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Create the page "Treason" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- n-aonar ’s a shaér-dhalta air díbirt! Is truailligthe, claonmhar ’s is tréason do’n droing oilc, Cruadh-mhionna bréige fá shéula a’s fá scríbhinn, ’G...494 bytes (231 words) - 12:53, 10 March 2021
- An seana sgéal i gcómhnuighe! “Oh for a tongue to curse the slave Whose treason like a withering blight Comes o’er the counsels of the brave To blast them...535 bytes (3,027 words) - 19:56, 16 January 2014
- tread v Mostunk; maddovnk. treadle n Paim-makn. treadmill n Sodanchem kam. treason n Sorkaracher add ievop; opghat; desghat. treasure n Ektthaim keleli girestai;...435 bytes (5,127 words) - 07:58, 4 January 2024
- Therefore he has no dominion. Further, such a one commits the crime of treason. Therefore he deserves to lose his dominion. Likewise, St. Augustine says...158 KB (26,149 words) - 16:40, 9 August 2023