Kim Ramstedt
I am a researcher and educator specialized in the movement and mediation of music and the power dynamics this entails. I have lectured and coordinated courses on the topic since 2007 at Åbo Akademi University, University of Turku, University of Helsinki, Dalarna University College in Sweden and Utrecht University in the Netherlands, where I worked as an assistant professor in musicology 2022-2024. I have also given talks and organized training on music and racism for organizations in Finland and Sweden.
Currently, I am studying race as a social category in the field of music in the Kone Foundation funded research project Music scholars in society: Advancing social justice through activist music research (University of Helsinki / Suoni 2020-2025). I am investigating how music scholarship and media in Europe is equipped to deal with the systematic and structural injustices of racism. I am also conducting autoethnographic research as a white DJ involved in the African club scene in Finland, where I investigate the challenges involved in addressing racism in a club context. The aim of this research is to find ways of implementing principles of anti-racist activism in the methods and pedagogics of music studies.
In addition to my research and educational work, I have composed, produced and worked as a sound engineer on several releases, organized clubs and events. I have performed as a DJ at some of the biggest festivals in Finland and in several other countries. Between 2009 and 2019 I worked as a DJ and radio host on the semi-national Basso radio station. I have been an active board member in several association and the chairperson for Research Association Suoni between 2022 and 2024.
Reflexivity and disclosure of positionality are essential both in my research and in my teaching. As a white non-disabled cis-male studying systems of oppression, I acknowledge that I have no experiential knowledge on the topic. Rather than analyzing and possibly contributing to the normalization of the damage and distress caused by structures that I benefit from, my work interrogates privilege and how it not only creates injustice, but often works to obstruct any efforts of dismantling it. I identify as an activist scholar and aspire to use my academic position and the resources it provides me for action and work towards social justice.
Currently, I am studying race as a social category in the field of music in the Kone Foundation funded research project Music scholars in society: Advancing social justice through activist music research (University of Helsinki / Suoni 2020-2025). I am investigating how music scholarship and media in Europe is equipped to deal with the systematic and structural injustices of racism. I am also conducting autoethnographic research as a white DJ involved in the African club scene in Finland, where I investigate the challenges involved in addressing racism in a club context. The aim of this research is to find ways of implementing principles of anti-racist activism in the methods and pedagogics of music studies.
In addition to my research and educational work, I have composed, produced and worked as a sound engineer on several releases, organized clubs and events. I have performed as a DJ at some of the biggest festivals in Finland and in several other countries. Between 2009 and 2019 I worked as a DJ and radio host on the semi-national Basso radio station. I have been an active board member in several association and the chairperson for Research Association Suoni between 2022 and 2024.
Reflexivity and disclosure of positionality are essential both in my research and in my teaching. As a white non-disabled cis-male studying systems of oppression, I acknowledge that I have no experiential knowledge on the topic. Rather than analyzing and possibly contributing to the normalization of the damage and distress caused by structures that I benefit from, my work interrogates privilege and how it not only creates injustice, but often works to obstruct any efforts of dismantling it. I identify as an activist scholar and aspire to use my academic position and the resources it provides me for action and work towards social justice.
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InterestsView All (34)
Articles by Kim Ramstedt
Edited books by Kim Ramstedt
The risk society and world of crises in the 21st century require activist research that examines the questions of social and environmental justice and aims for social change. At the same time, the funding for education, universities and research are constantly cut. How do musicologists respond to these challenges?
The members of the independent Research Society Suoni (ry) reflect their ideas about and plans for activist music research.
The authors of the book are Finnish music researchers who in addition to their work as researchers, and as linked to that, work as free authors, music and art critics, radio and TV program producers, teachers, DJs, environmental activists, and in other expert positions related to music and arts, public education, audience development, and civil activism. The authors share a desire to study reality via music, to transform musical practices socially and environmentally more just and sustainable, and to fight for a better world with music and music research.
The manifesto is edited by Sini Mononen & Susanna Välimäki. Contents:
(1) Susanna Välimäki, Juha Torvinen & Sini Mononen: Introduction: Activist music research //
(2) Sini Mononen: Researcher-critic: Art criticism as activism
(3) Susanna Välimäki: Researcher in radio and television: How and why talk to people about music? //
(4) Kim Ramstedt: Researcher-dj as a cultural mediator: Music and the promotion of equality //
(5) Susanna Välimäki: Researcher at festivals and orchestras: Audience development, societal activism and critical thinking //
(6) Saijaleena Rantanen: Researcher as a history teller: Whose music are we talking about? //
(7) Juha Torvinen: Researcher as an environmental activist: Theses on music researcher's relation to nature //
(8) Kaj Ahlsved: Researcher as media actor, public educator and music pedagogue: Prospects and challenges of social responsibility //
(9) Sini Mononen: Researcher-actor: Praxis oriented institutional criticism //
(10) Sini Mononen & Susanna Välimäki: The ABC of activist music research //
Tämä kokoomateos esittelee aktivistisen musiikintutkimuksen lähtökohtia.
