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the art at our home

It is just so easy to take things for granted, especially if they surround us every day and we’re so used to experiencing them. My partner started on an art journey shortly…

chiang mai’s sketchbook

I had only managed to complete roughly one-third of the sketchbook during the trip, and didn’t work on it when we first got back. This happened to both my sketchbooks last year…

why I refuse to learn drawing properly

When some people want to learn to draw, they do it the “right” way. They take a drawing class, watch youtube videos, or buy a book – starting from the basics. I…

“ugly” drawings from korea

The first couple of days in korea we stumbled into a 3-storey stationery shop called Object. There was a particular section where they sell stationery and stickers by a particular artist with…

sending out pieces of my self

In one of my recent posts I documented my experience with the risograph, and at the bottom of the post I wrote that I’ll be giving away 5 pieces of the poster…