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  • a long fast and want of shoes make young folk sensible. Cuir ’sa ċóṁra é, agus ġeoḃaiḋ tú gnó de, put it in the chest and you will find a use for it...
    672 bytes (1,390 words) - 20:46, 5 March 2021
  • next-door to insane, for not choosing to submit to careful investigation when his veracity was impeached. And at the same time, to put the matter very...
    674 bytes (2,893 words) - 15:10, 8 September 2019
  • again, in formation time, it would seem to him that they gave him all the desired authority also. 6 And he would sacrifice sacrifice for them day and night...
    141 KB (26,782 words) - 04:34, 28 June 2024
  • to include a longer waiting period, and a mandatory use and safety course for each first-time gun buyer. J) Environment The environment is a major concern...
    64 KB (10,261 words) - 19:51, 12 December 2013
  • for some time past been collecting MSS. Carols, and, with the assistance and under the guidance of Mr W. J. Cain, had been translating them, with a view...
    227 KB (3,148 words) - 18:56, 10 December 2022
  • nature. In his time, education was in a very back[ 9 ]ward condition, and a luxury few could afford, least of all, poor fishermen; for his schooling he...
    438 bytes (14,687 words) - 02:50, 20 May 2021
  • this time?" said Salter, as he finished re-making his toilet—for he had stripped to the buff with the true hardihood of a man who is playing for a big...
    88 bytes (38,280 words) - 23:34, 3 December 2021
  • and I assert that they could choose a prince not only for themselves, but for the whole State, just as the Franks for the good of their State changed...
    158 KB (26,149 words) - 16:40, 9 August 2023
  • ing diversity of time. 26. i.e. through the time itself, i.e. as if it ' were the time itself. 27. i.e. as participles, i.e. for time is an accident 40...
    87 KB (31,839 words) - 12:48, 18 December 2024
  • by Elias Molee 200043alteutonik, 19151915Elias Molee alteutonik, 1915 (a union tongue for all teutons) (weltsprache) by elias molee mottoes. die deutsche natur...
    75 KB (15,744 words) - 17:57, 21 February 2019
  • occupation at the time when the property was being purchased. Without an inspection of the property, the purchaser would not be in a position to know whether...
    25 KB (4,968 words) - 03:45, 18 July 2017
  • Forfex. ⊂ forcipe? foris -is | fuori | dehors, fors | outside | draussen. = ex fores, ex. FORMA -a | forma | forme | form | Form | H. P. R. forma. ⊃...
    1.14 MB (132,768 words) - 05:19, 3 August 2018
  • soror sperava revider nos. Illa time esser sol con le patiente. §88 A preposition before the infinitive cannot be used (a) after constructions with voler...
    398 KB (1 word) - 21:31, 9 December 2023