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      Video CodingDiscrete Cosine TransformConcept DesignElectrical And Electronic Engineering
In our previous work, we introduced Spatially Varying Transforms (SVT) for video coding, where the location of the transform block within the macroblock is not fixed but varying. In this paper, we extend this concept and present a novel... more
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      Video CodingPrediction errorDecodingEncoding
In our previous work, we introduced spatially varying transforms (SVT) for video coding, where the location of the transform block within the macroblock is not fixed but varying. SVT has lower decoding complexity compared to standard... more
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      Video CodingSearch AlgorithmPrediction errorDecoding
In this paper, a novel algorithm called spatially varying transform (SVT) is proposed to improve the coding efficiency of video coders. SVT enables video coders to vary the position of the transform block, unlike state-of-art video codecs... more
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      Data CompressionVideo CodingLocalizationAlgorithm
Adaptive prediction error coding (APEC) in spatial and frequency domain is proposed and significantly improves the coding efficiency of video coders. However, this approach comes with the expense of increased encoding complexity because... more
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      Video CodingPrediction errorFrequency Domain
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      Cognitive SciencePattern RecognitionData Format
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      Linear PhaseFinite Impulse Response (FIR)
We propose an algorithm for designing nonuniform oversam-pled filterbanks with arbitray delay. The filterbank has uni-form sections obtained by generalized DFT modulation; be-tween the uniform sections, there are transition filters. There... more
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    • Convex Optimization
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is a transmultiplex (TMUX) technique characterized by a low computational complexity and reduced inter-symbol/inter-carrier interferences (ISI/ICI). Recently, new TMUX structures based on... more
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      Circuits and SystemsPrototypesdiscrete Yang-Fourier transformsFilter Bank
transfer functions, simple expressions are derived for evaluating the coefficients in all-pass sections in order to achieve the desired crossover frequency. The design procedures are developed for synthesizing complementary filter pairs... more
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      Signal ProcessingPower GenerationQ factorFrequency
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A technique is developed for the design of analysis filters in an M-channel maximally decimated, perfect reconstruction, finite-impulse-response quadrature mirror filter (FIR QMF) bank that has a lossless polyphase-component matrix E (z).... more
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      Spectral FactorizationSpeech Signal ProcessingFinite Impulse Response (FIR)
A very efficient technique to drastically reduce the number of multipliers and adders in narrow transition-band linear-phase finite-impulse response digital filters is to use the one-stage or multistage frequency-response masking (FRM)... more
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      Applied MathematicsEfficient Algorithm for ECG CodingFIR filterFilter Design
An efficient coefficient quantization scheme is described for minimizing the cost for implementing the fixed parallel linear-phase finite-impulse response (FIR) filters in the modified Farrow structure introduced by Vesma and Saramäki for... more
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      Applied MathematicsSignal ProcessingQuantizationImpulse response
We propose an efficient algorithm for designing the prototype filters of oversampled, near perfect reconstruction (NPR), GDFT modulated, biorthogonal filterbanks with arbitrary delay. Given the analysis prototype, we show that the... more
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      Signal ProcessingConvex OptimizationDistortionEfficient Algorithm for ECG Coding
Two efficient techniques exploiting the frequency-response masking (FRM) approach are proposed in order to make it feasible to design prototype filters for highly selective nearly perfect-reconstruction cosine-modulated transmultiplexers... more
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      Computational ComplexityDesign methodEfficient Algorithm for ECG CodingInterpolation
This paper describes an efficient algorithm for designing lattice wave digital (LWD) filters (parallel connections of two all-pass filters) with short coefficient wordlength. The coefficient optimization is performed using the following... more
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      Nonlinear ProgrammingVLSIFixed Point TheoryDigital Filter Design
This paper proposes a computational, very efficient, approach for designing a novel family of -channel maximally decimated nearly perfect-reconstruction cosine-modulated transmultiplexers. This approach is referred to as the generalized... more
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      Linear PhaseElectrical And Electronic EngineeringInter Symbol Interference
A very fast technique to design prototype filters for modulated filter banks without using time-consuming multivariable optimization is introduced. In the proposed method, the prototype filter is optimized by using the windowing... more
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      ModulationOptimizationOPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUEFilter Bank