the art at our home
It is just so easy to take things for granted, especially if they surround us every day and we’re so used to experiencing them. My partner started on an art journey shortly…
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It is just so easy to take things for granted, especially if they surround us every day and we’re so used to experiencing them. My partner started on an art journey shortly…
It is so easy to take for granted, the ease of a relationship that has lasted 106 months. That is almost 9 years, a little less than a quarter of my life….
Have you heard of the profession, “endodontist” before? I have not, until very recently. After suffering for a couple of decades from chronic illness, I have come to realise it is truly…
Last year I wrote that I wanted to be able to do one pull up. This year, I just want the year to progress uneventfully. I first started using the word “uneventful”…