geomorphological zoning generates a conspicuous climatic zoning.
Despite that our research results show clear evolutionary trends for air temperature, in
what concerns rainfall, certain small inconsistencies occur between CRU data and data
from weather stations, which will be discussed in detail within the text of the article.
These inconsistencies are mostly the result of methods used for graphic representation,
but also the result of the local rainfall mark which characterize rainfall data obtained at
weather stations. As for temperature, the 20th century exhibits a generally ascendant
tendency [1] for average and extreme values, which ranges between 0.8 and 10C at the
analyzed stations.
Rainfall amounts taken in temporal intervals of 10 years each followed a sinusoidal
evolution with positive and negative deviations from the interval average, having a
present rise in deviations above the normal values. Climatic statistics show an increase
in the amount of water received from rainfall in the area with 20mm in 1901-2009.
However, this water precipitates from the atmosphere much more violently [2, 1],
resulting in significant increase, but for short periods of time, in pluviometric input and
river discharge. This is followed by long intervals of rainfall deficit, which has a strong
negative impact on agriculture and ultimately on the environment.
Climate and its current evolution display an immediate reflex for all the components of
the natural and socio-economic environment [3]. The most conspicuous are the effects
on hidrography (reserves, flow volumes, flow parameters, water quality etc) and
vegetation of the studied territory (species in extinction or expansion, bioaccumulation
of vegetation mass and decrease of its annual growth volumes).
extreme events, will have an important role in the dynamic evolution of river flow
regime, in increasing the frequency of flood and low water periods. River flow regime
influences the concentration of pollutants in water and can generate critical
environmental situations. In this study, a statistical analysis of existing environmental
data for Suceava city was conducted. It is a representative city for the postcommunist
economic evolution in the central-eastern Europe; it continues having a strong impact
on environment quality, in general, and on water, in particular. The recent evolution of
Suceava River pollution in Suceava city is a complex phenomenon determined by
hydrological characteristics, the climate, the economic evolution (before and after the
global financial crisis), the effect of European measures to reduce pollution, the
legislative measures and, last but not least, the building of a new treatment plants.
Hydrological, meteorological and hydrochemical data were used for analyzing the
future evolution of some parameters. The present pollution characteristics and the trend
curves allowed estimating the probable evolution of the pollutants concentrations in
future (with focus on the most likely times to reach maximum concentrations). Flow and
rainfall characteristics are the most important control factors used in our forecasts. The
probabilistic estimation of scenarios is based on various correlation coefficients between
natural conditions and pollutants. We have different scenarios depending on mean the
depending on the future time chosen and depending on the variants of future socioeconomic
Chemical characteristics analyzed for Suceava River are pH, suspended solids,
dissolved oxygen, BOD5, permanganate index, COD-Cr, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate,
total nitrogen, orthophosphate, total phosphorus, fixed residue, sulfates, chlorides, total
iron, detergents, phenols and in forecasting future evolution of the concentrations of
previously mentioned parameters, their concentrations in the discharged wastewater
from the treatment plant were also monitored. We also conducted a thermal field study
of high temporal resolution on Suceava River correlated with the existing monthly time
series and showing a clear thermal pollution of the river downstream from the city. The
effects of forecasted oscillations of pollutants concentrations were analyzed both in
terms of the water chemical quality classes and in terms of aquatic ecosystem quality.
Biological effects of pollution are measured using phytobenthos and zoobenthos.
The majority of scenarios predict a better water quality of Suceava River for all
analysed parameters.
phreatic waters. Ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate from the water sampling
points are analysed and their results are used to make extrapolation maps for the
built area of the villages. For a holistic perception, the maps have the absolute values
converted into qualitative values upon a proprietary system of the authors. This
study allows the statistical identification of the main characteristics of the phreatic
water quality in Dragomirna Plateau. We found that some rural areas have a heavily
polluted water and we identified the main causes as being the chaotic water supply
and the lack of centralized sewerage.
currently supports a population of over 2.5 million people. The geographic and
mathematical location of the studied area impose major climatic features. The climate is
temperate transitional (between oceanic temperate climate – specific to the Western
Europe and continental temperate climate – specific to the Eastern Europe). The
influences exerted by the continental climate are significant. They give the keynote to
the climate and generate a series of weather-specific risk events, common to continental
climate of temperate latitudes (frequent cold and heat waves, torrential rainfall followed
by periods of drought with considerable duration, violent dynamic events etc.). These
influences are overlapped by the Scandinavian-Baltic ones. From the altimetric point of
view, the studied geographic land covers three levels: mountain – in the west, hills and
plateaus – the center and hilly plain – in the east, with a general NW-SE orientation.
