Launch of an online consultation concerning the perception of the List of World Heritage in Danger
At its 40th session (Istanbul/UNESCO, 2016), the World Heritage Committee highlighted that the List of World Heritage in Danger needed to be better understood and therefore decided that this issue be formally addressed in order to overcome the negative perception of this component of the Reactive Monitoring process (Decision 40 COM 7).
As presented to the World Heritage Committee at its extended 44th session (Fuzhou/online, 2021) (see Section B.3 of Document WHC/21/44.COM/7), the World Heritage Centre developed a project, with the generous financial support of Norway, with the main objective to conduct an overall reflection and study on the current image/perception of the List of World Heritage in Danger and on its benefits, and to suggest ways or approaches to reverse this negative perception.
To implement this project and in order to collect useful insights to improve the understanding of the current perception of the List of World Heritage in Danger, the World Heritage Centre has established an online survey, which is now being widely circulated to all key stakeholders of the World Heritage Convention, including States Parties, Advisory Bodies, World Heritage Site Managers, World Heritage Centre, NGOs, academics, etc.
The results of this consultation will represent a major contribution and will be presented to the World Heritage Committee at its 45th session (Kazan, Russian Federation, 19-30 June 2022).
Online consultation
Inputs to the survey should be made
by 10 October 2021.
The questionnaire is accessible at