Papers by novika grasiaswaty

Mediapsi, 2021
Emotion is the driving motive of life for humans. The induction of emotions is necessary to under... more Emotion is the driving motive of life for humans. The induction of emotions is necessary to understand the behavioural effects and neurobiological determinants of human emotions. Th e goal of the present work was to examine the effectiveness of virtual reality as a tool to induce negative emotions among a sample of Indonesia n participants (N = 20, with the age ranging between 18 and 25 years old) . Emotional manipulation in this research used the immersive video watching method to induce negative emotions , which was measured using the e motional b aseline scale. The finding revealed that among the five negative emotions tested, virtual reality significantly induce d anger . What can be implied from this finding is that virtual reality can be of use as a reference for the immersive video database in emotion induction research. Emosi merupakan motif penggerak kehidupan bagi manusia. Penginduksian emosi diperlukan untuk memahami efek perilaku dan penentu neurobiologis emosi manusia....

Jurnal Online Studi Al-Qur an, 2021
Banyak nikmat yang diterima oleh seorang manusia, namun sedikit manusia yang dianggap bersyukur d... more Banyak nikmat yang diterima oleh seorang manusia, namun sedikit manusia yang dianggap bersyukur di dalam Al-Qur’an menjadi hal penting untuk dikaji. Belum lagi, tidak sedikit penelitian yang membahas kebersyukuran di Indonesia, namun minimnya literasi keislaman terutama dari sumber referensi utama Islam, yaitu Al-Qur’an menjadi tujuan utama dalam penelitian ini. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka dengan menganalisis ayat-ayat kebersyukuran di dalam Al-Qur’an dengan pendekatan tafsir tematik dan studi ilmu keislaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat tiga tema besar konsep kebersyukuran yang tertuang dalam Al Quran dan didukung oleh tafsir para ulama. Ketiga tema besar tersebut adalah (1). Perintah untuk bersyukur dalam perspektif Al Quran, (2) dampak positif dari kebersyukuran yang tertuang dalam Al Quran, dan (3) factor-faktor penyebab kebersyukuran yang dijelaskan di dalam Al Quran. Hasil ini juga menjelaskan bahwa orang yang bersyukur pasti mendapatkan keri...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran stress kerja pada ibu pekerja selama pandemi COVI... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran stress kerja pada ibu pekerja selama pandemi COVID-19 dengan pendekatan kuantitaif dan kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan menjadi dua tahap yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif dengan penyebaran kuesioner HSE versi Indonesia kepada delapan belas responden yang memiliki kualifikasi sebagai ibu pekerja dan wawancara kepada empat orang ibu pekerja. Hasil data kemudian diolah secara complementary untuk menjelaskan stress kerja pada ibu pekerja. Stress kerja pada ibu pekerja dominan pada peran mereka serta aspek job content yaitu dimensi demands, control, supervisor support dan colleagues support. Hasil kuantitatif tersebut diperkuat dengan hasil wawancara. Hasil ini mengindikasikan jika peranan ibu pekerja ketika di rumah semakin tumpang tindih dan setiap peran menuntut untuk diselesaikan tugasnya. Hasi ini juga menjadi referensi terutama bagi perusahaan untuk lebih mendukung dengan memberikan support dari para atasan kepada bawahan mereka yang mer...

Personifikasi: Jurnal Ilmu Psikologi
Leisure Satisfaction Scale (LSS)-Short form is a scale that provides a measure of the extent to w... more Leisure Satisfaction Scale (LSS)-Short form is a scale that provides a measure of the extent to which individuals perceive that certain personal needs are met or satisfied through leisure time activities. In Indonesia, the LSS-Short form has never been adapted to the Indonesian version. Researchers see that it is necessary to adapt the Indonesian version of the LSS-Short form, which previously this measurement tool has been widely used by previous research. LSS-The short form has six components or subscales, namely psychological, educational, social, relaxation, physiological, and aesthetic. Each subscale consists of 4 items so that the entire LSS-Short form consists of 24 items. The adaptation process follows six stages (translate-synthesis-backward translate), both qualitatively and quantitatively. The results of the translation of the measuring instrument were then given to five employees in Jakarta and they were asked to read each item to check understanding in each item. The legibility test results of the 5 participants stated that the LSS-Short form had sentences that were easy to understand by the participants so that the LSS-Short form was directly tested on 30 employees to be analyzed quantitatively. The final result of this item was then collected data from 81 employees in Jakarta. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that the Indonesian version of the LSS-Short form had good reliability and validity.

