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looking back at 2023

I write these every year for the purpose of documenting my life. The caveat is that this is written with some recency bias and that the act of recollection is always faulty:…

experimenting with Obsidian

Books have radically changed my life. One of the original purposes of this website was to share the learnings I had from them – read through my personal lenses, layered with the…

my strange relationship with time

I have a strange relationship with time. On one hand, I have time anxiety: the fear that time will pass too quickly and I’ll run out of time. On the other hand,…

the reasonable response

I go into these phases of low moods – at least they are phases, they used to be a permanent feature – my partner would ask me why. Most of the time…

when only words are left

I just finished reading “No longer human” by Osamu Dazai – the book is problematic because of its misogynistic themes but also representative of its times, published in 1948. I picked up…

insights from a forest monk

I like to read Buddhist books because it serves a radical narrative compared to the ones we’ve been served in mainstream society. It teaches us to understand the nature of our suffering,…