2000-luvun kriisimaailma vaatii yhteiskunnallisesti ja ympäristöllisesti kantaa ottavaa ja muutokseen pyrkivää toiminnallista tutkimusta. Samalla valtio leikkaa koulutuksen, yliopistojen ja tutkimuksen rahoitusta. Miten musiikkitieteilijä vastaa näihin haasteisiin?
Aktivistista musiikintutkimusta harjoittavan, riippumattoman Tutkimusyhdistys Suoni ry:n jäsenet pohtivat kirjassa yhteiskunnallisesti asennoitunutta tutkijuuttaan sekä hahmottelevat yhteiskunnallisen ja toiminnallisen musiikintutkimuksen mahdollisuuksia suomalaisessa musiikkikulttuurissa.
Kirjan tekijät ovat musiikintutkijoita, jotka toimivat tutkijuuden ohella muun muassa vapaina kirjoittajina, kriitikoina, radio- ja tv-ohjelmien tekijöinä, järjestöaktiiveina, opettajina, dj:nä, ympäristöaktivisteina sekä muissa kansanvalistuksen, yleisötyön ja asiantuntijan tehtävissä. Heitä yhdistää halu tutkia todellisuutta musiikin avulla, muuttaa musiikillisia käytäntöjä yhteiskunnallisesti oikeudenmukaisemmiksi ja taistella musiikintutkimuksen keinoin paremman maailman puolesta.
Forskningsföreningen Suoni rf bedriver aktivistisk och obunden musikforskning. I boken reflekterar föreningens medlemmar över sitt samhällsorienterade forskarskap och presenterar möjligheter för samhälleling och praxisorienterad musikforskning i den finländska musikkulturen.
Bokens författare är musikforskare som utöver sitt forskarskap bl.a. verkar som fria författare, kritiker, radio- och tv-producenter, föreningsaktiva, lärare, dj:n, miljöaktivister och i många andra roller knutna till folkbildning, publikarbete och sakkunniguppdrag. De förenas av en vilja att studera verkligheten genom musik, att arbeta för rättvisa musikaliska praktiker och genom musikforskning kämpa för en bättre värld.
This book outlines starting points for activist, i.e., societally critical, praxis oriented and rebellious music research.
The risk society and world of crises in the 21st century require activist research that examines the questions of social and environmental justice and aims for social change. At the same time, the funding for education, universities and research are constantly cut. How do musicologists respond to these challenges?
The members of the independent Research Society Suoni (ry) reflect their ideas about and plans for activist music research. The authors of the book are Finnish music researchers who in addition to their work as researchers, and as linked to that, work as free authors, music and art critics, radio and TV program producers, teachers, DJs, environmental activists, and in other expert positions related to music and arts, public education, audience development, and civil activism.
The authors share a desire to study reality via music, to transform musical practices socially and environmentally more just and sustainable, and to fight for a better world with music and music research.
(1) Susanna Välimäki, Juha Torvinen & Sini Mononen: Introduction: Activist music research //
(2) Sini Mononen: Researcher-critic: Art criticism as activism //
(3) Susanna Välimäki: Researcher in radio and television: How and why talk to people about music? //
(4) Kim Ramstedt: Researcher-dj as a cultural mediator: Music and the promotion of equality //
(5) Susanna Välimäki: Researcher at festivals and orchestras: Audience development, societal activism and critical thinking //
(6) Saijaleena Rantanen: Researcher as a history teller: Whose music are we talking about? //
(7) Juha Torvinen: Researcher as an environmental activist: Theses on music researcher's relation to nature //
(8) Kaj Ahlsved: Researcher as media actor, public educator and music pedagogue: Prospects and challenges of social responsibility //
(9) Sini Mononen: Researcher-actor: Praxis oriented institutional criticism //
(10) Sini Mononen & Susanna Välimäki: The ABC of activist music research
The risk society and world of crises in the 21st century require activist research that examines the questions of social and environmental justice and aims for social change. At the same time, the funding for education, universities and research are constantly cut. How do musicologists respond to these challenges?
The members of the independent Research Society Suoni (ry) reflect their ideas about and plans for activist music research.
The authors of the book are Finnish music researchers who in addition to their work as researchers, and as linked to that, work as free authors, music and art critics, radio and TV program producers, teachers, DJs, environmental activists, and in other expert positions related to music and arts, public education, audience development, and civil activism. The authors share a desire to study reality via music, to transform musical practices socially and environmentally more just and sustainable, and to fight for a better world with music and music research.