The College Student Subjective Well-being Questionnaire Revised version (CSSWQ-R) was developed t... more The College Student Subjective Well-being Questionnaire Revised version (CSSWQ-R) was developed to assess university students' domain-specific well-being related to their academic lives. Previous research suggested that the validity and reliability of this scale should be tested in another cultural context. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric features and structure of the CSSWQ-R in Indonesia. Five hundred eighty-six undergraduate students in Indonesia were recruited as participants with an accidental sampling technique. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to determine which of four alternative construct structure models suited best, whether the correlated factor, single factor, 2 nd order, or bifactor model. The bifactor model was shown to be the best fit for explaining the structure of the CSSWQ-R Indonesian version, with the total score interpretation being the most meaningful. Further convergent and discriminant validity test was proven, and as expected, ...

Vocational students feel that it is more difficult to compete for jobs after completing their edu... more Vocational students feel that it is more difficult to compete for jobs after completing their education. In fact, they are expected to find it easier to get a job because they have been equipped with specific skills that are in accordance with their majors. Through the training, it is hoped that it can help vocational students to prepare themselves to compete in the job market. The method used is counseling and providing information to 27 SMKN 39 Jakarta students who will prepare for internships. Based on the statistical analysis of paired samples t-test, there was an increase of 28.89 points between before and after the participants attended the training. This shows that the training provided is effective in preparing participants to meet the job market demands. Siswa SMK merasa bahwa lebih sulit bersaing untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan setelah menyelesaikan pendidikannya. Padahal, lulusan SMK diharapkan lebih mudah mendapatkan pekerjaan dikarenakan sudah dibekali keterampilan khusus...

Buletin Psikologi, 2021
Penelitian mengenai Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) telah berkembang pesat di Barat dan... more Penelitian mengenai Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) telah berkembang pesat di Barat dan merumuskan beberapa reviu literatur maupun meta-analisis yang pada akhirnya membentuk konstruk ini menjadi lebih ajek dan menentukan arah penelitian selanjutnya. Berbeda dengan penelitian OCB di Indonesia, meskipun juga populer, tetapi kajian literatur mengenainya masih belum ditemui. Kajian literatur kali ini dilakukan pada artikel yang meneliti OCB di Indonesia pada rentang sepuluh tahun terakhir (2009-2019). Didapatkan beberapa artikel dan hasil dari reviu yang menunjukkan jika penelitian OCB di Indonesia : (1) Konstruk yang digunakan terfokus pada beberapa konstruk arus utama dan pada responden kerah putih serta (2) metode penelitian sebagian besar masih menggunakan paper and pencil questionnaire dan (3) sumber data didapat dari satu sumber primer untuk dua atau lebih variabel sehingga rentan dengan common method variance. Reviu diakhiri dengan usulan untuk penelitian mengenai OCB d...

PSYCHE: Jurnal Psikologi
The driving stress scale is one of the tools for measuring stress on car drivers and so far, the ... more The driving stress scale is one of the tools for measuring stress on car drivers and so far, the Indonesian version has not been found. Adaptation of this measuring tool is needed considering that the construct has been more suitable for car drivers, while for motorbike riders, adaptation is needed, especially in Indonesia. The adaptation of measuring instruments using driving stress consists of 16 items and is a unidimensional measuring instrument. The adaptation process follows six stages (translate-synthesis-backward translate), both qualitative and quantitative. The results of the measurement tool translation were then given to eight online motorcycle taxi drivers and they were asked to read each item to check understanding in each item. Based on the qualitative process, some words were changed. The DS-Indonesia version was then returned to three online motorcycle taxi drivers to be re-tested for readability. These results were then tested (try out) to 28 online motorcycle taxi drivers to be analyzed quantitatively. Improvements were made again so that there were some item changes. The final result of this item was then collected data on 200 online motorcycle taxi drivers. Reliability testing and Confirmatory Factor Analysis with the R platform and Lavaan packages were used to check the suitability of each item with the DS-Indonesia unidimensional factor. It is known if the value of x2 : 57.114 p<0.001, CFI = 0.969; TLI = 0.906. RMSEA =0.078 ; SRMR = 0.040 which indicates that the results of the DS-Indonesia adaptation data have a fairly good fitness value. The inter-item results are in the good range and the correlation with BFI-Indonesia shows that DS-Indonesia correlates with the neuroticism, consiousness, agreeableness and openness traits but not with extraversion.

