walking longer distance: scenes & snippets
Last week I decided to try walking longer distances because I was unable to run due to the government advisory that we should not exercise post-vaccination for 2 weeks. For one of…
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Last week I decided to try walking longer distances because I was unable to run due to the government advisory that we should not exercise post-vaccination for 2 weeks. For one of…
surrounded by booksbelonging and longing withwonder filled moments Originally published on Instagram.
I travel to misshome where my heart stops yearningto make me feel free Originally published on Instagram.
the luggage travels place to place rolling over hills green with splendour
leaves above rustle like rain falling with power nudging my wonder
sometimes great beauty exists amongst the grey skies inspiring awe
impermanence is inevitably pending knowingly cherish
my shadow darkensceaselessly haunts in silenceas I awaken
the mind compresses like enclosing hurricanes I try not to drown
the trees sway in sync the storm raging endlessly so what the wing sings