Ludwig Huber
Ludwig Huber is Professor of the Natural Science Foundations of Animal Ethics and Human-Animal Interactions at the Messerli Research Institute, an Interdisciplinary Institute of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, the Medical University of Vienna, and the University of Vienna. There he is the head of the Division of Comparative Cognition, which includes the Clever Dog Lab Vienna, the Research Station on Cognition and Communication (Haidlhof) and is linked to the Wolf Science Center (Ernstbrunn). His research focuses on animal cognition in a broad, comparative manner, including such diverse species as humans, marmosets, dogs, kea, pigeons, red-footed tortoise, lizards, poison frogs and archer fish. He has written more than 100 research articles and book chapters about these topics, and is the co-editor of several books including The Evolution of Cognition (MIT Press 2000).
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