Penelitian ini mengenai evaluasi kepuasan pelanggan terhadap produk inovasi selama pandemi Covid-... more Penelitian ini mengenai evaluasi kepuasan pelanggan terhadap produk inovasi selama pandemi Covid-19 yaitu contactless delivery yang dilakukan oleh KFC Indonesia. Penelitian menggunakan mix-method dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Pengambilan data menggunakan tiga buah sudut pandang: kuesioner terhadap konsumen yang pernah menggunakan produk ini, wawancara mendalam terhadap pelanggan serta evaluasi terhadap iklan digital terkait produk. Kuesioner diberikan kepada 20 pelanggan, wawancara terhadap 3 pelanggan serta analisis terhadap 93 komentar pada iklan digital mengenai contactless delivery di Instagram resmi KFC Indonesia. Dapat diambil kesimpulan jika program contactless delivery KFC disukai atau dinilai baik oleh partisipan. Partisipan berpendapat jika program contactless delivery KFC ini bermanfaat untuk dicoba dalam kondisi COVID-19. Hal ini dikarenakan mereka menganggap bahwa dengan menggunakan program ini dapat membantu dalam pencegahan penyebaran COVID-19, serta t...

Persona:Jurnal Psikologi Indonesia
College students are prone to depression so that they need to be resilient. The aim of this study... more College students are prone to depression so that they need to be resilient. The aim of this study is to examine whether community resilience affects resiliency among college students in Jakarta. With a quantitative approach, this study involved 265 participants, selected by convenience sampling. We applied Community Advancing Resilience Toolkit Assessment Survey (CARTAS) and Connor Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) to gather data on the variables. Reliability coefficients for CARTAS were .656 to .806 for each dimension. While the reliability coefficient for CDRIS was .881. The regression analysis revealed community resilience has a significant positive contribution to individual resilience among participants. For each dimension, the contribution of community resilience to individual resilience was 7,9% to 12,2%. This result implied the community-based approach should be considered to develop an intervention for enhancing individual resilience.Keywords: College student; Community ...

Psychological Research on Urban Society
The present research aimed to test whether community involvement moderates the relationship betwe... more The present research aimed to test whether community involvement moderates the relationship between sense of coherence (SOC) and driver stress among online ridesharing drivers. The study used a quantitative design to collect data via questionnaires. All 112 participants were male and chose online ridesharing as their primary occupation. Participants were assessed using the Work Sense of Coherence Scale and Driver Stress Scale, a subscale of Driving Behavior Inventory. Community involvement was measured with a close-ended question in the demographic section of the questionnaire, with dichotomous options provided (1 = community participation; 0 = no community participation). Collected data were analyzed using JASP to examine the moderating effect. The results of this study showed that community involvement moderates the relationship between SOC and driver stress in online ridesharing drivers.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Pemasaran Jasa
This study wanted to see the role of work stress of three kinds of individual work performance (t... more This study wanted to see the role of work stress of three kinds of individual work performance (task performance, contextual performance, and counterproductive work behavior). Previous researches showed different kind of performance related with different work stresses. The study was conducted on 83 civil servants in one work unit in Jakarta. Data were analyzed by using Lavaan in R program. The results showed that ‘control’ and ‘support colleagues was significantly affected task and contextual performance. While for counterproductive work behavior, ‘role’ and ‘change’ had positive impact of the behavior. These results indicate that different work performance is related to different types of work stress. Further result and implication were discussed.

Dengan kemampuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki, seharusnya siswa SMK lebih mudah untuk diterima ... more Dengan kemampuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki, seharusnya siswa SMK lebih mudah untuk diterima di dunia kerja. Pada kenyataannya, masih banyak lulusan SMK yang mengalami hambatan untuk memasuki dunia kerja. Hasil analisa kebutuhan dengan guru Bimbingan Konseling SMKN 31 ditemukan bahwa sebagian besar alumni SMKN 31 gagal untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan, terutama pada tahap psikotes dan wawancara. Kegagalan ini juga dialami oleh siswa-siswa yang memiliki prestasi akademis yang baik di sekolah. Berdasarkan hasil analisa kebutuhan terhadap siswa di SMKN 31, siswa juga menyatakan membutuhkan pelatihan untuk persiapan memasuki dunia kerja terutama persiapan untuk mengikuti psikotes dan wawancara. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penyuluhan untuk mempersiapkan siswa SMKN 31 memasuki dunia kerja, terutama menghadapi psikotes dan wawancara. Kegiatan penyuluhan diikuti oleh 45 siswa SMK, dilaksanakan tanggal 23 Januri 2019 pukul 12.00-16.00. Untuk mengetahui efektivitas kegiatan, dilakukan evaluasi dengan membandingkan kemampuan siswa pada saat sebelum (pre test) dan setelah kegiatan (post test). Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, diketahui bahwa kegiatan yang dilakukan dapat meningkatan pengetahuan siswa mengenai psikotes dan wawancara (t = 13.53, p < 0.01). Selain itu, kegiatan penyuluhan yang dilakukan juga mendapatkan penilaian positif dari peserta pada aspek kebermanfaatan kegiatan, sikap pemateri dan kejelasan materi yang disampaikan.
Papers by novika grasiaswaty