am i actually autistic?
Recently I chanced upon a tweet stating that highly sensitive persons (HSPs) are basically autistic without admitting it. It surprised me, since the traits of HSPs as I know it seem to be the…
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Recently I chanced upon a tweet stating that highly sensitive persons (HSPs) are basically autistic without admitting it. It surprised me, since the traits of HSPs as I know it seem to be the…
This week I finished reading “What my bones know” by Stephanie Foo: a memoir on complex PTSD (CPTSD). Reflecting at different stages of the author’s story, it reminded me a lot of…
I am still not sure if there’s any point to writing a post like this because no one can know what will happen in an entire year, but I thought it may…
Yesterday I was watching a kdrama about classical musicians, and there was a scene where an actor explained why he quit playing the violin even though he was good at it. He…
on the journey and outcomes of freeing ourselves
Yesterday while I was cycling for food delivery I had a worrying thought pop up. I began to feel depressed, which is a word that describes that complex feelings that arise that…
Sometime in March I had my blood drawn at a neighbourhood GP. I had wanted to get my blood tested for years, but was unable to overcome my fear of the needle…
how childhood trauma can affect our physical health