The manifesto is edited by Sini Mononen & Susanna Välimäki. Contents:
(1) Susanna Välimäki, Juha Torvinen & Sini Mononen: Introduction: Activist music research //
(2) Sini Mononen: Researcher-critic: Art criticism as activism
(3) Susanna Välimäki: Researcher in radio and television: How and why talk to people about music? //
(4) Kim Ramstedt: Researcher-dj as a cultural mediator: Music and the promotion of equality //
(5) Susanna Välimäki: Researcher at festivals and orchestras: Audience development, societal activism and critical thinking //
(6) Saijaleena Rantanen: Researcher as a history teller: Whose music are we talking about? //
(7) Juha Torvinen: Researcher as an environmental activist: Theses on music researcher's relation to nature //
(8) Kaj Ahlsved: Researcher as media actor, public educator and music pedagogue: Prospects and challenges of social responsibility //
(9) Sini Mononen: Researcher-actor: Praxis oriented institutional criticism //
(10) Sini Mononen & Susanna Välimäki: The ABC of activist music research //
Tämä kokoomateos esittelee aktivistisen musiikintutkimuksen lähtökohtia.
2000-luvun kriisimaailma vaatii yhteiskunnallisesti ja ympäristöllisesti kantaa ottavaa ja muutokseen pyrkivää toiminnallista tutkimusta. Samalla valtio leikkaa koulutuksen, yliopistojen ja tutkimuksen rahoitusta. Miten musiikkitieteilijä vastaa näihin haasteisiin?
Aktivistista musiikintutkimusta harjoittavan, riippumattoman Tutkimusyhdistys Suoni ry:n jäsenet pohtivat kirjassa yhteiskunnallisesti asennoitunutta tutkijuuttaan sekä hahmottelevat yhteiskunnallisen ja toiminnallisen musiikintutkimuksen mahdollisuuksia suomalaisessa musiikkikulttuurissa.
Kirjan tekijät ovat musiikintutkijoita, jotka toimivat tutkijuuden ohella muun muassa vapaina kirjoittajina, kriitikoina, radio- ja tv-ohjelmien tekijöinä, järjestöaktiiveina, opettajina, dj:nä, ympäristöaktivisteina sekä muissa kansanvalistuksen, yleisötyön ja asiantuntijan tehtävissä. Heitä yhdistää halu tutkia todellisuutta musiikin avulla, muuttaa musiikillisia käytäntöjä yhteiskunnallisesti oikeudenmukaisemmiksi ja taistella musiikintutkimuksen keinoin paremman maailman puolesta.
Forskningsföreningen Suoni rf bedriver aktivistisk och obunden musikforskning. I boken reflekterar föreningens medlemmar över sitt samhällsorienterade forskarskap och presenterar möjligheter för samhälleling och praxisorienterad musikforskning i den finländska musikkulturen.
Bokens författare är musikforskare som utöver sitt forskarskap bl.a. verkar som fria författare, kritiker, radio- och tv-producenter, föreningsaktiva, lärare, dj:n, miljöaktivister och i många andra roller knutna till folkbildning, publikarbete och sakkunniguppdrag. De förenas av en vilja att studera verkligheten genom musik, att arbeta för rättvisa musikaliska praktiker och genom musikforskning kämpa för en bättre värld.
This book outlines starting points for activist, i.e., societally critical, praxis oriented and rebellious music research.
The risk society and world of crises in the 21st century require activist research that examines the questions of social and environmental justice and aims for social change. At the same time, the funding for education, universities and research are constantly cut. How do musicologists respond to these challenges?
The members of the independent Research Society Suoni (ry) reflect their ideas about and plans for activist music research. The authors of the book are Finnish music researchers who in addition to their work as researchers, and as linked to that, work as free authors, music and art critics, radio and TV program producers, teachers, DJs, environmental activists, and in other expert positions related to music and arts, public education, audience development, and civil activism.
The authors share a desire to study reality via music, to transform musical practices socially and environmentally more just and sustainable, and to fight for a better world with music and music research.
(1) Susanna Välimäki, Juha Torvinen & Sini Mononen: Introduction: Activist music research //
(2) Sini Mononen: Researcher-critic: Art criticism as activism //
(3) Susanna Välimäki: Researcher in radio and television: How and why talk to people about music? //
(4) Kim Ramstedt: Researcher-dj as a cultural mediator: Music and the promotion of equality //
(5) Susanna Välimäki: Researcher at festivals and orchestras: Audience development, societal activism and critical thinking //
(6) Saijaleena Rantanen: Researcher as a history teller: Whose music are we talking about? //
(7) Juha Torvinen: Researcher as an environmental activist: Theses on music researcher's relation to nature //
(8) Kaj Ahlsved: Researcher as media actor, public educator and music pedagogue: Prospects and challenges of social responsibility //
(9) Sini Mononen: Researcher-actor: Praxis oriented institutional criticism //
(10) Sini Mononen & Susanna Välimäki: The ABC of activist music research