choosing health over social ties
Being covid cautious is a very socially-isolating endeavour. Most people think we have some psychological disorder, and that’s putting it very nicely. I feel alone and lonely for continuously writing about this,…
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Being covid cautious is a very socially-isolating endeavour. Most people think we have some psychological disorder, and that’s putting it very nicely. I feel alone and lonely for continuously writing about this,…
I had the second sitting of my root canal last tuesday, and while the procedure itself went pretty well, I developed some pain after a few hours had passed. I asked the…
Last year I wrote that I wanted to be able to do one pull up. This year, I just want the year to progress uneventfully. I first started using the word “uneventful”…
My tcm (traditional chinese medicine) appointment a couple of weeks ago was postponed because my physician was sick. I thought it would be fine to go a couple of weeks without, but…
Sometime midway through the pandemic I felt like if I had any hope or optimism for humanity prior, I had lost it all witnessing how we responded towards a disabling virus. If…
There may be a misconception that all covid cautious people are the same, but it is pretty wide spectrum. Some covid cautious people may frown upon my behaviour because I still travel…
We are in Gyeongju now, a place full of cute hanoks and rolling green hills that are actually tombs which are thousands of years old. The weather has been rather unpredictable: searing…
A few days ago a Singapore Airlines flight encountered severe turbulence, causing one death and tens of people to be injured. The night the news broke out I commented to my partner…
I didn’t actually feel like writing today, but I’m worried if I don’t write I would forget the feelings and thoughts I have at this point in time. It doesn’t seem right…
Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of the day I tested positive for covid for the first time. All things considered I thought I had done well to avoid it for three years…