precarious health, and bringing the whole self to every encounter
I had another health episode this past week after our penang trip. I have a habit of measuring my heart rate and heart rate variability every morning when I wake up to…
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I had another health episode this past week after our penang trip. I have a habit of measuring my heart rate and heart rate variability every morning when I wake up to…
Big Mind, then, is not a matter of meditating on some vast, floating, spatial dimension. Rather, it is the practice of entirely devoting your life to each and every thing that you encounter, no matter what it might be.
Magnanimous Mind is like a mountain, stable and impartial. Exemplifying the ocean, it is tolerant and views everything from the broadest perspective. Having a Magnanimous Mind means being without prejudice and refusing to take sides. When carrying something that weighs an ounce, do not think of it as light, and likewise, when you have to carry fifty pounds, do not think of it as heavy. Do not get carried away by the sounds of spring, nor become heavy-hearted upon seeing the colors of fall. View the changes of the seasons as a whole, and weigh the relativeness of light and heavy from a broad perspective.
I was doing my routine reading of “on this day” entries when itt made me realise how recent it was that I learned how to run: I started running regularly sometime in…
When I was younger (actually, not too long ago) I was often trapped in my own pain and suffering. I would wonder very often why did terrible things constantly seem to happen…
Cooking is one of those things I’ve tried a million times and any attempt to cook regularly was never sustained, until the recent weeks. I cannot put a finger to how and…