Geomorphological zoning generates a conspicuous climatic zoning.
Despite that our research results show clear evolutionary trends for air temperature, in
what concerns rainfall, certain small inconsistencies occur between CRU data and data
from weather stations, which will be discussed in detail within the text of the article.
These inconsistencies are mostly the result of methods used for graphic representation,
but also the result of the local rainfall mark which characterize rainfall data obtained at
weather stations. As for temperature, the 20th century exhibits a generally ascendant
tendency [1] for average and extreme values, which ranges between 0.8 and 10C at the
analyzed stations.
Rainfall amounts taken in temporal intervals of 10 years each followed a sinusoidal
evolution with positive and negative deviations from the interval average, having a
present rise in deviations above the normal values. Climatic statistics show an increase
in the amount of water received from rainfall in the area with 20mm in 1901-2009.
However, this water precipitates from the atmosphere much more violently [2, 1],
resulting in significant increase, but for short periods of time, in pluviometric input and
river discharge. This is followed by long intervals of rainfall deficit, which has a strong
negative impact on agriculture and ultimately on the environment.
Climate and its current evolution display an immediate reflex for all the components of
the natural and socio-economic environment [3]. The most conspicuous are the effects
on hidrography (reserves, flow volumes, flow parameters, water quality etc) and
vegetation of the studied territory (species in extinction or expansion, bioaccumulation
of vegetation mass and decrease of its annual growth volumes).
extreme events, will have an important role in the dynamic evolution of river flow
regime, in increasing the frequency of flood and low water periods. River flow regime
influences the concentration of pollutants in water and can generate critical
environmental situations. In this study, a statistical analysis of existing environmental
data for Suceava city was conducted. It is a representative city for the postcommunist
economic evolution in the central-eastern Europe; it continues having a strong impact
on environment quality, in general, and on water, in particular. The recent evolution of
Suceava River pollution in Suceava city is a complex phenomenon determined by
hydrological characteristics, the climate, the economic evolution (before and after the
global financial crisis), the effect of European measures to reduce pollution, the
legislative measures and, last but not least, the building of a new treatment plants.
Hydrological, meteorological and hydrochemical data were used for analyzing the
future evolution of some parameters. The present pollution characteristics and the trend
curves allowed estimating the probable evolution of the pollutants concentrations in
future (with focus on the most likely times to reach maximum concentrations). Flow and
rainfall characteristics are the most important control factors used in our forecasts. The
probabilistic estimation of scenarios is based on various correlation coefficients between
natural conditions and pollutants. We have different scenarios depending on mean the
depending on the future time chosen and depending on the variants of future socioeconomic
Chemical characteristics analyzed for Suceava River are pH, suspended solids,
dissolved oxygen, BOD5, permanganate index, COD-Cr, ammonium, nitrite, nitrate,
total nitrogen, orthophosphate, total phosphorus, fixed residue, sulfates, chlorides, total
iron, detergents, phenols and in forecasting future evolution of the concentrations of
previously mentioned parameters, their concentrations in the discharged wastewater
from the treatment plant were also monitored. We also conducted a thermal field study
of high temporal resolution on Suceava River correlated with the existing monthly time
series and showing a clear thermal pollution of the river downstream from the city. The
effects of forecasted oscillations of pollutants concentrations were analyzed both in
terms of the water chemical quality classes and in terms of aquatic ecosystem quality.
Biological effects of pollution are measured using phytobenthos and zoobenthos.
The majority of scenarios predict a better water quality of Suceava River for all
analysed parameters.
phreatic waters. Ammonium, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate from the water sampling
points are analysed and their results are used to make extrapolation maps for the
built area of the villages. For a holistic perception, the maps have the absolute values
converted into qualitative values upon a proprietary system of the authors. This
study allows the statistical identification of the main characteristics of the phreatic
water quality in Dragomirna Plateau. We found that some rural areas have a heavily
polluted water and we identified the main causes as being the chaotic water supply
and the lack of centralized sewerage.